The Collection of The End

Chapter 826 Conferred God (88)

——Feng Shen——


Create a treasure that can predict how many people will die in the next catastrophe, and then give it away after changing hands. The recipient is still not very good at explaining it. This...

After several "bubbles" appeared and disappeared, Luo Shen had already thought of the whole story: the main target sent by the Tongtian Sect was not the "disciples of the Chan Cult", but the "Innate Golden Crow", "Jin Ling's uncle", and the "founder of Heavenly Court".

“Western religion deceives the Golden Spirit/Weaver Girl into doing things for them by attacking Xi and Jin Cha.”

Even though time has passed and Jin Ling is carrying Dijun on a tour of the human world, Taiyi will probably be furious if the details of this matter are known to him.

In view of his status at this time, no matter what kind of reaction he makes, Tongtian Cult Master can definitely take advantage of him.

In addition, the purpose of coming to Penglai Island to seek alliances has been achieved, and they jointly created the "God List". The next thing is basically Jiejiao's private matter, and I have to return to the Wa Palace for further planning...

As soon as he thought about this, Luo Shen stood up and said goodbye, and the leader of Tongtian didn't stay. He just said that the two sects would have to watch and help each other more in the future, so he called Duobao to help see off the guests.

Before leaving Biyou Palace, Luo Shen turned his head and glanced, noticing that Master Tongtian was renovating and packaging the expired list of gods. The style seemed to be the type that the little girl liked - after all, it was handed over by the Third Holy Mother.

It seems that because Jiejiao is open to all rivers, there are too many weird disciples, so he likes little girls. However, if you come to live in my Wa Palace for a while, you will probably give up this idea.

Walking to the main entrance of Biyou Palace, Luo Shen flicked his cloud sleeves and conveyed his words to the ears of every bird fairy: "[Everyone clean up, we are going to return to Wa Palace.]"


After a short silence, there was sudden chaos on Zizhi Cliff. Birds with different feather colors flew out from houses, tree crowns, grass, rock crevices and even the bottom of the water. They all turned into half birds as they gathered towards Luoshen. She looked like a big girl, and due to the uneven speed, the flight paths intersected, resulting in constant collisions and screams.

"[Please also apologize to Sage Shangqing on my behalf]." Luo Shen said to Duobao without changing his expression.

"Hmm...hehe...Master said it doesn't matter." Duobao looked at the chattering bird fairies, his lightning eyebrows knitted together.

After the girls calmed down a little, Fairy Jinluan and Fairy Caifeng came over respectively pulling the "Yunhe Incense Cart" and the "Eight Treasures Cloudlight Bed".

"Mother, they are crazy, but we are not." The two girls asked Luo Shen for credit, but the other fairies glared at them.

"[Okay, after you go back, you can talk as long as you want, but this is other people's dojo, so please restrain yourself a little.]" Luo Shen clapped his hands and walked towards the Yunhe Incense Cart. Jin Luan and Caifeng immediately ran behind her to help her. Swing it - although it won't get dirty if you don't.

After Luo Shen got on the car, he quickly sensed that the no-fly formation had slightly loosened a gap, so he waved his hand in the direction of Biyou Palace, took the little fairies up into the clouds, and flew away from Zizhi Cliff.


If Luo Shen herself wants to return to the Wa Palace, she only needs to find the connection between the two heavens, tear the space directly and pass through. After all, she is a saint, so even if there are any bad problems, it will not affect her, but in view of the I still had the little fairies with me, so I could only "jump" through the gates one by one like when I came here.

She sat in the car, listening to the fairies excitedly discussing how to brag to their companions who stayed behind when they returned, while thinking about the change of dynasty.

Demons and witches, humans and demons are obviously races created by her, but they are the same because of their different origins. If the witch tribe had not been placed in the heaven early, even if they had the same origin as the human race, they would inevitably be confused because of the same origin. Fighting for various other reasons.

But this time, there was no demonization, witchcraft, or enchantment. It was simply a war between human races caused by wealth and power. Luo Shen couldn't stop it even if he wanted to.

What's more, due to the reason that Chanjiao "went the wrong way", this battle cannot be stopped casually.


Luo Shen recalled the number of casualties calculated during the calculation and shook his head slightly. Although the number of people on the "God List" has decreased, that refers to monks. The casualties caused by battles between mortals have not decreased at all, and in some cases A battle that can be easily solved with the power of demons and witches, because the participants are all ordinary people, they have to pay dozens or hundreds of times more casualties to settle the matter.

This is the amount required to go through the six realms of reincarnation. Isn’t it good to live?

In order to stop paying attention to the "big guys", despising or abandoning the "newbies", and the destruction of those "devils", she decided to block the memory of past lives in the hope that the human race would pay more attention to "this life", but the result was "sacrifice" This act is even more admired... Even the Creator cannot guess what the creature is thinking.

Moreover, due to the influence of certain teachings of Western religions, the human race has begun to spread the saying that "you will be a good man again after eighteen years." How do you get the confidence to reincarnate as a human being next time?

The most irritating thing is that Western religion has just given birth to a saint, and the "receiver of Buddha" did nothing after he became a saint. He immediately took away the reincarnation rights of those who believed in Western religion.

According to the vague remaining records, those believers did not all reincarnate as humans as promised by Western religions. Among the targets of reincarnation, there were cats, dogs, mosquitoes, and even trees. They were also used by the Buddhas to educate others. To say that this was how it was in the previous life, so it will be like this in this life - it's all your own arrangements!

That's all... After all, he has become a saint. Although the application of the saint's power is still very superficial, the personality is there. Next, just pay more attention to the ordinary people in this war. Both sides are his own creations. In such a situation, it is very simple to interfere.

It is completely possible to do things like "you may not die when you are destined to die, and you will definitely not die when you are not destined to die", which can reduce some pressure on the six paths of reincarnation.

While thinking, Yun Che led a group of bird fairies to the nearest "realm gate". The little girls relaxed a little and waited for Empress Nuwa to activate it and teleport everyone to the heaven of Wa Palace at once.


Before Luo Shen started to guide him through the door, layers of golden lightning flashed across the boundary door. The next moment, a huge golden fire phoenix appeared next to the boundary door.

"Wow!" "So big!" "So handsome!" The bird fairies praised him one after another.

Oh, the golden-winged roc? In this way, Zhao Gongming and Jin Guang, who were sent by the Tongtian cult leader to protect Shang Guozilu, should also——

Halfway through Luo Shen's thoughts, he was interrupted by the person he saw. It was Zhao Gongming standing by the door, but it was clear that the woman who looked like a fox and a cat was holding his arm, almost pressing against him. Not golden light.

"Rice jar——!" The woman seemed to be very happy to see so many birds.

"Um..." Zhao Gongming paused, as if he wanted to call Sister Nuwa, but because Luo Shen brought too many fairies, it was difficult to speak.

"[Is that your sister too?]" Luo Shen ignored his confusion and pointed directly at the rice vat girl and asked.

If he dares to accept it now, he will never let himself recognize this brother in the future.

"No! Of course not!" Zhao Gongming seemed to notice something and immediately denied: "She is actually my sister."

"Rice vat?"

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