The Collection of The End

Chapter 822 Conferred God (84)

——Feng Shen——

Looking south to Buzhou, Shangqiu City.

"This level of evil spirit..."

After flying to Shangqiu, the capital of the Shang Kingdom, in a soft sedan made of golden ropes, Xuandu noticed the demonic aura soaring into the sky, but after carefully distinguishing it, he became a little bit dumbfounded:

"Was it deliberately released to provoke the monks?"

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, Shangqiu City is no different from the past, just because the four city gates are all guarded by soldiers, and there are also some patrols in the city that are not usually there, making the city seem a little nervous overall.

But with Xuandu's ability, he could easily see those fox demons that were almost everywhere in the city.

There are several fixed fox monsters on duty around the city gate guards and patrols. After the guards have checked with conventional methods, it is their turn to check with monsters. This overkill method is enough to ensure that regardless of No matter what the demon king behind him is looking for, he will never miss it.

But it is also because of the large number of fox demons that the demonic aura emitted by Shangqiu can be detected hundreds of miles away. However, only after getting close to Shangqiu, the Taoist priests who hurriedly sensed this demonic aura will be able to detect it. Discovered - this city is full of vegetarian foxes who have never hurt anyone!

This method of identification seems to have been passed down by Empress Nuwa. It is very simple and can be learned by anyone with spiritual power. It is specially used to judge whether a demon is guilty of "sin".

Get rid of the guilty monsters who increase their strength by hurting people, but do they act on behalf of heaven, gain merit, and contribute to their spiritual practice, but they rely solely on their own spiritual practice? Getting rid of this kind of monster is equivalent to murder among human beings. Not only is there no benefit, but you will also bear the karma that originally belonged to the monster and become the target of others to "do justice for heaven." Why bother?

This is probably what Nuwa Empress can do when faced with the struggle between her creations.

However, with the abilities of these little fox demons, it is almost impossible to detect the existence of Xuandu.

Since there was no obvious official government or Chinese army tent in the air, Xuandu maintained his invisibility and let the soft sedan made of golden ropes carry him around the city, listening emphatically to the voices of the soldiers and foxes. say something.

After all, although Xuandu had a preliminary idea about the task assigned by Taishang Laojun, he still needed more information and could only implement it after confirming that there was no problem with it.

After being carried around a few times by the golden rope, Xuandu roughly understood Shangqiu's state at this time:

After "The Sun Was Broken", Yi Yin, the Prime Minister of the Shang State, believed that this was a good opportunity to attack the Xia Dynasty. However, he was unable to contact his allies in time. At this time, the master of the fox demon from Tushan Qingqiu came to him and offered to The Ling clan fox delivers news to the Shang Kingdom and arrests spies and traitors, but will not fight for the Shang army.

As for what agreement they reached, ordinary soldiers and fox demons don't know. Of course, there may be one or two people and demons they meet who know it, but they just don't talk about it casually as a topic of conversation.

In addition, now, the Prime Minister Yi Yin is out to meet Shang Junzilu who has escaped from Xiadu Zhenlu. It is precisely because of the timely communication from the fox demons that the two sides can cooperate so efficiently.

Zhao Gongming should still be protecting him? Xuandu thought for a while and decided to go to the scene to have a look. By the way, he met the master of Tushan and several Jiejiao disciples who had been with him for a while.


Suburbs of Shangqiu.

After Xuandu rushed to the border of Shang Kingdom, he successfully found the returning Shang Jun convoy and Yi Yin's army that was accompanying them.

However, the atmosphere at the scene was a bit strange. The businessmen who were picking up and being picked up were watching from a distance, while on the other side were a large number of Qingqiu fox demons of similar numbers, all with scales and horns, and there were a wide variety of them. A confrontation between a large group of monsters.

The leaders were a young and lively young girl wearing a plaid skirt with long silver hair, and a lazy-looking girl wearing a blue palace robe, with fox ears on her head, and nine tails trailing behind her. A grown woman with a golden tail.

"——What does 'you can leave' mean?" Our Lady of Golden Light put her hands on her hips.

He said angrily: "Do you know how much effort we put into bringing these Shang people back with their families?"

"That's why we said, you don't have to go on any further?" Tushan Lingling covered half of his face with a round fan: "We, the Qingqiu Fox Clan, have already run the business up and down Shangqiu like an iron bucket. If you must follow, It’s just a casual meal, right?”

"Don't I still know your strength?" Our Lady of Golden Light glanced at the group of fox monsters opposite: "It's just what you brought, none of them can fight!"

"Aiya~ah~" the voice of Master Tushan turned around: "Little sister Qiongqi, if you say that to these 'necessary' talents for running business, handling political affairs, developing technology, etc., will they be sad? "

"Do I have time for you to develop slowly now?" Our Lady of Golden Light sneered: "Now the war has begun. How can you 'Qingqiu Fox' who can't do anything to the human race compare to us 'Jiejiao Outer Sect' who can do it? ?”

"Ah... well, you are all——"

"Shut up! Yi Yin!" "Shut up, Yi Yin!"

A certain state minister seemed to be trying to smooth things over, but was yelled at by both parties, so he silently turned to face the wall and was comforted by Meixi, who touched his head.

As for the original protagonist of Jiefeng, Shang Junzilu, he was also caught between his wife and the two Youmin sisters, looking miserable.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, there is no conflict at all between the two opposing parties, and the projects they are responsible for are different, so they can cooperate. However, Xuandu, who roughly understands the anti-Xia nature of Shang State, sees clearly what they are fighting for - supporting a new dynasty. The luck or merit that can be obtained will be reduced by one point each time more forces share it, especially in this situation where half of it is divided out of thin air.

However, it is not difficult to solve it.

After Xuandu thought for a moment, he spread out the soft sedans woven with golden ropes and let them surround him to gain momentum. Then he appeared and slowly fell between the two women: "It's so lively here. What good thing is there? Why not Take a piece of the next pie?”

"Oh, it's unlucky that you're here. Brother Gongming has returned to heaven." Our Lady of Golden Light was the first to say hello, probably with the idea of ​​getting closer and forming an alliance.

"Oh? Is Taiqing Saint also optimistic about this side? Now that we are thirty, it seems that we have to share the benefits." Naturally, the head of Tushan would not let her succeed, and he divided a new force in two sentences .

"Humph, it's not impossible." Seeing that she couldn't succeed, the Golden Light Mother simply agreed to the new division.

"The boss is not 'standing at thirty', but 'standing on three pillars'." Behind Tushan Lingling, a male fox demon in black reminded quietly.

"..." The originally tense atmosphere instantly became relaxed and happy.

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