The Collection of The End

Chapter 847 Preview Chapter

Look south to Buzhou and cross Yunguan Pass.

This pass is the last pass before Xiadu poured out the poison. It is stuck between the rolling mountains that tower into the clouds. When the weather is bad, the clouds and mist will even lower themselves to the pass wall, making it like entering the pass. Chuanyun, hence the name Chuanyun Pass.

Its function is to separate the "directly-administered areas" and "directly-administered areas" of Xiadu. To use an analogy, Jiepaiguan is the kind of toll station that once you pass through, there will be a message saying "XX city welcomes you", and here I am Then we need to start to limit the number of tons that are not allowed to enter. Specifically, if the city wall of Zhenlu is one ring, my place is the fifth ring, maybe the sixth ring?

[Ah~Fifth Ring~You are one less than Sixth Ring~]

'shut up! ’

However, strictly speaking, these levels did not exist even when King Wu conquered Zhou.

As mentioned before, there are many similarities between the Shang Dynasty's destruction of Xia and the Zhou Dynasty's destruction of Shang Dynasty. The biggest similarity is that they both "finished their efforts in one battle" and only fought one battle, namely the Battle of Mingtiao and the Battle of Muye. There was no fighting at all along the way. , there is no concept of "off".

According to the original work, the five must-pass passes along the way are Lintong Pass, Tongguan, Chuanyunguan, Jiepai Pass, and Sishui Pass. There are also Qinglong Pass and Jiameng Pass as branch lines. However, Sishui Pass was built in the Spring and Autumn Period, and Tongguan was Chuanyunguan, Jiepaiguan and Qinglongguan, which were only built at the end of the Han Dynasty, do not exist at all. As for Jiamengguan, it is probably a homophone of "Jiamengguan". Not only is the age, but also the location wrong.

However, given that the world is currently divided into four continents instead of seven continents and five oceans, there is no need to delve into these issues.

Specifically, Chuanyunguan, Jiepaiguan, and Sishui Pass exist, but Tongguan and Lintong Pass do not exist at all. They may not have been built until the Shang Dynasty, but by then there will probably be no King Wu to conquer Zhou. .

At this time, I was using the "unparalleled battlefield" magical power at the "non-existent" Chuanyun Pass to broadcast the battle status of all parties in the Xia Dynasty to Lu Ya.

The current situation is that several checkpoints on the border of the territory directly under the Xia Dynasty have been surrounded by soldiers from Fang and tribes. They do not fight, but just wait outside the range of city defense weapons, probably waiting for Shang. The main direction of the country's attack has come to an end first. If the Shang Kingdom wins, they will naturally take advantage of the situation and push back the wall. If the Shang Kingdom loses, they probably won't do any trick of immediately turning their backs on King Qin, but will go back to their respective places of residence as if nothing happened. Pass.

As for the focus of their attention, the battle at Jiepaiguan is no longer something ordinary soldiers can participate in. What is going on there is the duel between the [Hunyuan Heluo Formation] and the [Ten Thousand Immortals Formation].


Here the erosion recreates the ancient land, and infinitely summons heroic spirits to fight in it. Over there, artificial chaos is created, with huge Tai Chi, Liang Yi, and Four Symbols constantly flashing in the sky, and countless fakes of demons and immortals are produced on Penglai Island to consume the heavenly soldiers. ——It looks like [King's Army] and [Unlimited Sword System] are competing.

[Then which side do you think will win? 】Silly System asked.

'It is said that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Although the cheap daddy and the heavenly soldiers are very powerful, they do not think that the Xia Dynasty that has come to an end can continue. It is just out of a mentality similar to that of a hamster to protect its own collection. They are just fighting, and the Hongchen Guests led by Wu Yunxian are also former heavenly soldiers. They have not yet been contaminated by the cause and effect of the Xia Dynasty that is bound to fall. It is only a matter of time before they win this battle. ’

[Then their next step is not to attack Chuanyun Pass that you are guarding? Will you let them pass? 】

'you guess? ’

【I do not guess you guess guess? 】

‘I think your skin is itchy. ’

I turned my eyes away from the live scene of the Ten Thousand Immortals Array, looked at the Qixiang car parked aside, and geared up to walk away.

