The Collection of The End

Chapter 818 Who spurred the beginning of history?

Xiniu Hezhou.

"I never doubted that you were my daughter. After this incident, I became even more convinced." Xiheshadi jumped off the Wangshuyin car and flew in front of me, saying with a gentle expression.

"Ah, uh... aren't you annoyed that I broke it?" I touched my nose and looked embarrassed.

After all, because of the mother's appearance, I highly doubt that she will take a harsh punishment attitude towards her children's mistakes, but it seems to be fine now.

I guess you just don't want to use big moves like betrayal of my gorgeous father. The stupid system is complaining.

"If you say it was damaged, it was done by Westerners." Xihe glanced around and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh, you are running too fast. Otherwise, you are a saint. I will show it to you. "

Is there something wrong with your old character?

"Mother..." Lu Ya, who had been hiding behind me when Xi Cai flew over just now, stuck out half of his head.

"Listen more to your sister." Xihe glanced at him.

"Okay, okay." Even without looking, I knew Lu Ya was nodding.

"You..." Xihe turned to me, her eyes fluctuating a little, but I couldn't tell what the emotion was. After hesitating for a few seconds, she finally said, "You're not ready yet."

"What?" I blinked in confusion.

After all, even if I was the second disciple of Jiejiao, it would be impossible for me to know the information related to the "Sun" priesthood without direct guidance from the leader of Tongtian Cult, especially the fact that it can actually be transferred to other Golden Crows.

"..." Xi He stopped explaining. He just stretched out his hand towards me and put his fingertips together, making a gesture of scooping up water from the pond.

At the same time as the action was completed, an orange-red light ball that was only the size of the thumb appeared out of thin air in Xihe's palm.

Tip: It can be transferred to the priesthood Sun, which has been recovered by the Golden Crow with higher authority. Cue my sister’s explanation for this.

"You don't have the urge to patrol the sky for me anymore, do you?" Xi He smiled at me and said, "You haven't grown up to the age suitable to do this yet."

"...Huh? Huh?" I continued to show off my acting skills.

By the way, doesn’t she have a bit of a double standard? My Golden Crow brothers should be about the same age as me, but except for the cunning Lu Ya, they all worked as cart-pulling coolies.

After all, the daughter needs to be rich and accustomed to a life of fine clothing and fine food, so that she will not be deceived by a poor boy with just sweet words.

I think you knocked over a cruise ship?

"Huh... Although I had expected it, when I actually saw this, it felt a bit strange." Xihe tossed the "priesthood" up and down twice, and then smashed it into pieces.

The light balls scattered into dots of fire, and then turned into golden threads, and then spliced ​​together to form the most primitive "Xihe Golden Car" without any "peripherals".

"Ha..." Xi He sat on his side and waved to Emperor Jun from a distance: "I will take this thing to survey the sky first, and wait for you to build a physical golden chariot. If you just want to be with another me, don't build one." It works."

"Hmph..." Wang Shu also responded distantly: "I will not take advantage of others. I will not get too close to him before he builds a new car."

The sun and the moon looked at each other and drove away in opposite directions, leaving only Di Jun, who was suddenly kicked out of the car and looked bewildered.

"Pfft," I covered my mouth and waved to him: "Father, do you want to come and take a ride in my car?"

"'s better to be a daughter.

"Di Jun tightened his cloak and flew towards Qixiang Car.

"There is no room in the car," Lu Ya stretched out his arms to stop him, "There is only the driver's seat available."

Those who were supposed to come did not come, and those who were not supposed to go left. Those words were not meant for them.

Hmm...talking too much is not harmful to your brain...

"Well..." Di Jun glanced at Lu Ya, as if he wanted to show off his father's majesty, but after a moment of hesitation, he gave up and walked to the driving position to hold up the crossbar: "So, what are your plans now? You want to go back Heaven?"

"No, no, I've sung enough," I refused in a joking tone, and then suggested: "After seeing so many brave warriors, how about we go down and see how they perform on a daily basis?"

"Hmm... This is a good suggestion," Emperor Jun nodded slightly after thinking about it: "I have arranged for many warriors from other continents to train in Nanzhan Province, just to see their current situation."

Hey, stupid system, give dad some control of this car. I twisted the pedal of Qixiang's car with my heel.

It's possible, but I very much doubt whether he can use this internal force engine well. It's better to give him an original version of the control system. The stupid system responded.

What engine? Illusion or frost?

squeak squeak moo!

When Di Jun put his arm on the crossbar, the front of the Qixiang cart, which had been empty for a long time. According to common sense, was the position of the animal pulling the cart. Suddenly, a large stream of blue-purple thunder flowed through, and these groups of thunder gathered in front of the cart. It surged and finally formed a strong and powerful bull, which made a loud roar while taking shape.


Not to mention the familiar Thunder Ox Cart, even the cow looked familiar. I looked at it twice more and finally recognized it:

You actually used the image of a prisoner cow. I think you want to start a war. Lift your feet and twist again.

Ouch! How many years have the Dragon Clan been hiding from the world?

"Okay! Hahaha! Just what I want!" Di Jun's voice sounded quite surprised: "Just call"

"Father! This is my magic weapon!" Before Di Jun came up with any weird names, I immediately stopped him.

"Oh...hehehe, my father was so happy to see the hunting heart..." Di Jun scratched his head, then pulled up the reins of the thunder and lightning shaping, and flicked the whip: "Then, let's set off to Nanzhan Buzhou."

Speaking of which, what are you doing in Nanzhanbuzhou? There should be no suspense about Xia in the Shang Dynasty. Stupid System asked.

I'm not worried about the replacement of human dynasties. They can't break the sky no matter how hard they fight, right? Since the "Doomsday Prophecy" has disappeared at this time, I can only take some of the original screenshots as examples: Although I eliminated most of the participants at that station, Taiyi and Zhao Gongming could always be together until the cause of the aura suffocation disappeared. In the battle, it proved that what I did was of no use in making them settle their differences.

Hmm, that seems to be the case.

Among these two guys, Taiyi ran to explain and became Taiyi Zhenren, so he could not be monitored, but Zhao Gongming has been taking care of Shang Guo. So as long as I keep an eye on him, the cause of the fight between the two and the two lists of gods are Everything must be clear.

It makes sense, since there are no signs of spiritual suffocation now anyway.

During the conversation, the east coast of Xiniu Hezhou and the distant west coast of Nanzhanbuzhou came into view.

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