The Collection of The End

Chapter 844 Conferred God (98)

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——Feng Shen——

Looking south to Buzhou, Jinji Ridge.



After the light dimmed slightly, Lu Ya put down the immortal-killing gourd used to block the light. He heard the words of the Golden Spirit Virgin/Weaver Girl imitating the Fire Spirit Virgin, and was speechless for a moment.

He had seen the Zhunti Taoist of the Western Sect erect such a large wall of golden light before. Lu Ya was a little grateful that he did not have to fight with his acquaintances from the Shang Kingdom, but within two days, he saw a "Ten Colored God" "Light" smashed the huge wall and Taoist Zhunti into pieces, and the gap was too big.

After the light completely disappeared and the surrounding scenery returned to normal, Weaver Girl clenched her fists and said:

"Sure enough, Taoist Zhunti is the man who makes the impossible possible!"

What's the meaning? At this time, even if we praise, we should praise the Kong brothers and sisters, right?

No, forget it, after all, it has become my sister's personal characteristics to be in a daze for no reason, kick the car when there is nothing to do, and say a few words that others can't understand from time to time.

"Infinite Buddha."

Before Lu Ya was about to say something else, he suddenly saw several bright golden lotuses appearing in front of the Qixiang Car. They collided and merged with each other, and finally turned into an exquisite lotus platform. On the lotus platform, a human figure began to be outlined at a very high speed, and finally , as a Buddha's name that was very similar to what Taoist Zhunti said before was pronounced, the figure instantly transformed into a woman in white.

"She" has a round face with starry eyes, cherry lips and a beautiful nose, eyebrows like distant daisy, skin like peach blossoms, a dot of red vermilion on her forehead like blood, wearing a snow-white cloud-patterned Taoist robe, a rose crown on her head, earthy yellow Buddhist beads hanging around her neck, and a like A pair of ice-like bracelets, tied with a purple silk ribbon at the waist, holding a golden whisk in one hand, and holding a jade vase with a pair of willow branches in the other.

Clean bottle...?

rub! Lu Ya directly took out the Immortal Killing Gourd and pointed it at the "woman", with an expression as if he was about to pull out the gourd at any time: "Zhunti!?"

This Western sect leader looks quite like a woman. Has he finally changed completely after receiving such a hard blow this time?

"I'd like to thank Tan Yue for helping me," the woman in white, who was suspected to be Zhunti, ignored Lu Ya, clasped her hands and bowed to Weaver Girl, "But I still need to trouble Tan Yue to show me a clear path."

"Uh... this..." Weaver Girl scratched her head,

Eyes rolled: "How about you create a Western branch that only accepts female disciples? Let's call it [Cihang Jingzhai]."

"Thank you Tan Yue for the name. The poor monk will be called [Taoist Cihang] in the future." The woman bowed again, then turned around and left.

"..." Weaver Girl stared blankly and started to be in a daze. After a while, she kicked the car board again and said to herself: "Fortunately, there is no copyright issue with this."

"Sister? Um, uh..." Lu Ya didn't know what to call the "woman" just now.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Taoist Zhunti suddenly realized it when he was hit by Kong Xuan. He wanted to become a saint, but he failed." Zhinv's eyes seemed to wander a few times when she spoke: "Fortunately, I have some differences with Western religions. Fate has given her a hand, and she is now in the same situation as I was when I transformed from the Weaver Girl into the Golden Spirit Madonna. It can be said that it is a quasi-ti, or it can be said that it is not."

The so-called "fate" means wearing Western clothes and beating up the sun, right...

"No matter what you become, you will still be my sister." Lu Ya thought for a while and responded seriously.

"Good, good, good, good~" Weaver Girl turned around and rubbed Lu Ya's face vigorously.

"My face is almost crushed!"


"Okay, then what we have to consider next is how to strengthen the abilities of those checkpoint guards."

