The Collection of The End

Chapter 815 How can there be fire?

Looking south to Buzhou, near the Western Taoist Temple.

"Because I don't know what will happen if Jin Ling meets 'Dragon Girl' and 'Shan Cai' here, I will send her away first, and you can go to Yunzhong City to look for her when you have free time."

After Brother Monkey blew his monkey hair to help me deal with the fragments of Xi and the golden chariot, he refused to meet him, so a little monkey said this and took a group of his subordinates - maybe not all - to use The methods of time disappeared from the pure land of bliss as usual.

Oh oh oh? Has the incarnation I left behind also awakened to self-awareness? Stupid systems are obviously focused on other things.

‘It doesn’t look like it,’ I flicked through some pictures taken from the Pure Land, ‘Chiki looks like a koi rag doll. ’

Tsk... The stupid system sighed as it carried Lu Ya over from near the "keyhole" blasted out by the "Eye of Annihilation".

"Sister~look here~smile~" Lu Ya waved his little hand towards me.

"Eggplant~" I turned around and smiled at him.

"..." Lu Ya was dumbfounded for a moment.


‘Don’t laugh! This context is so misleading! ’

I squinted my eyes and looked at a small black "hole" floating next to Lu Ya.

"Sister, someone asked me just now if I wanted to show my heroic appearance to someone close to me, so I agreed." Lu Ya held the "back" of the "hollow" with his backhand and adjusted its direction. "I I guess the brothers must have found an interesting toy at Jie Jiao’s place, just in time for them to see their sister.”

Well... this thing is called 'Meeting Thousands of Miles'. It was a very common magic weapon for finding relatives at first. However, the standard of 'match' is only based on the user's subjective judgment, so there is also an additional step to indicate the identity and ask the other party. Are you willing to accept the function? The result is...poof. The stupid system couldn't help but laugh. The person who made this magic weapon sent observation requests to more than a dozen self-identified 'relatives', but all of them were rejected, so he angrily removed the function of identifying himself, but because he Everyone knows that he is conducting experiments, so he will reject all requests for anonymity next time.

The feeling of being rejected when adding friends is so strong...

However, after this transformation, some people who have many relatives and friends may accept it, but because it cannot achieve two-way communication, the contact will be cut off soon, so the inventor finally chose to throw it away. In the treasure house of treasure.

After all, looking at others without their consent is tantamount to provocation.

Moreover, the difference in strength also has an impact on success, but this thing is of great value to be transformed again.

I raised my hand and pressed on the "black hole", trying to give it the function of "two-way observation". It's just a video phone, how much effort can it take?


The "black hole" gradually expanded and deformed, and finally turned into a square "blackboard". Then the light flashed, and the fire spirit, turtle spirit and Wudang appeared, and the little faces of the "Three Holy Mothers" almost stuck to the "frame" appeared. on top.

However, the communication effect seems to be poor, and everyone in the picture seems to be shrouded in a faint blue light.

Gee, I wanted to make a video phone, but it turned out to be quantum communication. What do you think?

‘Impressions… It’s necessary to give Turtle Spirit a white coat, a black uniform, a red tie, and a pair of glasses. ’

Fu! ?

"Sister Jin Ling!" Gui Ling reacted first and asked proactively, "Can you see this way?"

"Okay, are you still on Penglai Island? Did Master Tongtian say anything?" I responded.

Although I smashed the Xihe Jincha just to avoid suffocation of spiritual energy, in the eyes of people who don't know what's going on, it's just nonsense.

As a disciple of the Jie Cult, even with the identity of a daughter, even if he pretends to be a Western Cult, it would be difficult to end such a big thing as smashing the Xihe Golden Cart.

My mother's luxury car has been smashed, and my father's group company is next.

‘Shut up! ’

"Master is very angry." Guiling answered my question.

"Severe consequences?" Huo Ling answered blankly.

I really shouldn’t let myself speak freely just because they are “one of my own”. After these nonsense routines are learned and spread, I don’t know what the literature of this world will become.

"Master said that the Western religion will be uprooted from Nanzhan Continent. Let you hold on for a moment - Huh?" Gui Ling answered halfway and suddenly blinked in confusion, "Master had known that Senior Sister Jin Ling could contact us in the opposite direction?"

"Humph, isn't that natural?" Wudang continued, "Master is a saint."

"What are you insisting on?" Why do I feel like I don't understand?

"Sister Jin Ling, have you really not noticed?" Gui Ling's eyes widened, "You are the sun now."

No, I'm not Nietzsche!

Oops, I wonder why it’s not dark even though the sun has been smashed.

‘You are the one who is least qualified! ’

"Ah? What?" I raised my hand to observe myself while quickly flipping through the reminders I had swiped before. Obviously, this matter was not very important. My sister didn't even pop up the reminder window, and she just brushed it off.

It indicates that the cause of 'spiritual suffocation' disappears.

Prompt that the ‘Xihe Golden Cart’ was destroyed. The 'Sun' priesthood is automatically transferred to the nearest three-legged Golden Crow.

Prompt to obtain the priesthood 'Sun' which can be transferred.

Hmm... Because he has been shining on the "earth" to help all things grow, has this identity become a god unknowingly?

However, because this identity must circle the earth once a day, it cannot be sanctified and left.

How to do it?

At the same time, the stupid system obtained a "video" of watching me smash the sun from a very far distance. It was not "a person" who smashed the sun, but a "new sun" that smashed the "old sun" .

'Tsk, tsk, tsk... According to the records of the original world, Xia Jie once had a dream, saying that there will be two days of fighting, one day of victory, one day of defeat, but it turned out to be a fact here. ’

Hmm...How about you fly around the earth for a few days first? Leader Tongtian should have a way to solve it - in a world-wide way.


Just as I was thinking about whether this move was appropriate, my prompt sister flashed a series of prompts in the prompt bar I just opened.

It reminds that because of seeing the scene of "the sun is falling" and "the day after tomorrow will be better than the day before", the Shang State believed that the time had come and took the initiative to declare war on the Xia Dynasty. "Giant Thief" is the name, and we jointly fight against Xia.

It reminds Shang Junzilu that when the Xia capital fell into chaos due to this strange scene, he fled in Xinxu.

It reminds Xia King Sigui to conquer the Youmin clan in the far east. Because he is located in the far east and is blocked by Minshan Mountain, he did not discover the "two-day war" and responded in time.

It reminds that due to the loss of 'origin', the 'Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss' began to collapse.

It reminds Amitreya Buddha to overdraw his "future" and temporarily maintain the "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" at "this moment".

It prompts the Taoist to make a great wish, "I am willing to use myself as firewood to ensure that the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss will not fall." Is it allowed to become a saint?

Slow down!


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