The Collection of The End

Chapter 846 Conferred God (End)

——Feng Shen——

Outside the boundary sign.

"The situation seems not good..."

"Yes, we seem to have done a big disservice..."

Master Yuding and Master Huanglong were hiding above the Shang army, discussing countermeasures while watching them move towards the checkpoint ahead.

In terms of tone, Yuding didn't care much about the outcome of the human race's battle and just discussed the matter, but Huanglong, who knew the inside story, was anxious.

Jiepaiguan is located on the dividing line between the area actually controlled by the Xia Dynasty and the surrounding Fang countries. Previously, no matter how many Fang countries the Shang Kingdom conquered, Xia Dynasty officials could barely tell the people of the Xia Dynasty that they were between the Fang countries to which they belonged. The battles and frictions, and once the Jiepaiguan was captured and continued to deepen, it was an undisputed rebellion against the Xia Dynasty.

It is not that a person with the surname Si became the king and challenged the Xia Dynasty. It is undoubtedly a subversion of the current teachings of Chanjiao that "everything is divided into three, six or nine grades" and "everyone is in his own place and performs his own duties." , with Huang Long's knowledge, it is impossible to imagine what would happen when the "Tao" practiced by a saint who "fits the body with the Tao" is subverted.

When I met with Saint Yuqing in Yuxu Palace last time, I ignored this issue because I was shocked by the explanation of "the excess is lost and the deficiency is compensated". Now I can only guess that Master Yuanshi had already planned this.

As for being too busy...

Since the two of them were assigned by the saint to observe the Shang Army, their presence could not be directly detected by ordinary means. Although Xuandu may discover it, given that he/she has the duty of "ranging" for the Shang Army, as long as he/she does not If you hang in front of his/her face, it shouldn't be a big deal.

The original duty of the two of them was to "get rid of the hurtful monsters that the merchant army might recruit." However, the monsters who assisted the merchant army, whether they were human monsters or celestial monsters, were not, could not, and did not want to hurt people. Occasionally, Mortals with bad tempers who didn't know they were monsters scolded them after they made mistakes because they didn't adapt to human life. They also smiled and admitted their mistakes and compensated, leaving the two "supervisors" Huanglong and Yuding helpless.

Because Huang Long had no chance to make meritorious deeds and believed that he already knew the Shang Army's strategy, he relayed the relevant information one by one when Senior Brother Guang Chengzi came to inquire. Although Yu Ding had some objections to this act of overstepping his authority, But he was soon persuaded by Huang Long's reasoning that "this can show his face in front of the teacher and make Yang Jian's situation better."

The strategist of the Shang Army was just a mortal, and he could not hide it from the two Daluo Jinxian when making decisions, such as "Let monsters pretend to be ordinary soldiers and sneak into the vanguard to attack Qinglong Pass", "Xuandu was unwilling to fight with Chanjiao and was only responsible for transporting earth and rocks." As well as strategies such as "sending fox monsters to seduce Jiameng Pass to guard the generals inside and outside," they all knew it clearly.

The story revealed by Our Lady of Golden Light, "Jin Ling found out that she was the daughter of Emperor Jun, was in a dilemma, and finally just strengthened the guards slightly and left early" has been confirmed. Everything about gods is true, not to mention the information about mortals. ?

But who knows why Guangchengzi's plan of "pushing him from behind" failed in three battles, and now he no longer knows where he is going.

This directly caused the Kunwu, Shewei, Gu, and Three Kingdoms after the Three Passes to surrender. Other tribes and Fang Kingdoms also responded one after another, initially forming an encirclement of the Xia Dynasty's home territory. They were just waiting for the Shang Kingdom to open the first gap. They will flock to you.

"We must do something." Huang Long said decisively.

"..." Yuding hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly.


Inside the Jiepai pass.

"Oh? Is that what you two 'immortals' said would be a good strategy to help me guard the border?"

Huang Long and Yu Ding left the Shang Army camp and rushed to Jiepai Pass in advance. After showing up and reporting, they were ushered into the Commander's Mansion by the guards. As soon as they entered the door, they saw a strong man with red hair and red beard in golden armor and a golden sword. Sitting on the seat, looking at them with piercing eyes.

Isn’t this Di Jun? Huang Long just wanted to throw something now - no wonder the guard's reaction was so exaggerated when he appeared before. Fortunately, he thought it was his inadvertent aura that suppressed the opponent, but it turned out to be a heavenly soldier?

The word "immortal" is really full of ridicule...

But it's okay,

Now I am not in the form of "Chaos" or "Zhonghuang Laojun", one of the Four Evils, and I probably didn't recognize it from Di Jun's reaction. Huangzhongli is indeed the best spiritual root in the world.

"I have seen the Emperor of Heaven," Huang Long saluted as if he were there, and then said: "Heaven is now sharing my teachings with me, both will be damaged and both will be prosperous. Master Yuanshi does not want to see the situation where Heaven is destroyed and all the efforts of the Emperor are wasted, so Send two of my senior brothers to help."

