The Collection of The End

Chapter 820 Conferred God (82)

——Feng Shen——

The top of Sanxian Mountain.

The clouds and mist surrounding the top of the mountain and the snow on the ground made everything Dai Li could see pure white, and the gate that originally led to Yunzhong City on the top of the mountain was tightly closed.

Obviously, because they had previously plotted against the Western Sect, it was inappropriate to allow people to come in and out. Therefore, when Yuan Hong called everyone to set off, Fairy Sanxiao had already closed the city gate and no one was allowed in or out. This was also the case with the "Long-Eared One" before. "Dingguangxian" was unable to return in time and could only fight with others down below.

This kind of "gate" is essentially a "magic node" connecting two spaces. Of course, it cannot be opened by violence and can be passed through. If Yuan Hong hits it with a stick, even if it can be broken, he will only be able to get through in the end. Two broken door panels.

"Is there any way to contact the fairies inside?" Sirius asked slightly anxiously.

Haha, the others only have one bond at most, but this eldest brother of the little Golden Crows also has a group of disturbing younger brothers.

Dai Li just laughed at him in his heart, and then his expression froze.

Speaking of bonds... Yunxiao and Bixiao favored Jin Dasheng and Sirius respectively, but he was the only one being chased by Qiongxiao.

Should I ask for leave from the king and return to Meishan first?

While Dai Li was thinking wildly, he saw Lin Haozheng walking straight towards the gate of Yunzhong City as if he was completely unaffected by the situation of being unable to see anything, and then said to it: "[Open the door]."

Zhizhizhi—boom, boom—

Then, the gate of Yunzhong City, which was said to be controllable by no one except Fairy Sanxiao, slowly opened inward, revealing the sea of ​​clouds inside and the castle above the clouds.

"[Huh~]" After opening the door, the girl did not greet the people waiting outside. She made a nasal sound that seemed to indicate pride and walked out of the door by herself.

Everyone was a little stunned, but not too surprised. After all, this little girl can knock down the sun with a glare, so a mere door is nothing.

"What? Do you still want me to teach you how to walk?" Yuan Hong swung in with a stick and said: "After we have met once, it is time to discuss marriage, and it is time to show goodwill. Those who should avoid debt should run faster."

Your Majesty, you are indeed a matchmaker...

Dai Li cursed as he also stepped into the gate of Yunzhong City, and then he thought in hindsight - Huh? Isn’t it me who should avoid debt?

Just when Dai Li had this idea, a cold light suddenly appeared from the top of Yunzhong City in the distance, and then turned into a bright silver light shaped like a crescent moon and rushed toward him. At the same time, there was a sound. An angry cry: "Die! Monkey!"

"I've told you a thousand times that I'm not a monkey!" Since the trajectory of the silver light was too obvious, Dai Li skillfully dodged its attack and shouted at the same time.

Buzz - the silver light trembled after it penetrated the ground, but it was a "paper scimitar" glowing with silver light. The next moment, Qiong Xiao appeared in a large pink burqa and a silk hat. Where the scimitar fell, he pulled it out with his backhand and stared at Dai Li without saying a word.

When Dai Li began to think about whether to take the opportunity to slip away, a woman in white appeared behind Qiong Xiao. She lifted up Qiong Xiao with her arms, then rubbed her cheek affectionately, and turned to Yuan Hong and others. He greeted: "Welcome back, everyone~ This trip seems to be going well? Huh? Who is this child?"

Seeing Yun Xiao appear, Dai Li breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, Qiong Xiao would give her sister some face.

"Oh, this is the 'innate treasure' I was talking about." Yuan Hong, who was watching Dai Li being hunted with great interest, smacked his lips and casually gestured to "Lin Hao": "The 'Bliss' taught by the West The Pure Land was created by her, and now because she does not support the origin, Taoist Taoists have to become saints to maintain the consumption of the Pure Land. Hehehe, the great revenge will be repaid."

Your Majesty, if you have a grudge against someone, you will consecrate him, right? Dai Li really wanted to roll his eyes.

"..." As soon as these words came out, Yun Xiao, who was peeking to see if Jin Dasheng was injured, was stunned.

"Sirius!" "Brother?" Before Yunxiao could think of a suitable response,

Two figures in blue and cyan came from the direction of Yunzhong City. Bixiao and Kong Yi didn't exchange much greetings, and rushed towards the person they cared about.

"Why do you seem to be burnt?" "Brother, did you eat something strange?"

Hmm... Not to mention Kong Xuan, as for Sirius, after all, he is too close to the sun and he is the Golden Crow. If the Golden Spirit Mother hadn't arrived and shattered the sun, Sirius would have been on the spot when faced with the out-of-control Xi He Jin Cha. Burn.

Tsk, why doesn’t anyone care about me...ah oh.

Dai Li was complaining in his heart, but when he turned around, he saw that because Yun Xiao was in a daze, Qiong Xiao quietly broke away from her arms, straightened the paper scimitar before, and transformed it into a stabbing sword.

Your next sentence is——

"Die! Monkey!" Qiong Xiao shouted out what Dai Li expected, and stabbed towards him with the paper stabbing sword carrying strong wind.

This simple attack is useless to me... Huh?

Dai Li was about to dodge the attack, but he saw "Lin Hao" who was in a daze suddenly took a step to the side, stretched out two fingers, and caught the stabbing sword first.

Immediately afterwards, the paper stabbing sword spontaneously ignited without fire, and burned into a few invisible ashes in just an instant. This incident caused Qiong Xiao to maintain the thrusting posture, and stared blankly in front of Dai Li with his empty hand.

After making this sudden move, the girl in black stopped paying attention to the two of them, and turned to look curiously at the sea of ​​clouds outside the railing beside the road.

"..." Qiong Xiao withdrew her hand with an inexplicable look on her face, then looked Dai Li up and down, and said disdainfully: "Where did the dog come from?"

"I'm a wolf!" Dai Li didn't have time to think about why her attitude suddenly changed, and he immediately roared to justify himself.

"It's really...'an innate treasure'," Yun Xiao was awakened by the interaction between the two, and then shook his head repeatedly: "At least I can't do anything about my sister's 'cognitive impairment' - Yun Xiao would like to thank Commander Yuan for this."

"Hehehe, it's easy to talk," Yuan Hongteng kept pointing towards Yunzhong City with his cursory hand: "She can stay here temporarily, but she has to go to Jin'ao Island to stay for a period of time every once in a while. Unless you want to make this a second 'pure land of bliss'."

"Hmph..." Yun Xiao responded noncommittally, and then said with a smile: "I thought you were really going to give Brother Gongming a 'magic weapon', but unexpectedly you gave me a 'sister'."

"Sister?" Yuan Hong scratched his head and looked at the sky: "It's very troublesome to explain, so just think of her."

"It seems that there are a lot of things about this trip that are beyond Commander Yuan's expectations. I can talk about it later when I'm done with you," Yun Xiao said, while looking at Jin Dasheng: "Why don't you come over to help?"

"Hehehe, okay, okay." Jin Dasheng walked over with a bang.

This stupid cow is hopeless... Dai Li covered his face.

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