After the giant golden wall disappeared, the merchant army that was slightly blocked moved forward again. Zhinu drove the Qixiang chariot to investigate from a distance. After seeing that they had an intention to divide the troops into three groups, she turned around and sped towards the three passes. go.

On the way, Zhi Nu used her spiritual power to draw a topographic map on the floor of the vehicle from the Shangqiu attack to Zhenxiu. In Lu Ya's view, these topographic undulations could only be considered roughly accurate, but he could zoom in and drag them by raising his hand and touching it. The remote function is very good.

"If you walk in a straight line, you will pass through Gu State, which has developed fisheries." Weaver Girl zoomed in to show the Fang State that the road in the middle would pass through. The screen was filled with sparkling waves: "Sishui River passes through here, and Sishui Pass It blocks the only way to Zhenbo. Moreover, there are not only many lakes and ponds rich in fish, but also many creeks and tributaries, which is not conducive to large army operations, let alone siege. The Shang State is likely to send small troops. A group of elites cut down the pass and locked it up to welcome the army into the city, so we need to strengthen the individual combat capabilities of the sergeants in this pass, and they cannot be stolen."

"Give each of them a shield?" Guiling suggested.

"Concealment is better." Wudang also had an opinion.

"I don't want to eat fish anymore!" Huo Ling shouted.

Zhi Nu tilted her head and looked at Lu Ya.

"It is better to set up a mechanism and have a special person to guard it. Once the city gate is lost, the mechanism can be activated to drop heavy objects to block the city gate." Lu Ya said.

"Hmm..." Weaver Girl nodded, noncommittal, then moved her arm across the map and switched to another level.

"This is Qinglong Pass, guarding Kunwu State, which is good at burning pottery and porcelain. Due to the activity of the 'earthworm demon', the soil quality is very good. The main means of defense in Guanzhong are pouring hot water or boiling oil. At the same time, due to the heat produced by the kiln, Some by-products, weapons and armor are much better than other levels... It seems there is nothing to strengthen?"

"They use iron weapons and armor, right?" Gui Ling said: "That kind of material is easy to rust and rot when exposed to water. Hot water and boiling oil cannot be used in rainy days. How about we strengthen this level? How about the weather so that it won’t rain for a long time?”

"Ironware," Wudang adjusted his mask: "How about pouring molten iron directly under the city wall?"

"..." It seemed that because this proposal was too cruel, even the Fire Spirit Mother stopped eating and looked at her in a daze.

"Hmm... beware of the enemy sneaking into and destroying the weapons manufacturing workshop." Weaver Girl recorded it nonchalantly.

After that, she switched the screen to the last level.

"The Jiameng Pass of the Swine Wei Kingdom," Weaver Girl said, "The country is rich in pigs, beef, mutton, and leather products. Since livestock need to be allowed to pass through, the gates and city walls are low and there are many detours, so they cannot be used as a defensive barrier at all. It’s basically an undefended state, and if it weren’t for the fact that it’s not too far away from Zhenxiu, Shang State might even send its main force here.”

"Food! Let's go here!" This time it was Huo Ling who responded first.

"Tie scissors to the horns of the cow, lay straw on the body, and finally light the firecrackers on the cow's tail..." Wudang tilted his head and said.

Why are her suggestions always so cruel...

"No!" Turtle Spirit retorted: "In that case, the princess can't eat it!"

Is that the point? !


Good Dream Pass.

This Jiameng Pass is not so much a gate as it is a high wall that stretches across the road without any support, with a meaningless doorway as high as two people in the middle.

The name of the pass probably means that no matter who guards it, they can have good dreams every day, because no one will attack at all, and they can just go around and pass.

" seems that only gods can defeat gods..."

When Lu Ya came back from inspecting Jiameng Pass, he heard the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit standing on the city wall talking to herself incomprehensible words. .

When they strengthened those levels as planned, they found that almost all the people in the three levels had escaped. Although the city defenders were able to hold on due to the strengthening that Weaver Girl had quietly given them, they also planned to attack if the situation turned bad. Escape posture.