Hmm... It's true that they are helping each other, but their responsibility is to contain the merchant army. But as long as they don't tell them, there is no reason for them to ask, Huang Long thought to himself.

"Well, it seems that you are still polite, and I hope the strategy will be more effective," Di Jun snorted: "I was originally arranging defenses for the guards at various passes, and the guy named Guangchengzi came here to explain to you. , after asking this and that, he just said, "Don't act rashly until I come back." Then he walked away. Now, not only were the three passes broken, but the defenders of Jiepai Pass fled, so I had to come and take charge personally, and he himself was not alive or dead. It’s ridiculous to not see any corpses.”

"..." Huang Long was ashamed. Obviously, if he couldn't come up with any constructive and feasible strategies, the "Western Emperor" with a bad temper would never adopt his own opinions. Therefore, the previous plan was to use The argument of perfunctory mortal guards will definitely not work.

But if he was asked to think of one at the last minute... huh?

Huang Long glanced at the heavenly soldiers on the side, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration: all the defenders had fled, and now all the soldiers guarding the pass were heavenly soldiers? Isn't this completely the opposite of what happened in the previous three levels? In addition, I heard that a new "Hall of Heroes" was built in Heaven, so...

"We are willing to help the Emperor of Heaven to 'summon as many heavenly soldiers as possible,'" Huanglong Zhenren responded: "No matter how many helpers the Shang Kingdom finds, the number is always limited, and there must be no upper limit to the number of people that the Heavenly Palace of Heroes can recruit."

"Oh, it seems that Chanjiao is very aware of the situation in Heaven, so are you willing to provide energy for my [Hunyuan Heluo Formation]?" Di Jun raised his thick eyebrows.

What? He clearly just put forward an intention, and the specific method of "helping" has yet to be studied, but why does this "Western Emperor" seem to have been waiting for him to say this?

But at this time, the words had been spoken, and it was difficult to get off the tiger. Huang Long had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "That's exactly it."

Anyway, the number of heavenly soldiers that Di Jun needs to summon is at most the same as the total number of demons and immortals in the merchant army.


The boundary sign is closed.

"Di Jun, you don't know the destiny and go against the will of heaven. As your former deputy and opponent, it is necessary for me to wake you up!"

"Wu Yunxian, do you want to destroy yourself by forming such a small formation?"

Since there were no mortals inside and outside the pass, the merchant army who had known the news had camped far away and no longer approached, so the two warring parties appeared directly to talk from a distance.

At this time, from the ground to the height of the city tower, it is still an ordinary scene of checkpoints and avenues, but further up, there are two distinct sides of heaven and earth. There are clouds in the sky on Dijun's side, and there is a vague presence among them. It is a primitive, primitive world full of ancient times, but Wuyunxian's side is a void space where huge patterns such as Tai Chi, Liang Yi, and Four Symbols flash from time to time, and is filled with lightning and thunder, raging flames, and meteorite storms.

The coaches and formations of both sides are quite powerful, but in the eyes of the Guannai formation, Huanglong Zhenren only wants to have some ability to travel through time and space, so that he can go back and strangle himself who rashly agreed to provide energy.

Why did the Penglai Shouxian of Jiejiao come? They also set up the [Ten Thousand Immortals Formation] which was only known by its name, while Di Jun set up the [Hunyuan Heluo Formation] tit for tat.

It is different from what I heard before. It seems that some improvements have been made to cooperate with the Hall of Heroes, but the most different thing is that now only Huang Long and Yuding are supplying energy!

"Don't panic, we are Daluo Jinxian, and supplying energy will not knock down the realm." Yuding did not feel nervous at all, and comforted Huang Long: "If you win, you can regain your strength, but if you lose, you will fall into a thousand years of weakness at most. It’s just in good condition, just right to take care of my apprentice.”

"Easy to say...huh?" Huang Long had an idea in his mind: If his cultivation was compared to the "Tao" of a saint, then even if the Xia Dynasty fell, the saint himself would be immortal. Similar to his current situation, at most Just fell into a period of weakness.

So... Hiccup!

Before he could share this point of view with Yuding, he felt that the power he originally possessed was instantly hollowed out and scattered to various places within the Hunyuan Heluo Formation. Every position where the dispersed power was located, there was a Peng Jinguang gathered and formed, and then turned into a heavenly soldier.

Di Jun has already made a move, and Wu Yunxian is naturally unwilling to lag behind. In the [Ten Thousand Immortals Formation], as Tai Chi rotates, the two instruments intersect, storms and lightning pass by, countless figures of demons and immortals appear in the formation one after another.

After the two sides had "summoned" enough, the two of them suddenly rushed forward as if they had made an appointment, and the two were not so much a large formation, but more like different worlds colliding together.

Huang Long also lost consciousness due to the impact at this moment.


The boundary sign is closed.

