The Collection of The End

Chapter 821 Conferred God (83)

——Feng Shen——

Heaven, Bajing Palace.

If there is anyone who is not surprised by the explosion of the sun and the conferment of sainthood, it is Xuandu except the saint.

Because before that his surprise had been spent.

The Eight Scenery Palace is called the Eight Views, but there are nine views in total. According to Taishang Laojun, they are scenes projected from other levels of "heaven".

And it wasn't until three or four of these scenery exploded that Xuandu discovered that they actually had a certain connection with the human world.

The so-called "explosion" is naturally not the scenery itself, but the window from the Eight Views Palace that can look out to "that scene".

The scenery outside the window that should have remained unchanged will suddenly undergo strange changes. Then, the window itself and the wall where the window is located will explode, leaving only a large empty hole. When you look outside at this time, only You can see the original normal scene outside the Eight Views Palace.

The first one to explode was [Yue Yang Yao Hui]. It was originally a spectacle of "the sun and the moon accompanying each other". That is to say, the sun and the moon were "half the window frame" away. Whenever the sun or the moon disappeared, At the "this end" of the window frame, it will instantly appear at the "other end" of the window frame, so that the sun and moon will always exist on the window at the same time.

As a result, something went wrong with this scene. The sun was at mid-heaven and the moon had just appeared. As a result, the sun turned around and hit the moon in the opposite direction. Then, the window exploded.

In this regard, the senior brother Zhuang Zhou commented: "One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, especially if both are mothers."... He was probably confused.

Next is [Lost Galaxy], which looks like a night sky full of little lights. Those lights seem to be something called "stars", which are the same existence as the "Star Lord" entrusted to heaven. This is a bit... It’s unbelievable. Based on that number, how many Star Lords will the Heavenly Court be able to seal?

The problem with this scene is a bit strange. The stars and night sky are normal, and the occasional falling meteors are as usual. But suddenly, a white beam of light that occupies less than half of the window passes horizontally in the middle of the window frame. At that point, the beam of light finally changes into When the light disappeared, the viewing window frame exploded with a bang as if it was overwhelmed.

This time Zhuang Zhou didn't make any comments and looked confused. However, Taishang Laojun said, "It doesn't matter, let him go." It was obvious that he recognized him.

The last thing to be blown up was [Chaos Hongmeng] without a window frame, but since it itself was chaos, it was really difficult to see what was going on with it.

But Zhuang Zhouyi, who had just announced that he wanted to go back to sleep and disappeared, fell out of there in the blink of an eye. In any case, it can be regarded as an "abnormality".

In addition, it is not so much "explosion" as it is "spraying". It is a kind of chaos with no clear explanation. It seems to come from the weird scenery before the creation of the world. It shrinks and rises violently. Except for throwing Zhuang Zhou out. He seemed to want to spew out something else, but was stopped by Taishang Laojun who arrived in time.

Since there is no window frame, its "explosion" only makes the "hole" suspended in mid-air a little wider.

As a person who experienced this situation, Zhuang Zhou's self-report was, "Something is squeezing my [dream space] from all directions, directly squeezing me out."

It sounds like some juicy fruit...

In short, Xuandu ran up and down Daluo Mountain and Bajing Palace for a long time. After receiving the news of being led to become a saint, he just said "oh".

Later, when Taishang Laojun explained the story of the new saint's sanctification, Xuandu noticed that the sun was broken and then replaced with a new one. Surprised? Maybe a little, but after all, it is a household matter of the Jinwu family. Even if it is related to the survival of all living beings in the human world, it has been solved, right?

If you have the time to spare, you might as well repair a few more windows.


"Junior sister - I'm so sleepy -"

Since Taishang Laojun only accepted two disciples, and the senior brother was a fool, Xuandu could only repair the windows by himself, but it was just a superficial repair.

If you want to get the original "scene" back, you can only wait for the master to take action.

After repairing the two windows, Xuandu saw Zhuang Zhou, who could barely open his eyes, staggering towards him with outstretched arms, so he tied him up with a golden rope.

"Uuhuhu..." Zhuang Zhou didn't fall asleep even after being tied to the ground. He was still mumbling: "Xuandu, you can't do this...don't you want to be a man...only women can do that?" Refuse to give a friendly hug to a man..."

"I'm not refusing to hug a man, but I'm refusing to hug you." Xuandu confirmed again that there was no problem with the window itself, and then dragged Zhuang Zhou out of the Eight Views Palace to see the Supreme Lord.

In the past, Xuandu was a little curious about this senior brother who couldn't wake up all day long and always wanted to hug people, but was powerful and elusive. He speculated that he might have mastered the priesthood related to "dreams".

As a result, his "Pure Land of Utmost Bliss" expanded greatly after he was introduced to the saint not long ago, directly squeezing Zhuang Zhou out of his "dream". Only then did Xuandu understand the nature of his senior brother's ability - he only needs to sleep with one of his own It is a dream subspace that you can enter instantly. You can enter and exit by yourself or bring people or objects in and out to achieve various magical powers. The negative impact is that you will be very sleepy anytime and anywhere.

And this unlucky space is actually on the same level as the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Until Zhuang Zhou moves it to a location far away from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, he will not be able to sleep at all.

"[Xuandu, let go of Zhuang Zhou.]" Taishang Laojun was taking care of the crops in the Bagua field as usual. When he saw Xuandu approaching Zhuang Zhou, who was tied into a cocoon, he said.

"Yes, Master." Xuan Du loosened the golden rope and let go of his senior brother who was staggering due to sleepiness.

Zhuang Zhou reluctantly saluted the Supreme Lord, and then fell to the ground.

"[What you reported before is that regarding the investigation of the Shang Kingdom and other kingdoms of the Xia Dynasty, I have made a decision,]" Taishang Laojun looked at Xuandu: "[The Shang Kingdom will be the anti-Xia Kingdom. .】"

"Yes, disciple understands." It felt like Taishang Laojun still had something to say, but Xuandu didn't respond.

"[Because Western religion produced a saint, its spread in the human world suddenly increased, which made Zhuang Zhou look like this,]" Taishang Laojun said again: "[You just go to the human world now. , there is no specific task, just to temporarily restrict the development of Western religion.】"

"..." Xuandu was a little dazed for a moment. Is he going against the saint? But the person who issued this task was also a saint, so it seemed normal?

"[Haha, I didn't ask you to eliminate Western religions,]" Taishang Laojun probably noticed Xuandu's thoughts, so he smiled and said: "[Even if you don't do anything, Zhuang Zhou will still be counting." It will be stabilized within the year, and your help will shorten this time - in addition, assisting the Shang Kingdom will also help the progress of this task.]"

"Yes, disciple, accept the order." Xuandu nodded in agreement.

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