The Collection of The End

Chapter 823 Conferred God (85)

——Feng Shen——

Heaven, Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

For those who hold the philosophy of "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude" and "all things are divided into three, six or nine grades", it is natural that Yuxu Palace, as a saint's dojo, would be divided into "levels" from top to bottom.

For it, the "three" level is basically where the Yuanshi Tianzun lives and where Yasheng Daluo, who is in charge of the teaching level, discusses matters. The "sixth" level is where people preach and are allowed to live in Yuxu Palace. The location of the Golden Immortal disciples, in "Nine" terms, is basically an ordinary living room and banquet hall, as well as guest rooms for guests who have enough status to stay here temporarily but do not need special treatment.

"[Master Zhunti! What does your Western religion mean by shooting down the golden chariot in heaven?!]"

And Ran Deng's angry shouts came from a certain living room on the ground floor - it was obvious that although Taoist Zhunti was a half-step saint, Taoist Ran Deng was not bad at all, and because of his different teaching ideas, he was Treated like a normal guest.

As for Yuanshi Tianzun himself, he would not mention what he encountered when he went out, but he would never take the initiative to receive guests in Yuxu Palace unless other saints were present in person.

"Uh," Master Huang Long shrank his neck: "Uncle Ran Deng seems to be very angry. This proves that the Master Master is also very dissatisfied with the leader of the Western Sect. Shall we go in later?"

"But..." Master Yuding looked at the expressionless Yang Jian beside him: "I guess the master is looking for my disciple, right?"

In order for your apprentice to have a good future, would you rather be scolded by your master? But have you forgotten something else?

Huang Long quietly rolled his eyes and reminded: "Yuding, you just accepted a disciple without authorization, and I picked fruits without authorization. If Master wants to punish both of you, you will be punished together."

Huang Zhongli, a fairy fruit that can transform a mortal into a Da Luo Jinxian directly after eating it, if I hadn't been closely related to the words "Zhong and Huang", I really wouldn't be able to get it.

Moreover, he very much suspected that the headmaster just wanted to punish the two of them together after he picked the fruit and fed it to the goats just because he was simply recruiting disciples privately. After all, he was a saint, so it was not surprising at this point.

"I will protect Master." Yang Jian responded before Yuding could react.

Are you going to protect someone in front of a saint? Huang Long cursed again.

"Good disciple, good disciple." Yuding's voice was trembling, but he didn't seem to know what to say. After all, he had just promised to give the best things to this disciple. Even if he added more now, would he? Say, "Those not-so-good teachers will also be given to you"?

"It's good to be determined," it was Yun Zhongzi who had just closed the rift who spoke this time: "But determination alone cannot fulfill your promise, so you also need to work hard in line with your determination."

"I will work hard." The young man looked at the young man in silver armor and silver gun.

"Next, I should stay in Kunlun Mountain for a while. If you have any questions about spear skills, you can come to me at any time." Yun Zhongzi looked at him and said.

"Yeah." Yang Jian nodded seriously.

……etc? Etc., etc?

Compared to Master Yuding who looked silly and pleased at the side, Huang Long suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

It should be noted that although Yuquan Peak is far away, it is still within the scope of Kunlun Mountain. The saint summons and transmits a message. Even if he and Yuding find out that the matter has been exposed, they will only come here to be punished and will not try to escape. idea.

So, why did Master Head Master ask Yun Zhongzi to come all the way to call him?

Have you figured out that the personalities of Yang Jian and Yun Zhongzi are very compatible? If I had known that this young man who was teaching in name only and whose combat power was comparable to that of a saint would have stayed temporarily because of this?

To further speculate, Yuding took the goats to Kunlun Mountain and went to the orchard behind Yuxu Palace to pick yellow plums privately. Could it be part of this plan?

Maybe from the very beginning, the fact that Yuding discovered that goat with outstanding talent but did not turn into a demon was already within the plan and arrangement of the saint?

If I think about it again, I ate the yellow plum and realized the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Techniques and the seventy-two changes based on my own "indefinite shape".

Was it also prepared for Yang Jian?

[Below the saints, all are ants], Huang Long understood the meaning of this sentence more deeply.

"Don't worry. Although Uncle Randeng sounded angry, he was probably just acting." No matter what Huang Long was thinking over there, Yun Zhongzi patted Yang Jian on the shoulder and walked directly to Yuxu Palace. .

Huang Long accepted this statement very naturally, and followed him with a strange expression that said, "There are saints who support everything."


"[Fellow Randeng Taoist, there is no need to be angry. After all, Kunlun Mountain is far away from my Western Taoist Taoist temple. The specific reason is not yet clear. In any case, Taoist Taoist Guide is not a reckless person, so please be patient. ]" When he arrived at the reception room of Yuxu Palace, Huang Long heard Taoist Zhunti explaining the question he just asked to Taoist Randeng.

However, something strange is that although this is the Chanjiao Dojo, and Yuanshi Tianzun may be in his residence above, the attitude of Master Zhunti is not polite at all, and even seems a bit arrogant.

The situation in the living room is also a bit strange. There are many things on the table that look like scriptures, and there are many traces of erasures and scratches on them. It seems that before the "Sun Breaking" incident, they were working on it. Some classics are revised.

Modify the teachings of Western religions according to the teachings of Chanjiao? Huang Long glanced at it and laughed in his heart. Doing such a shameless thing, couldn't he remain arrogant to save face?

"[Oh, Taoist fellows Yuding, Huanglong, and Yun Zhongzi," Ran Deng glanced at the few people who entered, and casually greeted: "[Master is waiting for you at the place where he used to preach, let's go up now.] "

It seems that the saint really attaches great importance to this Yang Jian, and directly treats him as a disciple, maybe——


At this moment, an indescribable trembling feeling came over. It seemed to come from the world itself. Although there was no sound or image, the recipient could clearly understand that there was another person in the world. Saint, his title is "Guide to the Buddha".

The last time there was such a movement was [Nuwa Empress], but he didn't know how the Master Master would react to this incident, so Huang Long looked up subconsciously.

Yuanshi Tianzun did not make any movement that could be discovered by the following little golden immortals, but Taoist Zhunti's attitude changed significantly because of this incident:

"[... Regarding the destruction of the sun, even if there is a legitimate reason, it is directly related to our Western religion, so we will find out the truth as soon as possible, rescue the affected mortals, and share the specific incident with the interpretation religion.] "

"[Haha, why is Taoist Brother Zhunti so arrogant in front of you and so respectful in the back?]" Taoist Ran Deng said with a smile.

"[It is the right thing to watch and help each other.]" Taoist Zhunti continued to smile.

Well, I see... Master Huang Long, who felt he was much smarter, quickly thought of the reason.

In the past, there were no saints in Western religions, and Yuanshi Tianzun would not lose face to deal with them, so he had to put on a more arrogant posture to avoid being looked down upon. But now that there are conditions for equal dialogue with Chanjiao, he must pay attention to his attitude to avoid accidentally causing problems. A battle between saints on both sides.

"[Go up.]" Taoist Ran Deng obviously did not want to continue discussing this issue in depth. He just greeted Yu Ding and the others and continued to ponder the scriptures.

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