The Collection of The End

Chapter 845 Conferred God (99)

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——Feng Shen——

Heaven, the city in the clouds.

"Don't eat rabbits! Rabbits are so cute, why should you eat rabbits!"

Yuan Hong was carrying a half-large rabbit in one hand and a rusty iron chain in the other. He was about to go out, but Han Zhixian grabbed the cloak while yelling and refused to let go.

She seemed to be very afraid of Yuan Hong. She caught him, but she closed her eyes tightly and did not dare to look at the Monkey King.

"Hanzhi... Commander Yuan..." Caiyunxian was in a dilemma, and finally looked at Dai Li beside Yuan Hong.

"Who did you hear that we were going to capture it and eat it?" Dai Li, who still had some contact with the two fairies, could only persuade him: "Moreover, monkeys only eat fruits, not meat."

"Then you eat it!" Han Zhixian shouted.

"Hmm..." Dai Li couldn't refute for a moment. After all, he was a wolf. Isn't it normal for wolves to eat rabbits?

Although the appearance of the big rabbit of Long-eared Dingguangxian really makes the wolf lose his appetite.

"Hanzhi, let go of Commander Yuan." Fairy Yunxiao's voice sounded from behind them.

"Wow... Bunny is so cute... ah!" Han Zhixian reluctantly let go of her hand and turned to look at Fairy Yunxiao, only to jump back in fright.

"What?" Dai Li looked over in confusion, but saw a huge bull's head, and couldn't help but be stunned.

That was clearly the prototype of Jin Dasheng - a huge buffalo, and sitting on his back was Fairy Yunxiao. The Lord of Yunzhong City happened to be sitting in a comfortable depression, looking very skillful and seemed to be sitting Many times.

"Commander Yuan," Yun Xiao ignored the juniors who were watching blankly and said condescendingly to Yuan Hong: "I don't ask where you found it. It can affect my sister's 'karma'. It's good to find Lin." What is the intention, and why are brothers and sisters Kong Xuan allowed to deal with Taoist Zhunti but prevent us sisters from helping brother Gongming——"

This is obviously very important!

Yun Xiao paused, and then said: "I just ask, what is the purpose of doing so many things that are not good for yourself, but are very beneficial to others?"

ah? Isn't it to deceive Western religions? Dai Li looked confused.

"It's no big deal. I'm just trying to avenge a grudge, repay a grudge, and return a favor." Yuan Hong plucked his ears, turned around and glanced at Yun Xiao: "If I slow down a little, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it."

"I don't remember having any contact with Mei Shan." Yun Xiao was obviously not satisfied with this answer.

Hmm... It's understandable, Dai Li nodded beside him. If a stranger suddenly gave him something he wanted, helped him with things, and even escaped a disaster for him, when he wanted to thank him, the other person said he was just repaying a favor—— I don’t know you at all. What kind of favor can you repay? In a previous life?

It would be fine if it were an ordinary creature, but Fairy Sanxiao was transformed into a cloud, and there was no such thing as "past life" at all.

Huh? Could it be, the afterlife? future?

But even a saint can do this kind of thing...

"It's precisely because you 'don't remember' that I can't explain it to you." Yuan Hong dropped an inexplicable and even contradictory sentence, swung his cloak, turned around and stepped out of the gate of Yunzhong City: "Let's go, native dog. "

"I'm a wolf!" Dai Li hurriedly followed.

Han Zhixian seemed to want to chase him out, but Yun Xiao raised his hand to stop him.

"Well, Your Majesty, I don't need you to explain anything," Dai Li finally couldn't help but ask as he and Yuan Hong were riding on the clouds, "Just tell me what we are going to do next."

"Oh?" Yuan Hong looked at him, paused in surprise, and then said: "Go to Biyou Palace and fight Guangchengzi."

"Guang Chengzi? Biyou Palace? Beat?" Dai Li wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

"Hehe, you said it yourself, no need to explain." Yuan Hong said with a smile.

"Ah...Okay, Your Majesty, please continue." Dai Li answered helplessly as he dug his ears.

"After the fight, discuss the truth with the leader of Tongtian Cult, and then stay in Biyou Palace to wait for the Conferment of Gods to be completed before leaving." Yuan Hong continued.

"..." Dai Li was confused for a long time, and finally said: "It seems like there is nothing wrong with me?"

"Yes," Yuan Hong shook his head: "Before these things, you have to fight Wu Yunxian first."

"He's going to die!" Dai Li was shocked.

"Half-dead at most."



Zizhi Cliff.

When Yuan Hong and Dai Li arrived at Penglai Island, they hardly attracted the attention of the disciples on the island. After all, Jie Jiao is known as the Ten Thousand Immortals who come to court, and no one can guarantee that he knows all his brothers, and the two of them are obviously demons and immortals, monkey It’s not unusual to be with a dog.

