The Collection of The End

Chapter 825 Conferred God (87)

——Feng Shen——

Heaven, Penglai Island, Biyou Palace.

Luo Shen is recalculating the contents of the "List of Gods" for an unknown number of times.

As a saint, she wanted to calculate the replacement of a mere human dynasty. Even if its survival would involve the Witch Clan Heavenly Court, there shouldn't be any mistakes, especially since the two saints worked together to do this - but something went wrong. .

At the beginning, although the calculated situation was tragic, it was not too beyond the expectations of the two saints:

Due to various reasons, the three thousand mortals supported the Shang Kingdom, while the heavenly soldiers supported the Xia Dynasty. When the mortals below were fighting to the death, they were also fighting fiercely in the sky. When both sides suffered heavy casualties, Xi He The golden chariot fell from the sky for unknown reasons, and the impact caused almost wiped out both sides, and they were all listed on the list of gods.

The leaders of both sides were Zhao Gongming and Taiyi respectively. The reason why they fought was because they were jealous of Taishang Laojun's disciple Xuandu, which made the two saints laugh.

However, there is a big flaw here - the reason why Xihe's golden chariot fell is "unknown"?

This is the calculation made by the saints, and there are two of them!

Could it be that Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun are working together to interfere? Is there any existence higher than the way of heaven involved?

Although there is no evidence, it must have been done by the two "half-step saints" of Western religion!

Even if their realm is not enough to truly become a saint and gain authority, the two of them together are enough to interfere with this calculation.

As for the motivation... Well, the biggest motivation is the increasing number of human "bubbles" that have disappeared from "Nuwa Empress Blessing" to "Buddha Blessing".

Logically speaking, although there are Western religions that are obstructing this, they have at least figured out who the gods are, so all they have to do is write down their names.

But the content of the calculation changed at this time.

Xihe's golden chariot, which was supposed to fall like a fireball, suddenly disintegrated in mid-air and turned into countless meteors flying into the battlefield. Although the destructive power was still considerable, many names that were originally supposed to be on the list were instantly reduced by half, making the two A saint had to give up completing the list of gods and look for the reason instead.

It is almost impossible to calculate between saints or half-step saints. After checking the calculation process with Master Luo Shen and Tongtian, they found that the only difference was that the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit took Lu Yao to the human world to visit his parents.

Although she had previously gone to Heaven to handle matters on the orders of the Tongtian Cult Master, the gap between the business recipients and her relatives was still quite large. Seeing that the Saint was busy and unable to disturb him, she casually greeted him and left with her brother.

When Luo Shen made further calculations, he found that since Yuanshi Tianzun took Taiyi away to become Taiyi Zhenren, there were only two three-legged golden crows left, which were a bit unstable, so Xihe separated out an inverted form of her own not out of her own free will. , "Wangshu", once again gathered three golden crows.

As a seems to be even more unstable.

Although Luo Shen had known these Golden Crows before the creation of the world, and now he has become a saint, he still has no control over such household matters.

After repeated calculations, Luo Shen determined that the source of the changes in the contents of the Conferred Gods was Jin Ling. When she just left Penglai Island and Heaven, the Conferred Gods List was still normal. However, when she went to look for Xihe in the Golden Cart and failed to find it, the "sun" in the calculation instantly changed. When Jin Ling arrived in heaven and participated in a farce and arrived at the Hall of Valor, the names of some loose immortals on the list began to disappear. When she started singing in Langhuan Pavilion, the heavenly soldiers and mortal guests in the calculation were like seeing the rising sun. Disappeared as quickly as dewdrops.

In addition, there are other subtle and not obvious changes, which come from another batch of Golden Crows.

Since they were prohibited from leaving the heaven by themselves, after having fun with the birds and fairies, they suddenly decided to visit the Three Immortals Island.

Although Luo Shen and Zhao Gongming can be regarded as siblings, Fairy Sanxiao over there is not familiar with her, so it is quite inappropriate to rashly penetrate the shielding formation of Yunzhong City to see the situation.