"Sister," Lu Ya suddenly turned around and asked, "Will you stop them?"

"Well..." Lu Ya is not a stupid system, and he cannot fool around. If a child takes false ideas as the truth and causes some big trouble in the future, it will be troublesome to say that it was his sister who taught him. After thinking about it, I said: "Listen, Isn't there a saying that says, 'Loyalty and filial piety cannot have both'?"

"Never heard of it." Lu Ya shook his head in confusion.

"The so-called loyalty means that things are inclined to the organization to which one belongs, such as tribe, clan, division, country or sect, while filial piety refers to tending to the party with which one has a blood relationship. In many cases, one does not need to act in front of them. Once this situation occurs, it is called 'loyalty and filial piety cannot have both'." I explained a little bit: "When this situation occurs, no matter which side you choose, it is acceptable, because others cannot accuse you of falling into People in this predicament, however, must be prepared to suffer the consequences when making choices.”

"Oh, just like sister, you are the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, but at the same time you are a disciple of the Jie Jiao." Lu Ya understood almost immediately and expanded: "The Third Holy Mother is an outer disciple of the Jie Jiao, and also Uncle Taiyi. adopted daughter."

Yes, my mind is very flexible. I nodded and looked at the misty clouds on the peak next to the pass. The fire spirit was hunting a flying snake called "Yun Jiao" inside. Wudang and Gui Ling were also accompanying them. They probably didn't hear them, but Even if you hear it, you probably won't care.

"Based on this, Our Lady of Golden Light obviously chose 'loyalty', while our other brothers were taken away by Empress Nuwa, avoiding this choice. In addition..." Lu Ya drew inferences from one case to another, constantly analyzing the battles between the two sides. the situation of the person.

Different from the original work, many ancient beings have not fallen at this time, and the relationship between them has become "constantly cut and confused" due to my interference. If two people are randomly picked out on the battlefield to discuss friendship, there will be no difference. The four floors can be connected to each other, and then they can have a good time over wine.

The only ones who can truly be called enemies are Zhao Gongming and Taiyi. turns out that this is what "doomsday prophecy" is all about.

[It is very simple in the first place, it is just the most basic exhaustive method,] Stupid System said: [But the amount of calculation required is too great. If there is not a 'sage' in this world who cannot calculate and can affect the calculation results, The 'Doomsday Prophecy' will not show where exactly the 'spiritual suffocation' occurred. 】

‘So, this time the spiritual suffocation was actually caused by the [Saint]? ’

[I don’t know,] Stupid System paused: [Because there are too many interfering factors in this battle, 'calculation' and 'deduction' are no longer easy to use. The only thing that can be relied on is 'inference', and this kind of thing AI is It can't be done. 】

‘Oh, artificial retardation. ’

【Fu? 】

"So, sister, did you choose this place because of me?" Lu Ya counted on his fingers for a while, then suddenly raised his head and asked me.

"Huh?" I blinked, not sure why.

"My sister was originally in Jiejiao. Although she has no memory, with her dull personality, it is impossible for her to participate in this civil war among the human race. She must have passed away in a daze." Lu Ya said.

etc? Who do you think is staying? !

"Sister, there is no need to explain," I was about to speak, but Lu Ya waved his little hand and interrupted: "If it weren't for me insisting on dragging her to the human world, my sister wouldn't be here, in a dilemma."

No, I'll come anyway.

"I'm going to repay the karma for my sister. When we see each other on the battlefield, we don't have to hold hands with each other." After Lu Ya said this, he turned into a rainbow and headed towards Jiepaiguan.

'What is he going to do? What about logic? ’

[Probably facing the wall. 】

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