The Collection of The End

Chapter 837 Conferred God (95)

——Feng Shen——

Looking south to Buzhou and the coast of the East China Sea.

Lu Ya was sitting at the back of the Qixiang Car, holding his chin in his hands with a helpless look on his face. While the scenery on the ground in front of him was rapidly retreating, the song of his sister Jin Ling Virgin/Weaver Girl was still echoing in his ears:

"[I just captured a few demons~ I captured a few more demons~ Why are there so many demons and monsters~]"

Yes, yes, Lu Ya also wanted to know why there were so many monsters and monsters.

Uncle Taiyi had previously said that he wanted to see the King of Xia to "see his measure", but wherever the Seven Fragrance Cart passed, whether it was walking on the mountain, swimming in the water, or flying in the sky, all kinds of monsters would show their abnormal behavior. He attacked the Qixiang Car with a violent attitude.

Although the strength is not worth mentioning, even with the speed of the car itself, it can be easily thrown away, but after those violent monsters lose their target, they will not return to their habitat, but after a period of hesitation, they will take the initiative to the nearest Attacks on human settlements.

And this "demon tide" was obviously caused by their own group. As the "Emperor of Heaven" respected by the human race, Taiyi and Dijun could not turn a blind eye to it in any case, especially since there were four "sisters" who were closely related to the Jie Cult in the car. "exist.

After many attempts, the plan to go straight to King Xia's military camp was abandoned - who knows if there are any demon groups near his camp?

The adjusted plan is to go half a circle along the East China Sea coast where you may encounter the fewest monsters, and go to the temporary base camp of the Xia King's army [Chentangguan], and then try to find a way to see how capable he is, unless it is a city that has been operated by humans for a long time. One hundred and eighty monsters can jump out of it...

"[I just climbed over a few mountains~ and crossed a few rivers~ Why are there so many rugged places~]"

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit was still singing an unknown ditty in that strange tune - so fitting for the occasion, she couldn't have made it up herself, right?

The only problem is that the Qixiang Car is obviously flying in the sky, so where did it get so bumpy?

Lu Ya couldn't help but look back inside the carriage and found that Our Lady of the Fire Spirit was eating rice, while Our Lady of Wudang was using her dagger that could flicker back to stab the fish, and then threw it to the Fire Spirit to eat. As for Our Lady of the Turtle Spirit, , she held up a jade tablet, and she didn't know who she was "broadcasting" Jin Ling, no, Sister Weaver Girl's singing to.

Speaking of which, they are obviously younger than me, so why do they openly call themselves sisters...

"Brother Lu Ya, do you want to eat?" Huo Ling noticed Lu Ya's gaze and raised the rice bucket this way.

"No, thank you sister." Lu Ya responded smoothly, and then became depressed - didn't he recognize this sister smoothly?

"[——Walk out into the sky~wide and wide~]"

At this time, Weaver Girl also finished the strange song. If Lu Ya said it, it sounded better than the ones she "roared" in the Hall of Heroes before.

"This Jiejiao theme song "The Great Road to Heaven is Wide and Broad" is dedicated to all the candidates who are about to graduate~" Weaver Girl was holding one of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian up to her mouth, and said to the jade tablet with a smile on her face. : "What else do you want to hear? You can tell senior sister in the barrage~"

When did Jiejiao have a "theme song"? No, what the hell is a "theme song" before that?

Lu Ya glanced at the tablet and found that the opposite side of the "broadcast" seemed to be somewhere on Jiejiao Penglai Island. There were words of various colors written in rows on the flat surface, and the most numerous of them were——

"Who told you to order "Magpie Bridge Immortal"? What kind of story about the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl! Do you want to die and read it!?" Weaver Girl said angrily at the tablet.

Lu Ya covered his face. It seemed that everyone in Jiejiao knew the true identity of their senior sister Jin Ling. It must have been spread by the big mouths of the brothers... Before her sister found out, she had to divert her attention.

"Father! Look! Chentangguan!" Lu Ya rolled his eyes and pointed at a towering pass on the cliff by the sea and shouted loudly.


Over Chentang Pass.

Chentangguan is located at the easternmost end of the Xia Dynasty's territory, at least in name. Its main purpose is to defend against attacks from Dongsheng Shenzhou.

It is located between the two peaks of the Youmin Mountains. There is also a "Nine Bend River" on the plain in front of the pass, which makes the ground soft and wet, making it difficult to carry out large-scale corps operations and deploy siege engines. It can be called One man can guard the gate, but ten thousand men cannot open it.

The problem is that it has never had a chance to defend against enemies coming from the east. The only foreign race that has ever passed this level is the "Dongyi Tribe" from Dongsheng Divine Continent, but they were "invited" by Emperor Xuanyuan Huang, and Several generations ago, when this clan passed through for the second time, they were also "driven away" by a certain Xia king, and the majestic pass was completely used as an ordinary gate.

But now it has an additional use: becoming the base camp for King Xia's expedition.

"This 'Youmin clan' is the branch that the Dongyi people chose to stay when they left Nanzhan Continent," Lu Ya explained to Taiyi and Di Jun, holding a piece of information obtained from the garrisoned heavenly soldiers. Author: "Because they stayed privately and did not trust the Xia Dynasty, they all lived in the mountains far away from Chentangguan. However, the contemporary Xia kings led all chariot soldiers and cavalry. Although they had mobility, they could not adapt to the jungle. Since arriving, the results of the war have been very limited, and many ministers have petitioned to withdraw the troops, but the King of Xia has refused."

"Even if 'All Suns Die' has come true and the Shang Kingdom has raised troops, he still refuses to withdraw his troops?" Taiyi raised his eyebrows, and then looked at Zhinu, the "culprit".

"Is it my fault?" Weaver Girl spread her hands and looked around pretending to take in the scenery.

"Well... Regarding this," Lu Ya turned over a page of information: "It was already night at Chentangguan, and it was in the shadow of the 'Earth'. It was completely impossible to see the collapse and replacement of the 'Sun', and the transmission The messenger of this news is still on his way.”

"Haha, God is going to kill him." Di Jun laughed.

"This king is 'Tian'!" Taiyi glared at him and said: "Speed ​​up the messenger. I need to see his first reaction when he received the news - Zhinu, where are you going?"

When Lu Ya looked up in surprise, he found that Weaver Girl had already jumped off the Qixiang Car. Looking at the direction of the fall, it seemed that it was the tower of Chentangguan?

"I think I saw something familiar-" she responded as she descended.

On his head and feet, he fell towards the human city... The strong sense of sight made Lu Ya use great perseverance to control himself and not jump down. Of course, it was also because Di Jun immediately pulled the reins and descended simultaneously.

"According to the local people, there is a magic weapon on the city tower of Chentangguan that was used by Emperor Xuanyuan. It's called the [Xuanyuan Qiankun Bow]. No one can use it since the Yellow Emperor ascended." Lu Ya turned over a new page. The information read.

"Then, can the 'Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady' be used?" the Turtle Spirit Mother who was listening suddenly asked.


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