When Huang Long regained consciousness again, he found that his perspective was a bit strange. He seemed to be following a heavenly soldier. There was chaos and gray in all directions, and he could not feel his body at all.

It seems that the force of the extraction was too great, and the "chaos" produced by the collision between the two formations caused the consciousness of Daluo Jinxian, who was "chaos" in his own body, to lose consciousness, and he unconsciously followed the one that was extracted from him. Power came to the side of these heavenly soldiers who relied on his spiritual power to appear in the world.

After thinking about this, Huang Long thought, and his perspective switched from the heavenly soldier in the queue who had not yet participated in the battle to another heavenly soldier who was in the middle of the battle.

He could only choose to switch, but he didn't know the situation of switching targets... He sensed thousands of "views" and decided not to switch randomly. In case there was any loss, let's take a look at this heavenly soldier first... uh.

"I wish you peace~ I wish you health~"

The one fighting this celestial soldier was a green "scarecrow" with no facial features, and somehow it was able to escape while blessing this celestial soldier.

"Thank you!" The Heavenly Soldier said thanks while waving his two swords to chase it down.'s [Zhu Yu], how did this kind of plant that is usually eaten casually become a spirit?

Chacha! While his thoughts were spinning, the heavenly soldiers finally caught up with the scarecrow, slashed at it, and tore it into pieces like chopping melons and vegetables.


Before the Heavenly Soldier could take a breath, a monster with a fish tail and an ox body rushed out of the diagonal stab, and put its head on his waist. The Heavenly Soldier struggled twice before turning into a cloud of golden powder and disappearing.

As soon as Huang Long felt a trace of power return, he found that the little bit of spiritual power was drawn out in an instant to summon new heavenly soldiers.

Hmm...won't you actively switch after losing your perspective? Huang Long looked at the [饥] pushing against the heavenly soldier, and after raising his head and shouting "666" a few more times, he did not automatically switch the perspective, so he took the initiative to change it.

"Your uncle! Your uncle!" The new heavenly soldier was being scolded by a strange bird that looked like a magpie.

"Well... my father is an only son, and I don't have an uncle." Tian Bing said while holding a spear and trying to poke the strange bird.

"You're dark and ugly! You're short and fat!" [Guan Guan] circled around to avoid the attack, changing the words by the way.

"You call the crow laughing and the pig black!" The heavenly soldiers continued to chase, but Huang Long had already changed his perspective speechlessly.


This time, before Huang Long could see what the fresh heavenly soldiers looked like, he had already turned into a cloud of golden powder and dissipated. What followed in his field of vision were groups of cattle, sheep, and pigs.

"Speed ​​up! Aren't you full? How can you kill the heavenly soldiers like this?! Speed ​​up, speed up!"

A strange creature with a fish body and a human face was jumping up and down on the backs of the animals and smearing a red mud on their backs.

Oh... [Chi Ru] and [Liu Zhe], the latter is also known as "Biniu Wen" and "Bima Wen" because it can make livestock stronger and prevent them from getting sick.

After switching several times, Huang Long discovered that because the formations of the two sides were wrestling with each other, the people in the formation had neither gain nor damage, and could only fight with their original magical powers. However, due to the chaos in the space, they would change positions from time to time, and had to Each fights on their own, and many fairies reveal their true colors just to gain an advantage.

This is exactly in line with what Yuanshi Tianzun once said: no matter whether people are covered with fur or horns, or people who are born from moisture and have turned into eggs, they can all live together in the same group.

As for the battle itself, if you want to truly determine the outcome, you can only wait until Di Jun and Wu Yunxian compete at the formation level.

"Huh?" Huang Long, who was constantly switching perspectives, suddenly saw someone familiar and stopped.

The heavenly soldier he "possessed" is resting, and in the distance you can see Samantabhadra, Manjusri and Guangfa Tianzun, and a strange and beautiful female fairy being possessed by a blue lion, a white elephant and a golden retriever. Chase and fight.

It was the two senior brothers of Chanjiao. It seemed that they came to participate because they were worried that this war would have a bad impact on their master, but who was that woman? If he were also a member of the Chan Cult, Master Yuding would probably be knocked down.

While he was thinking about it, the heavenly soldier "possessed" by the yellow dragon quietly got up, hunched over and approached a fat chicken or duck with yellow feathers?

"More hair weakens fire, more hair weakens fire..." He muttered as he gathered flames in his palms. After reaching a certain distance, he suddenly shot out and hit the [Fat Relic] with one palm, causing it to burn completely.


Under Huang Long's surprised gaze, the yellow chicken instantly turned into a white hair that belonged to an unknown animal. The attacking heavenly soldiers didn't seem to feel anything was wrong, and turned away with the joy of a successful sneak attack.

If the heavenly soldier dies, I will use my spiritual power to resurrect him, but if the demon immortal dies, white hair will take his place. I will definitely lose this time... Huang Long fell into a daze as he looked at the direction in which the white hair flew away.

collect doomsday

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