The Collection of The End

Chapter 824 Conferred God (86)

——Feng Shen——

Yuxu Palace, Lecture Hall.

This hall is located on the middle floor of Yuxu Palace. Although the materials and shapes of the four walls, doors, windows and columns are very rare and exquisite, there are almost no unnecessary decorations. There is only a scroll with the word "Tiandao" hanging on the front. When Shi Tianzun came and gave a sermon, the disciples who attended the lecture had to bring their own futon cushions.

At this time, Master Huanglong was looking at the back of Yuanshi Tianzun in panic.

When he came here with Yun Zhongzi, Yuding and Yang Jian before, he was still a little confident. However, after Yuanshi Tianzun briefly asked Yang Jian and Yun Zhongzi and sent them away, the real Huanglong who was left here The claws are a little numb - the jade tripod is an accomplice, and there is no use keeping it.

"[The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is more damage; the way of man is to make up for the deficiency when it is not enough. The only way to serve the world is to have more than enough.]" Finally, Yuanshi Tianzun turned around and asked the Jade Cauldron and Huanglong: " [Do you know what this means?]"

Isn’t this what Taishang Laojun said? Surprised, Master Huanglong did not react in time.

"Well, what this sentence means is that the way of heaven will cut off the extra parts of nature and fill in the missing parts. On the contrary, the human race often eats the weak and the strong, making the strong stronger and the weak weaker, allowing the strong to feed back the world. There are only saints." Yuding tried to interpret it.

"[Perhaps it is because of this that Taiqing Saint decided to assist the Shang Kingdom,]" Yuanshi Tianzun said lightly a piece of news that shocked Huang Long, and continued: "[In his view, merchants are naturally 'losses'." "If you have more than you need, you can make up for what you don't have," while the Xia Dynasty was like "if you lose more than you need, you can give more than you can," so he decided to make it "serve the world."

"Okay, it seems right?" Yu Ding blurted out blankly, making Huang Long want to cover his mouth.

"[If it is true according to his interpretation,]" Yuanshi Tianzun said nonchalantly: "[Unfortunately, his interpretation is wrong.]"

One saint said that another saint was wrong... I didn't hear anything. Is it too late to leave now? Huang Long then wanted to cover his ears.

"[The words of the sage are followed by the law,]" Seemingly aware of Huang Long's wavering and doubt, Yuanshi Tianzun explained: "[Since senior brother's words involve the 'way of heaven' and 'the way of humanity', if there is any error in it, It absolutely cannot be exported.】"

That's right... Huang Long nodded blankly. All saints can become saints only by "complying with the way of heaven". Even the Jiejiao sect emphasizes "interception" rather than "against heaven".

"[If there is more damage, make up for the deficiency; if there is less damage, make up for the deficiency,]" Yuanshi Tianzun repeated these words again, and then looked at the jade tripod and Huanglong: "[If the 'more than' and 'insufficiency' in these words do not refer to people, It refers to things, but describes the 'loss' and 'supplement'?】"

"???" Yuding looked confused, but Huang Long felt that the world became quiet for a moment.

——There is [something] in the world that is "lost" too quickly and cannot be "replenished" enough, but [it] has almost no loss on the mortal side, and is accumulated. I want to use these "accumulators" The "inventory" is released to heaven and earth, which only saints can do.

Wait a moment! It's not what he understands! Huang Long was shocked and looked at Yuanshi Tianzun impolitely.

"[The reason why Taoist Jieyin became a saint is because he decided to use himself as fuel to support the entire 'Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss'.]" As if confirming Huang Long's thoughts, Yuanshi Tianzun added.

So, the sentence "Only those who have more than enough to serve the world" means that in addition to interfering with those who have "more than enough", the saint can also choose to "serve the world" by himself/herself? The fact that the Taoist leader successfully became a saint fully proves this point.

However, the problem is that what the Taoist is "serving" is only his own pure land of bliss. If it is the human world itself, even if the saint can persist, how long can he persist?

At this time, Huang Long was completely sure that what Yuanshi Tianzun was talking about was the "spiritual energy" between heaven and earth, but Yuding still looked like he didn't understand.

"[Oh, senior brother is still like that. He likes to mix more than one meaning in the same sentence. If it weren't for the strangeness of the sainthood this time, I might still not be able to detect it.]" Yuanshi Tianzun said again as if he was complaining.

So is it too late to leave now... Huang Long continued to facepalm in his heart.

"[In this way, Junior Brother Shangqing's behavior of granting cultivation methods to all those who are born with hair and armor, regardless of whether they are born from egg moisture, is not to increase the speed of this 'loss'?]" Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head slightly, Xiang Yuding and Huanglong said: "[The two of you will go to the human world and follow the Shang army. If you see any murderous monsters, just get rid of them.]"

"Disciple accepts the order." Huanglong and Yuding bowed in response.

Obviously, this was a meritorious service. If more demons were eliminated, they would no longer be held accountable for recruiting disciples without permission and taking advantage of others.

"So, about the Xia Dynasty?" Master Huanglong asked again. After all, Chanjiao and Tianting had been supporting the continuation of the Xia Dynasty before, even if it was not obvious.

If it hadn't been for the sudden sainthood of Taoist Jie Yin that caused Yuanshi Tianzun to think about "Tao", perhaps Sage Yuqing would not have cared about the replacement of a small dynasty at all.

"[This matter will be handled by your senior brother Guangchengzi,]" Yuanshi Tianzun responded: "[He once taught Human Emperor Xuanyuan, and I am convinced that he has sufficient judgment.]"

Hmm... Is it true that "everyone belongs to his own place and performs his duties"? Huang Long thought for a while and realized that he had nothing to ask. He was afraid that he would be scolded for being too entangled in details, so he and Yu Ding bowed and left.

Since the entire Qilin Cliff was prohibited from flying, Yuding and Huanglong could not jump out of the window, so they had to go down level by level like ordinary people. When they arrived at the living room, they heard that Taoist Zhunti and Taoist Randen were still discussing the teachings. issues are discussed.

"Now that our Western religion already has saints, interference with the six realms of reincarnation is no longer a problem," Master Zhunti's voice sounded confident: "Specific standards for reincarnation and retribution can also be implemented."

"Divide people into three, six or nine grades?" Ran Deng Taoist replied.

"No, Xiniu Hezhou is different from Nanzhan Buzhou. It doesn't require too many levels." Zhunti Taoist's voice was accompanied by a swishing sound: "The highest level is [Brahmin], and only those who enter Only our Western teachers can be reincarnated here, followed by [Kshatriyas], [Vaishyas] and [Sudras], which respectively correspond to the court and subordinate officials, civilians and merchants, and slaves in the southern continent. They will be based on Each level of belief is reincarnated into the corresponding level."

Hey hey hey...

Master Huang Long, who originally planned to go in and say hello, turned around and left, laughing secretly in his heart.

When the "businessmen" here in Nanzhan Buzhou suddenly become the imperial court and officials, the face of the leader of the Western religion will definitely look very good.

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