Therefore, when the two finally landed at the foot of Zizhi Cliff, only Wu Yunxian discovered them and came to inquire.

Searching for people, becoming disciples, or asking for teachings are generally handled by Wuyun Xian, who is comparable to a saint. Unless it is particularly troublesome and important, Taoist Duobao will be troubled. As for the leader of Tongtian Cult... I'm kidding, that's true. If there is something that needs to be told to the leader, the leader himself must already know it.

"Two fellow Taoists are here, what do you want to learn from me?" Wu Yunxian still looks like a tall, thin man with dark skin and a hearty smile, but the coercion he exudes intentionally or unintentionally makes everyone not because of him. attitude and contempt.

"I'm here to complain!" Yuan Hong waved his hand and threw the Golden Hoop Immortal, which was in the shape of a rusty chain, and said, "He messed around with the hoop and broke the stone hoop I was sleeping on."

Is this happening? Dai Li was stunned, but still held back his words.

"Hmm..." Wu Yunxian took a brief look at the Golden Hoop Immortal who hurriedly transformed into a human form, and initially determined that he belonged to the outer sect of Jie Jiao, and seeing that he was timid and did not dare to refute, it was probably true, so He nodded to Yuan Hong: "Could it be some kind of rare jade bed? Fellow Taoist, just mention it, I won't be unable to pay for it."

"No need," Yuan Hong waved his hand: "It's just an ordinary stone in the mountains. It's just that I slept for a long time, was damaged by others, and felt bad."

"Then..." Wu Yunxian was about to ask again, but he saw Yuan Hong throwing out another rabbit demon, which was also an outer sect of Jiejiao, so he looked at Yuan Hong with a consulting look.

"It has stolen my magic weapon." Yuan Hong said.

"This -" Wu Yunxian was stunned for a moment, obviously this accusation was more serious.

But where did you get your natal magic weapon, my lord, for it to steal? Dai Li made a gesture of indignation on the list.

"But don't bother Jie Jiao, because it is a natal magic weapon, so it is easy to take it out, but the process of taking it out will be very tragic. To avoid Jie Jiao misunderstanding, I will bring it here to do it." Yuan Hong pointed at the rabbit, and it With a bang, he transformed back into a huge body as tall as a person.

"Fellow Taoist, please..." Wu Yunxian could only say this.

"Changchangchang——" Yuan Hong opened the three-petal mouth of Changer Dingguangxian and kept chanting. Then, he saw one end of the iron rod he usually used protruding from the rabbit's mouth.

My lord, when did you stuff it in? ? Dai Li was completely shocked.

Then, Yuan Hong threw a cleaning spell on the iron rod and pulled the iron rod out. The big rabbit made a sound and fell to the ground twitching.

"..." Wu Yunxian showed a calm expression, but since it was indeed the two disciples who were at fault, he couldn't say anything, so he had to use his magical power to send them away for treatment. Then he said, "Fellow Taoist, is there anything else?"

"If nothing else, please keep them under strict supervision and don't let them leave Penglai Island until they understand the etiquette." Yuan Hong waved his hand.

"I will remember," Wu Yunxian paused and continued: "I think you two are very capable. I wonder if you would like to join me as a coach?"

"No," Yuan Hong waved his hand contemptuously: "If most of the disciples of Jie Jiao are so rude, wouldn't you be asking for trouble if you enter?"

Your Majesty, do you still remember that you are in a saint's dojo? ! Dai Li was almost crazy with fear.

"Huh, let's go!" Wu Yunxian flicked his sleeves and turned around to leave. It was obvious that his patience with this visitor had been completely exhausted.

"You guys -" after taking a few steps, he seemed to have thought of something and turned around to say something, only to find that the monkey and dog from before had disappeared: "Tsk."

If they are on Penglai Island and want to disappear quietly, if they are not saints themselves, there is only one possibility - being taken to Biyou Palace by the leader of Tongtian.

Naturally, the leader would not be angry because of such a small offense. He probably took a fancy to their strength. In this way, they might become fellow disciples in the future, so the two unlucky guys probably had no chance to retaliate. .


Biyou Palace.

"[You two did a good job.]"

While Dai Li was still surprised by Yuan Hong's serious nonsense, he found that he had changed places with him, from the green grassland under the Zizhi Cliff to a huge palace where golden and blue complemented each other, simplicity and luxury combined with nature. .

Behind the wide long table in front of them, a middle-aged Taoist priest in black clothes and black hair was sitting. His expression was serious, his voice was low and slightly mysterious and hoarse, even though he didn't leak a breath, Dai Li It is also certain that he is the leader of the Jie Cult, the Supreme Saint Lingbao Daojun.

Next to Master Tongtian, stood a young Taoist wearing a pure white Taoist robe, with a strong aura and eyebrows like golden lightning. He must be Taoist Duobao, the great disciple of Jie Jiao.