From Lu Ya's point of view, no matter how much confidence Zhunti had given them by the wall, they had to pay it back with profit when it was destroyed.

Especially this Jiameng Pass has been completely turned into an empty city, with not a single living person, but there are still a lot of living livestock left - for the time being.

Seeing that it was impossible for those merchants who had escaped to come back and the meat goods would only rot if left there, the Weaver Girl waved her hand and let the Fire Spirit Madonna eat as much as she wanted in the pass.

In this way, the Turtle Spirit has no reason to stop the unreasonable behavior of tying weapons, straw and firecrackers to those large animals.

In the end, a force of three thousand "Fire Ox Soldiers" was formed, which looked murderous. Well... As for why some "oxen" are short and fat, and some "oxen" have wool on their bodies, there is no need to delve into it. .

"Sister, do you have to guard this... pass?" Lu Ya walked towards Weaver Girl and asked.

"At least make a show of it," she pointed to the sky. She didn't know who she was referring to: "This pass is the farthest detour. We wait until the other two passes are breached and when the troops here approach the city, we will set fire to it." Once the bull formation is released, you can directly dodge people."

If there were any cattle left by then...

"But, it seems that we have no way to know the progress of the merchant army?" Lu Ya asked again: "What if they attack here first?"

"Of course there is." Weaver Girl raised her hand to grab the Qixiang Chariot, and then threw it on the ground of the city wall. The topographic map changed its position and appeared on the city wall, and was enlarged a lot.

"Well, as expected, they did go to the nearest 'Qinglong Pass' first, but...she must have gone too far." Zhinv pointed to the red and blue "convex" characters at the location of Qinglong Pass, and the topographic map instantly pulled up. It was close, and because he was within the wide city wall, the illusion it created made Lu Ya feel a little immersive.

In front of Qinglong Pass, I saw a short merchant general shouting commands, ordering "his" men to hold up large shields and push the siege vehicles forward, but they were often driven away by the hot water and boiling oil pouring down from the gate. Go, every time the oil was ignited, the offensive had to be stalled, and then the general was directing Kangtu to put out the fire, and "he" always stood within the shooting range of the closed bow and arrow.

So, does Our Lady of Golden Light dare to dress up in a more obvious way? Why does that long silver hair stick out of the helmet?

"Sister, what is she doing?" Lu Ya asked doubtfully.

"Wait for a sharp archer... Hey, look, here it comes." Zhinv pointed at a soldier in the direction of the city wall and said.

Archer? He's just a water

Before Lu Ya could express his doubts, he saw a golden light falling from the sky and covering the soldier completely, but the Xia soldiers who were busy defending around him were completely unaware of it.

"Tsk tsk... Because Guangcheng Zi was Xuanyuan's master, he can possess human beings at will with his consent," Weaver Girl mocked: "I don't know what benefits he promised to that little soldier."

During the conversation, Lu Ya saw the soldier's demeanor change. He took out a hard bow and three arrows from the weapon rack, then walked towards the gap in the battlements at a scurrying pace, and raised his hand towards the "commander". A three-shot streak.


Although there was no sound in this real-time picture, Lu Ya was affected by the momentum of the three arrows and could not help but dub it in his mind.

Then he saw that the three arrows hit the Golden Lady disguised as a human commander almost at the same time, knocking her to the ground, and the hit areas were all on her forehead, as if she had been stabbed in the head with a fork.

This sudden change caused both the offense and defense to be stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do.

After a moment, the "commander" stood up from the ground without moving. He seemed to say something, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Qinglong Pass began to shake. Countless giant earthworm monsters emerged from the ground, gnawing and hitting Qinglong Pass and the rocks on both sides. Their targets began to collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye. , even if the illusion has no sound, Lu Ya can still feel the panic of the defenders.

