The Collection of The End

Chapter 838 Conferred God (96)

——Feng Shen——

Looking south to Buzhou, Chentangguan.

The side of Chentangguan that is not facing the sea is a small city with about ten thousand people living in it. The residents are mainly fishermen, hunters, and farmers. There are also a lot of travelers and merchants. Currently, there are 50,000 Xia King's troops stationed in the city. Judging from the situation that chaos has not yet occurred, the food reserves are also sufficient.

However, since the residents were all ordinary people, no one was discovered when the Qixiang Car, which had been slightly deceived, carried a group of passengers and landed at the gate tower of Chentangguan.

As soon as Lu Ya jumped out of the car, he saw his sister in a daze again.

He smiled secretly in his heart, and was about to go over and joke, "How could someone be so stupid?" When his eyes glanced at him, he couldn't help but froze on the spot.

In the middle of the Chentangguan Gate Tower, which is not exposed to the wind and sun, for some reason there is a large golden round platform that is very inconsistent with the environment. The edge of the round platform is covered with a circle of cylindrical light blue light curtain straight up and down. , seemed to be protecting the object inside, and the "object" was a gorgeous giant bow that stood upright in the air and rotated slowly.

This giant bow, which is as tall as two people, is all golden in color, and its surface is decorated with pieces of fine crystal sapphires and rubies. Its handle is as thick as an ordinary person's waist, and the strings at both ends converge the entire bow into a curve. Moon-shaped, but without a conventional bow string.

This shape...not to mention the protection of magical powers, even if it is used by humans, there is no way to use it, because it is not used for "pull" at all, but for "sitting".

It is estimated that when it first appeared, it attracted a lot of attention and research, and maybe there were monks who tried to take it away. But the fact that it is still here proves that all those people returned in vain.

When Weaver Girl was not the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the scene of sitting on it and instructing herself to do this and that was still vivid in her mind. At this time, she was only one step away from returning to her original appearance.

"Sister? Try it and see if you can use it?" Lu Ya said with hope in his tone.

"Ah? Well, of course it can be used." The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit blinked her eyes and seemed to wake up from her daze. She turned to look at Lu Ya: "This is my [Spirit Clothes] after all."

My sister said something incomprehensible again. Lu Ya ignored the second part and said, "Then try, maybe you can recall more memories."

"Try, try." "Ling Yi? Can you eat it?" "Is it powerful?" The Third Holy Mother was also eager to try it, but the direction seemed wrong.

Taiyi and Dijun did not react to the situation here. They only briefly glanced at the giant bow, and then walked to the other side of the tower to look at King Xia's military tent.

"Hmm... Okay." Our Lady of the Golden Spirit seemed to be hesitant, but after being encouraged, she finally made up her mind and stepped onto the golden round platform. The blue light curtain did not stop her at all.

After Jin Ling approached the giant bow, he patted and pushed it, but it didn't move at all and showed no sign of any change.

"Try to sit on it?" Lu Ya suggested from the side.

"Have I ever been so... naughty before?" Our Lady of the Golden Spirit looked in disbelief, but she still grabbed the bow arm and climbed up.


When Weaver Girl climbed onto the bow arm and sat down, she, the giant bow and the base simultaneously emitted a dazzling golden light, making Lu Ya, who had been watching her, unable to see anything for a moment.

After the golden light gradually dissipated, Lu Ya saw the Holy Mother of Golden Light. No, the Weaver Girl had returned to her appearance as the Golden Crow, but her appearance and age and height had not shrunk. The originally loose and lively white skirt had increased. After adding gold pieces, silver edges, and accessories made of sapphires and rubies, the dress worn by today's Weaver Girl is not only extremely charming, but also reveals a kind of domineering and calmness that looks down on the world.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Weaver Girl seemed completely unaware of her changes, still sitting sideways on the giant bow and poking at it.

"Sister, you..."


Lu Ya was about to say something when he saw a shining silver bowstring emerge from the giant bow.

Then another arrow appeared on the string that was completely red, without any substance, and seemed to be made entirely of light.

Immediately afterwards, they opened the bow and nocked the arrow without anyone pulling it, and the bow body also rotated accordingly, and finally turned the direction of the arrow to the East China Sea.

"What's going on? Are there enemies?" This strange phenomenon finally caught the attention of Di Jun and Tai Yi. They rushed over in a few steps and asked Weaver Girl.

"No, it's not -" Weaver Girl was pressing her hands on the arms of the bow in an attempt to stop its movement, but with little success: "This spirit, the spirit treasure has been stranded here since Xuanyuan, because it is necessary to enter the level. Above the road, a large number of prayers were absorbed to 'destroy the invading enemies of Dongsheng Shenzhou'. As soon as my daughter activated it, it was about to launch an attack on the 'biggest threat' to Chentangguan, but because she didn't know what it was aiming at, Who is it, so I can’t... Uh-huh!"

"Let it go!" Taiyi waved his hand: "If it is found that the target cannot be hit, I will intercept it."

"Hmm...wait a minute, who is this 'threat' aimed at? Is it you, girl, or this Chentangguan?" Di Jun raised his hand to stop Taiyi from taking over.

"Me? How is it possible?" Weaver Girl looked around while exerting her strength, "With you here, who can threaten me?"

Di Jun and Tai Yi did not respond to this statement, which was tantamount to boasting. On the contrary, San Shengsheng immediately expressed his position:

"That's right, that's exactly what it is." "If a god stands in the way, he will eat the god! If the Buddha stands in the way, he will eat the Buddha!" ​​"I may not necessarily help you."

So, this arrow is actually intended to attack the person threatening Chentangguan? Could it be that a large number of demons from Dongsheng Shenzhou are about to come west? No, before that...

"If it's a monster like the 'Xingtian' we encountered, it wouldn't hurt to let this attack go out." Lu Ya put forward his own opinion.

"Hmm! Okay!" Weaver Girl suddenly raised her hand, and the red arrow flew straight towards the eastern sky at an incredible high speed, until it disappeared from sight, with no sign of falling at all.

" the 'threat' to the people of Chentangguan that far away?" Di Jun scratched his head.

"Speaking of which," Our Lady of Turtle Spirits interjected thoughtfully: "Is this 'Chentangguan' considered just 'common people', or is it the 'people' within the pass?"


There are only about 10,000 civilians in Chentangguan, but King Sigui of Xia is stationed here with 50,000 soldiers, and the threat to King Xia is——

"[Taiyi, what are you doing!]" Everyone looked at each other, and Xi He's angry voice sounded from the coat of arms in Zhinu's hand: "[Shang Kingdom has just raised troops, and you throw the 'King's Trumpet' to block their way? Don't quibble! If others can’t see that pure Golden Crow aura, can I still mistake it?!】"

"My king..." Taiyi was halfway through his defense when he saw Weaver Girl clasping her hands to beg him for mercy, so her tone changed: "That's right! It was my king who did it! They can't succeed in rebelling against Xia this time!"

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