Logically speaking, one should pray and visit the saint at this time, but he seemed to have just said something resembling an accusation. Maybe he should apologize first?

"Hehehe, it's nothing, you're welcome." Before he could figure it out, Yuan Hong gave an answer that made Dai Li take a breath of air.

Master Tongtian's expression remained unchanged, but Taoist Duobao raised his eyebrows twice.

"[Stone Monkey, can you explain what you are doing?]" Leader Tongtian spoke again. His eyes glanced at Yuan Hong's shoulder, and a transparent, funnel-like object appeared on its own, shattered and disappeared.

"Ah, it's nothing. I just broadcast the conversation I just had with Wu Yunxian to a large area." Yuan Hong picked his ears: "It's really noisy to be so close."

Are those conversations just now being broadcast to the entire Penglai Island? Is it too late to pass out now? No, no, everything the king does makes sense...Dai Li has fallen into a state of chaos.

"[Duobao.]" Leader Tongtian tilted his head.

"Yes, Master." Taoist Duobao responded, and took out a square jade plate from his sleeve. With a slight shake, it became as big as half a wall, and then floated steadily in the air, and then the surface flashed. , a bird's-eye view of Penglai Island appeared on it. When I looked again, many green dots, yellow dots, white dots and red dots were slowly moving around the island. Among them, the places where Yuan Hong and Wu Yunxian were just now were gathering. There are a lot of red dots and only a few yellow dots on the periphery.

"Master, now half of the junior brothers and sisters on the island are very angry and want to capture the demon fairy who just made bold remarks." Taoist Duobao said.

"[Hmm.]" Leader Tongtian responded, looking at Yuan Hong and waiting for his explanation.

"Angry, just be angry. Otherwise, if you don't take action later, it will be a waste of my efforts?" Yuan Honghun said nonchalantly.

"Fellow Taoist, you—" Taoist Duobao seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by an unusually loud shout on the screen.

"Explain the teachings to Guangchengzi - come and pay homage to the mountain -"

Following the sound, a golden light like a meteor drew an arc from the distant sky and fell towards Zizhi Cliff. The leader of Tongtian Cult raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his hand and pointed slightly, and the meteor was forcibly changed its trajectory, and fell all the way to where Yuan Hong was before. The place where I met Wu Yunxian.

"Master, that is the senior brother who explains the teachings. Disciples are going to greet him." Duobao saluted to Tongtian.

"[No need, just watch.]" Leader Tongtian shook his head slightly, and then glanced at Yuan Hong as if casually.

Dai Li was still a little confused at first, but after seeing the real-time scene under the Zizhi Cliff, his expression became indescribable.

What did Guangchengzi say?

——I’m here to complain!

——The Holy Mother of Golden Light whom you taught destroyed the Qinglong Pass of the human race.

——Zhao Gongming, who you intercepted and taught, took away my natal magic weapon.

——The Third Holy Mother you taught is very rude and should be brought back and disciplined strictly.

It was completely Yuan Hong's trick to anger Wu Yunxian, which directly caused Wu Yunxian, who should calm his disciple's emotions, to temporarily give up this responsibility under the influence of the sense of déjà vu.

The most critical part is that he is confident that he is right, and he deliberately uses some magical power to make the sound heard throughout Penglai Island.

Dai Li looked at the small white and green dots that originally represented the emotions of Jie Jiao disciples. After his words, they all turned into yellow and red dots, and they all rushed towards him. He couldn't help but shed tears of sympathy for him. .

"Sage, please forgive me for being rude." Yuan Hong took out his iron rod, shook it twice until it became as thick as a log, carried it on his shoulder and walked to the gate of Biyou Palace.

The next moment, where the red light spots gathered, three golden lights broke through the encirclement and headed straight for Biyou Palace.

"[Huh... One Qi can transform the Three Pure Ones?]" Tongtian Cult Master laughed in a low voice: "[Senior Brother Yuqing dares to teach, but he actually dares to learn?]"

"Jie Jiao, no, you are welcome!" Yuan Hong, who was guarding the door, did not wait for the three golden lights to land, and directly swung his stick and struck hard. With only three sticks, he knocked the three golden lights far away from Penglai Island.

The excited Jiejiao disciples were stunned for a moment, and then cheered together.

"[You monkey, you have such a thorough plan,]" Tongtian Cult Master shook his head in helplessness and amusement: "[Tell me, what are your requirements?]"

"Disciple is rude and boldly asks the saint to set up the [Ten Thousand Immortals Formation] in the next game and remove all Jie Jiao from the 'List of Gods'." Yuan Hong turned around and handed over his hand.

"[...]" Leader Tongtian fell silent, stared at Yuan Hong for a moment, and then said: "[Yes]."

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