"Well... what she said was 'you make the first move'," Weaver Girl said: "Guangchengzi's idea is good. No matter how powerful the other party is, if the three souls and seven souls are suppressed by those three arrows, they can't do it no matter what." It's been a while since he died, but how could he guess that the Four Evils don't have souls at all?"

As if cooperating with Weaver Girl's explanation, a golden light suddenly left the soldier who was "bent over". After shaking his head to wake up, he immediately chased after his comrades who had already started to escape.

In the end, the entire Qinglong Pass turned into ruins, and the earthworm monsters slowly retracted under the ground like a sea monster putting away its tentacles.

"Well, very good, let's take a look at Bishui Pass next." Weaver Girl switched the pictures on the terrain map in a brisk tone, as if the side she supported was not the one that had just been defeated.

No, she didn't originally want to support either side. They were all coerced. Lu Ya glanced at his sister.

At Sishui Pass, the Shang army indeed adopted the method of sneaking into the pass and opening the city gate inside and outside. However, the city gate was blocked by the huge rocks prepared early. Now they can only transport earth back and forth to seal the moat of Sishui Pass and the front of the pass. The ravines are filled.

Different from the situation where ordinary soldiers of the merchant army could only transport one or two bags of soil at a time, there was a young man/girl in white clothes and green hair going back and forth on the edge of the battlefield, using the gold and silver chains around his/her body to transport mountains of soil. The efficiency was so great. The defenders at Sishui Pass looked at each other, looking completely ready to escape at any moment.

And just as the boy/girl was returning again carrying a mountain of earth, a Xia Army cavalry suddenly came out of the diagonal thorn. The leader jumped up high without saying a word, and with his back palm was a golden seal like a giant mountain. Press down on him.

"Oh, Fan Tianyin, aren't you going to hide it?" Weaver Girl sneered.

Lu Ya saw that Xuan Du originally seemed to want to take something out of his sleeves, but gave up halfway.

Before he had time to wonder, he saw a golden dou of almost the same size as the Heavenly Seal catching it, and then a huge golden scissors flew over and cut the big seal twice, causing the big seal that had been sacrificed before to be cut off. Yin Yin fell to the ground trembling, and a golden light quickly left his body. After Fan Tianyin got rid of the entanglement of Jin Dou and Jin Jian, he was about to follow, but he was hit by a similarly golden formation diagram. Wrap it up and disappear.

Looking below, the God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, has come to Xuandu's side and is asking for help.

I feel like Uncle Taiyi will be very angry... Lu Ya thought irrelevantly.

"Tsk," when he was about to look again, he saw Weaver Girl put away the terrain map and pulled him to jump on the Qixiang Car.

"What's wrong?" Lu Ya was recalling the majestic battle and asked subconsciously.

"Guangchengzi came to us," Weaver Girl said as she drove quickly: "But there seems to be something wrong with his 'Golden Light Possession Technique'."

"What? Bago?" Lu Ya didn't understand.

"Logically speaking, it should choose humans within a certain range, but there are no humans around Jiameng Pass, so that stupid magical power chose the smartest animals instead," Weaver Girl said as if she wanted to laugh but had no time to laugh. Expression: "I hope we can make it in time."

animal? ox? sheep? Before Lu Ya had time to come to a conclusion, he saw the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit from a distance. She, Wudang and Turtle Spirit were wandering among the cow pens, sheep pens and pig pens.

"——You guys hum, come with me immediately!" A big fat pig suddenly had a golden light coming from its body, and then uttered human words.

"Unbelievable!" The little girl in pink skirt widened her eyes, and then bit into it.

"Wait!? Princess, what did you eat?" "Talking pig." "Spit it out!" "It's gone."

There was chaos below.

"..." Weaver Girl put down the reins, put her hand on her forehead, and then turned to look at Lu Ya: "We didn't see anything, do you understand?"

"Yeah!" Lu Ya responded, covering his mouth.

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