The Collection of The End

Chapter 817 The Central Plains

Xiniu Hezhou.

"Sister? What just happened?"

After all the strange phenomena disappeared, Lu Ya scratched his head and asked me.

"how do I……"

It was at this moment that my sister was reminded to explain the series of actions that led to the Taoist being belatedly arrived.

[Tip: ‘Jie Yin Taoist’ was upgraded to ‘Jie Yin Buddha’. 】

[Hint: ‘Introducing the Buddha’ becomes the Alaya Consciousness of the ‘Pure Land of Utmost Bliss’. 】

[Tip: ‘Receiving the Buddha’ cannot enter the ‘Pure Land of Utmost Bliss’ and can only act at ‘Lingyun Ferry’. 】

[Tip: By ‘receiving the Buddha’ and understanding the ‘Sara Twin Tree Garden’, the Buddha who once existed in the ‘Pure Land of Utmost Bliss’ can be summoned in his full state. 】

【Ha ha ha ha! ] The stupid system started to sing while laughing: [I will spend my whole life to support you~so that I can rest peacefully under Bodhi~quietly contemplate~]

Although there is something wrong somewhere, this word is completely correct...

"——How can I explain to you?" I reluctantly continued what I just said and responded to Lu Ya: "In short, Taoist Jieyin has become stronger, but he did not become stronger because he became bald, but because he became stronger. Go bald."

"Sister, you said something that others can't understand again." Lu Ya looked at me with a look of pity.

Yeah yeah! Did you know that there are four ways to write the word "hui"?

"Junior Sister Jin Ling?" Suddenly, the "window" that communicated with Penglai Island had been replaced by Senior Brother Duobao with golden lightning eyebrows from the Three Holy Mothers. Three little girls were pointing at him from a little distance. He seemed to be planning some mischief.

"Senior brother, what are your orders?" Since all of my equipment was given to me by him, I felt a little guilty when I just transformed into something casually, so I wiped the monk's crown on my head and transformed it back into the shape of the Golden Cloud Crown.

"It's not that there's anything wrong with me, senior brother, but I'm here to tell you something," Duobao paused, adjusted his expression, and then imitated the Tongtian leader's tone and said, "[Act as usual, a few tricks won't trouble me." .】"

"Okay, thank you Master." I responded.

Although I don't know what happened, these words which are equivalent to "Don't be afraid, I have a good teacher to protect you" are worthy of gratitude in themselves.

"The Four Swordsmen of Zhuxian have gone to look for you," Taoist Duobao said in his own voice: "If you can't help it, you can first patrol the sky."

"Ah...okay?" I responded confusedly.

What to endure? Surveying the sky? Why?

"Your senior sister needs to rest, don't disturb her easily." On the other side of the video call, Taoist Duobao said this to the Third Holy Mother, and then "hang up" the call.

"Shh-" Lu Ya watched the "black hole" on his shoulder disappear, raised his index finger to me, and whispered: "Your senior brother probably thinks that it will be very tiring for you to destroy your mother's golden car head-on. There was a backlash, but he definitely didn’t know that I had already damaged it~”

……What can i say? I can only praise him for doing a good job.

Patting Lu Ya's little head, I continued to look through the unprompted records on the prompting sister's side, and finally found them in the color category that symbolized irrelevant and unimportant.

[Tip: Receive the ‘Final Transformation’ added when the ‘Taoist Master’ becomes a saint: ‘Save the world and sacrifice yourself when necessary’. 】

[Tip: Our Lady of the Golden Spirit is affected by degrees. 】

[Tip: Because the concept version owned by the dimensional target is newer, the dimensionalization failed. 】

‘Tsk… Let’s not talk about what Jie Yin did.

I was prompted to identify it by my sister and was confirmed to be the Holy Mother? ’

[Well...] ​​The stupid system was very smart and did not answer this question: [Obviously, the reason for the collapse of the 'Pure Land of Paradise' made Jie Yin think of the outside world, and noticed a larger-scale spiritual suffocation, but he was about to Becoming the fuel of the 'Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss', I can't do anything further, so I can only transform it into a person nearby and pass it on, and the target is either you or Lu Ya. 】


‘Well, the other thing is the problem of the sun. If I stay here all the time, or run around, no matter what happens in reality, as the person who directly shot down the sun, the Western religion cannot escape from this relationship anyway. ’

【So, what are you going to do? It seems that the priesthood can be transferred. How about transferring it to Lu Ya? 】

‘Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you, understand? ’

I shook my head, boarded the Qixiang Car, and said to Lu Ya, who was still a little confused: "Sister, I want to go around the four major continents a few times. If you want to play, you can go by yourself."

"No, no," Lu Ya grabbed my arm: "Sister, are you going to do those meaningless and time-consuming things for mortals again? It was the same last time, and it was the same last time. Could it be that they themselves Can’t it be solved?”

"Well..." I raised my eyebrows and thought about it.

Indeed, the unification of various human tribes, as well as the development of many humanities and technologies, did not really require the help of outsiders. At that time, it was just out of fun that it took so long. Although Xuanyuan was tricked in the end, it was also unintentional.

But this time is obviously different. If I don't handle it well, "Earth" will enter the state of "Eternal Day" and "Eternal Night" respectively. Creatures accustomed to the alternation of day and night will definitely die before they can evolve the ability to adapt. Empty.

Although the blame can be passed on to Western religions, it is meaningless to the many living beings who died as a result. Of course, the six paths of reincarnation will be blocked again, and then Ksitigarbha will punch out, and the spiritual energy will suffocate again.

"It won't be that long this time." I knocked on the board of the Qixiang Car, instructing the stupid system to follow the previous trajectory of Xi and the Golden Car: "I'll just wait until my father and mother build a new Golden Car. "

"...Then I also want to go with my sister!" Lu Ya held my arm tightly.

"Okay, okay," I tried twice and found that I couldn't pull back, so I simply let him go: "It just so happens that the human race in Nanzhan Continent has just started a war. We can go and take a look."

"Hmm - it would be nice if my father and two mothers were here." Lu Ya muttered.

"They're probably busy-"

Chi chi chi——

Before I responded to Lu Ya, I suddenly felt my palms tighten. When I looked back, I found that the three "simple-drawing golden crow patterns" representing Emperor Jun, Xihe, and Wangshu dimmed at the same time.

Ah, by the way, Lu Ya was in Langhuan Pavilion with me at the time, so he could also use this "Command Spell".

"Hahaha!" The next moment, Dijun's heroic voice sounded not far away, and then a speeding car with the same size as the Tongxi and Jin car before modification, but with a silver body and a more refined appearance appeared out of thin air. There: "When the children have something to do, the parents will take care of them no matter how busy they are!"

The person driving the car was none other than cheap old man Di Jun, and the ones sitting as far apart as possible in the car, not looking at each other, but at the same time stretching out their hands to tug on Di Jun's cloak, who else could it be if they weren't Wang Shu and Xi He?

Well…the sun is a golden chariot and the moon is a silver chariot…


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