The Collection of The End

Chapter 827 The Mighty East China Sea

Looking south to Buzhou.

Lu Ya and I were sitting in the carriage of the Qixiang Car, watching Dijun happily dragging the reins of the "Thunder Bull" and dashing about. Although the driving path was in the air, there was no need to worry about hitting anything, but its wild posture It still made Lu Ya nervously hold the Immortal Killing Flying Knife, as if he was ready to jump out of the car at any time.

Hmm... At this time, there should be a song "The Shrimp Catcher" as the BGM.

[The name of the song doesn’t seem to be this? 】Although the current speed is fast, it is still a regular flight rather than a jump, so the stupid system still has time to complain.

‘Don’t worry about that for now,’ I pinched my forehead: ‘First tell me what’s going on with this forced opening window? ’

After transforming into a westward traveler, shooting down the sun, and summoning Xi, Wangshu, and Dijun, there was an additional monitoring window at the edge of my vision that could not be closed.

It is not a first-person perspective, nor a third-person trailing perspective, but a weird "tracking fixed perspective". The angle and field of view when observing the target cannot be changed at all, and when the target leaves the visible range of the perspective, This "lens" will automatically switch to another new perspective that can see the current state of the target, but basically does not overlap with the range that can be observed from the previous perspective.

To make an analogy, it's probably the perspective of the first to third generations of "Resident Evil" that sometimes scares people because of the limited field of view. By the way, since the fourth generation changed to an over-the-shoulder perspective, I haven't played much. , I heard that you are doing some kind of emotional retro, returning to the style of "walking around in a house from beginning to end"?

【Um? Obviously that's monitoring 'Lin Hao', right? 】

‘Of course I can see who I am monitoring. After all, every time the screen switches, my self-conscious avatar disappears from the camera, but this form is too strange. ’ I poked at that image in my mind.

I am quite familiar with the location where she is at the moment. It is the Yunzhong City on Sanxian Island. Although the little girl was assigned a room, she was very curious about the giant white city, so she brought her with her that was once broken into two parts but could barely fit together. The Fengshen Bang Blindfold wandered around together and witnessed several "textbook romantic comedies", but they obviously didn't understand what they were going on about.

However, since Brother Monkey's purpose is to hand her and the "Apotheosis of the Gods" to Zhao Gongming, I don't need to make any unnecessary interference.

I'm actually not surprised that Brother Monkey can establish friendship with Empress Sanxiao and use it to deceive the Western Sect once. After all, Yunxiao is Princess Iron Fan, and he has a Bull Demon King under him, Bixiao is Baihuaxi, and Sirius Being a Kui Mulang is also a plus, but how did Babas Dai Li get involved with Lady Diyong Qiong Xiao?

[Um...well...] ​​The stupid system groaned for a long time, and then said: [Because 'Lin Hao' has awakened her self-consciousness, she should have severed ties with the origin of the world, but she was born from the 'Pangu' that can only originate in the world. The 'Ender Dragon Egg' appeared in the 'End', the predecessor of 'Heart', so the connection cannot be completely disconnected. 】

‘It’s a bit messy, keep going. ’

[What follows is even more chaotic,] Stupid System said: [The only remaining connection between her and the origin of the world is the 'Eye of Annihilation' covered by the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', but this connection itself will be annihilated by the 'Eye of Annihilation'. 】


[In the end, it became this kind of surveillance that did not specifically monitor her, and externally appeared as a "no contact with her" connection. 】

I finally know why Mother Wudang suddenly turned into a tsundere in this world.


"Sister? You are in a daze again."

Lu Ya raised his hand and waved it in front of my eyes. He was obviously used to Di Jun's racing speed.

"No, sister is not in a daze." I raised my chin and gestured to Di Jun in front of me: "After all, what my father is doing now is boring."

Because I casually mentioned, "I want to see how the Heavenly Soldiers who have not gone to the Hall of Valor are doing at ordinary times," he decided to drive to all the Heavenly Guard posts in Nanzhan Buzhou.

In order to prevent those heavenly soldiers from meeting them specially, every time they observe, they will first slow down to use the hidden magical power.

Check their daily routine at close range, then leave quietly, and then speed up again after reaching a sufficient distance. In this way, the overall time spent is not short at all.

It might be interesting at first, but because the outposts and barracks are too homogeneous, it's boring enough to make you want to yawn when nothing unexpected happens.

Generally speaking, the locations of these "heavenly outposts" are not randomly selected. They must be in remote mountains and mountains where monsters are prone to appear, in order to block wild monsters from reaching human settlements.

In addition, if the outposts established by the human race happen to be nearby, they will have to be at odds with these "ordinary outposts" that are basically ineffective to ensure that they can attack them at any time without being discovered by them. to the rescue.

The prerequisite for this "rescue" is "receiving a direct order from heaven" or "the monsters attacking the human outpost have the ability to make the outpost unable to even call for help."

Although the outposts are placed in heaven to ensure that powerful monsters do not return to human gathering places, it would be very troublesome if the human border troops knew that there were heavenly soldiers protecting them and then became emboldened or neglected their duties.

But it is precisely because of this that the people have been dealing with wild monsters that are "weak" or "although they are somewhat strong but can be defeated" all year round, which has led to the one-sided conclusion that "the monsters are very weak", which directly led to the monarchs of the Xia Dynasty They were busy amassing wealth and fighting for power, which made the Shang State intolerable and raised troops to rebel against Xia.

However, this kind of "gatekeeper" duty is indeed better than what I heard in the Heavenly Hall of Heroes, helping the Dongsheng Shenzhou human race to establish a country, escorting the Xiniu Hezhou human race to escape from monsters, and protecting the lost or overconfident Beikuru. As an explorer in Asia, the other tasks are much simpler. No wonder Di Jun would say that being on duty here is a "vacation".

For example, the battle that Di Jun was watching with great interest at the moment was not so much a "war" as a "pest eradication". Their opponents were a large number of soldiers who had just hatched, about half a person tall, and only had fighting instincts. The ant demons and worker ant demons, driven by instinct, rushed towards the Heavenly Outpost like a tide - and were easily blown up.

The queen ant standing at the back was still shouting while driving them to attack the heavenly outpost: "Those who can understand what I am saying, move sideways and leave the team!"

The dignified heavenly soldiers were used as a tool to select elites, but Di Jun was very happy about it, and kept saying that this place was suitable for training new recruits, and would send those who were not good at group combat here in the future.

Okay, after all, it is Sun Jian who beats Huang Gai, so they can be happy.

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