However, it is basically certain that just when those little Golden Crows entered Yunzhong City,

The mortal battlefield in the prophecy has also changed. All the demons and witches mixed in it have disappeared and been replaced by normal soldiers. However, outside the battlefield, there is an additional battlefield where monks and monsters fight. Many new lists of gods come from there.

Before she could further deduce the cause here, Xi and Jin over there were attacked by an unknown attack and fell at a high speed.

Luo Shen almost laughed angrily - another "unclear" in front of the two saints?

However, this time, it happened that the Three Holy Mothers of Penglai came to Zizhiya to receive the reward, and through the magic weapon they obtained from Duobao, they contacted Lu Ya who was at the scene in Hezhou, Xiniu, and then saw the golden spirit in Western robes.

What else is there to say?

The Western Cult clearly intends to teach with Chan, by recruiting a Golden Crow to share the luck of the human dynasty, so as to better spread their Western Cult, but because no matter whether the target is Xihe or Emperor Jun, it is impossible to succeed, this is Plan to start with their descendants.

Although due to his personality, Luo Shen could not figure out what method the Western religion used to knock down the golden chariot and use it as a way to bluff or blackmail the golden spirit, but only by looking at the monk's robe and the name of saving the Western The people of Niuhezhou knew that they had generally succeeded when they saw the "Five Elements Mountain·Sakyamuni Tathagata Palm".

This also exactly corresponds to Luo Shen's calculation that "the emperor's disciples will suffer this disaster". This statement is too misleading. She only focused on restraining the "son" and forgot about the "daughter".

Western religions have made a great wish, saying that "believers will be transformed from female to male in the next life", so as long as they can attract people, gender is not an issue at all. How could she forget...

That's why the leader of Tongtian Cult became furious, scolded them for "excessive bullying", and ordered the Four Swordsmen of Zhu Xian to help Jin Ling.

However, before the two saints could discuss a countermeasure, Taoist Jie Yin had already become a saint and became the fifth saint in the world: [Jie Yin Buddha], making all the methods used by the saints ineffective.

How could there be such a coincidence! It is obvious that the Western religion has found a way to become a saint, but it is hiding it, waiting to poke a big hole in it, and then become a saint instantly, causing those who want to teach them to give up the idea.

Unfortunately, we are saints and we will not give up.

In the end, after Luo Shen confirmed that all the steps were correct and there was no change in the predicted situation, he handed over the calculated list of gods to the leader of Tongtian. The number on it had dropped by more than 90% from the beginning.

"[This number has been reduced to the number of ordinary deaths such as ordinary mistakes in cultivation, overstepping ranks to challenge powerful enemies, etc. It can be said to be meaningless.]" The leader of Tongtian put down his pen and shook his head repeatedly: "[It proves that this change of dynasty will not affect anyone except mortals." In addition, there will be almost no damage to the Immortal Saint, so there is no need to set up this list again.】"

"[Jin Ling can do such a thing unintentionally, but it's a pity that the price is too high,]" Luo Shen shook his head: "[Although Jin Wu lives a long life, there will always be a time when she dies or an accident occurs. At that time, she will be reincarnated as a person who wholeheartedly believes in the West. The man who teaches... damn it, the three-legged golden crow is beyond the three realms and is not in the five elements, but I can't control it.】"

"[...]" Leader Tongtian pondered for a moment, and suddenly began to modify the function of the list of gods: "[Only the name is not enough, I will assign the calculated results and reasons to it in order.]"

"[What's the significance of this move? Show it to Zhao Gongming?]" Luo Shen asked doubtfully.

"[No, I will ask Wudang, Turtle Spirit, and Fire Spirit to find an opportunity to give it to Taiyi,]" the leader of Tongtian Cult raised his pen: "[Oh, you have to pay the price for plotting against my disciple.]"

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