The Collection of The End

Chapter 848 Escape into the legend and make some absurdity

Looking south to Buzhou.

Watching Lu Ya fly away, I didn't rush to chase him.

After all, how can one say it?

Our comrades are spread all over the world, and some have even penetrated into the enemy's ranks.

But for me, there are no "enemies" other than the doomsday elements. Even enemies who are on the opposite side of the incarnation...are they good? Or is she a Weaver Girl? Or is it considered the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit?

All in all, let alone the Xia Dynasty, anyone from the Shang Kingdom who participated in the war, whether they were hiding behind the scenes or taking action directly, no matter who Lu Ya ran to find, I could detect it immediately and broadcast it live.

[If you go to Zhao Gongming and get a Nail Head Seven Arrows book, it will be lively. ] The stupid system complained.

‘It’s impossible, it’s impossible. He said he was going to repay the cause and effect, and so far he and Zhao Gongming haven’t had much interaction. ’

While I was chatting with the stupid system, Lu Ya's figure appeared in a certain surveillance screen with a colorful light - it seemed that he was looking for Kong, who had been meditating and resting in a state of collapse after breaking through the golden wall of Taoist Zhunti. Brother and sister Xuan.

This pair of peacocks... How should I put it? They simply believed that the five-color divine light could not beat the seven-color divine light, so five plus five could beat them.

But the problem is that after five plus five, in addition to being greater than seven, it also changes from one digit to two digits, from incomplete to perfect. Even Chanjiao only dares to say, "The Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan is four." "Nine", Taishang Laojun named his dojo "Bajing Palace" because "nine is the ultimate number and cannot be used".

Therefore, after Kong Xuan and Kong Yi merged the two five-color divine lights, what was produced was not a "ten-color divine light", but completely turned into something else, namely [the red light of anger, the orange light of greed, The yellow light of fear, the green light of will, the blue light of hope, the blue light of compassion, the violet light of love, the black light of death, the white light of life, and the colorless light of hatred].

So, I am not learning from Fire Spirit at all, this is really something serious.

When this mixed light hits, even if it is blocked by Jie Yin, it will only set a precedent for "the first fallen saint". Therefore, I did not allow Zhunti to become a saint by relying on what he understood between life and death - just now It’s too funny to become a saint and then fall.

In addition, if those two peacocks really did the feat of "eliminating a saint", then no matter how good-tempered the other saints are, they will definitely not be able to tolerate them.

However, fortunately, among these "ten colored lights" was the "death" of my old profession, so I took this as an opportunity to remove all the colored lights representing negative emotions, leaving only "hope" and "hope" for Zhunti. The impact of "compassion", "love" and "life", who knew that "she" would eventually become a Taoist Cihang. The true face of the oldest cross-dressing boss was revealed, which is gratifying.

The place where Kong Xuan brother and sister trained is Sanshanguan in Jinjiling. Due to the influence of my "Shocking Mountain Range", the access has been cut off, but I heard that Yi Yin gave Zilu an idea and planned to make Kongxuan the "General Soldier of Sanshanguan" "You just act like a doorkeeper, and when you meet anti-business people with a bad history, you bump into them and it's enough to give them a drink."

Hmm... I have a dirty mind when it comes to tactics.

By the way, after Our Lady of Golden Light captured Qinglong Pass, because no one in the Shang Kingdom was willing to guard there, she directly enlightened the group of assisting sand demon insects - I mean the king of the earthworm demons was the guard of Qinglong Pass, then A fool refers directly to himself by name, called [Qiu Yin].

As for Jiameng Pass, since it is not too important, the nine-tailed fox Tushan Lingling sent some of his foxes to guard it. Their names are [Tushan Qingqing, Tushan Chichi, Tushan Haihai, and Tushan Shoushou]. Hmm... I always feel that it's quite inconsistent.

Finally, there is the strategic point of Chongshuiguan, which naturally cannot be guarded by monsters. After discussion, the final defender was decided to be, uh, um... Oh, yes, [Han Dang]. If anyone raises troops to rebel against business in the future, he will attack Sishui. Guan found out that he didn't understand the general guarding the pass at all, so he would be a little timid out of thin air.

"The name of this item is [Nailhead Seven Arrows Book]. If there are strong enemies that are difficult to deal with in the future, there is no need to fight so hard.

Just wait for the 21st. "Over there, Lu Ya had already seen Kong Xuan and Kong Yi, and took out a volume of books and gave them to them.

The Peacock brothers and sisters did not build a cave nearby. Instead, after hiding most of their extraordinary characteristics, they disguised themselves as humans, wore official robes and light armor, and lived in Sanshan Pass. They also received Lu Ya in the reception room of the Commander's Mansion.


"This thing is to thank you for taking care of my brothers," Lu Ya interrupted Kong Xuan, who was obviously about to refuse: "The two armies are fighting, and each has his own master. If you don't accept this thing, is it possible that you want to give way to me on the battlefield? Can’t do it?”

Let me go, this kid talks in a certain way, and he talks in a certain way. Who did he learn it from?

"Oh, that would be disrespectful of me," Kong Xuan took the book and said, "But I can promise that I will never use this thing in this war."

"By the way, we are just residents of Yunzhong City. Shouldn't you go and thank Brother Zhao Gongming, or go directly to Yunzhong City to thank Fairy Sanxiao?" Kong Yi interjected from the side.

"I just want to meet everyone in the Shang Army one by one to settle the cause and effect," Lu Ya said, "After all - the immortal-killing flying knife never fails."

This guy said all day long that he didn’t understand what I said, but he ended up remembering it well!

‘Isn’t it too late to find someone named Li to teach him the art of telepathy? ’

【Li Jing? 】

‘...I always feel that it’s a big drawback in every sense. ’

Lu Ya communicated with the Kong Xuan brothers and sisters for a while, then got up and said goodbye and went straight to the business camp.

At this time, the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation and the Hunyuan Heluo Formation were still busy. There were many Jiejiao disciples coming and going, and almost no one noticed him. I only watched him shuttle around the camp, quietly leaving some for people he knew. The good thing is, I just feel angry and funny - is he planning to use the immortal-killing flying knife to kill people? Don't you know that if he does this, I will be the first to stop him?

[Who asked you to tell him that loyalty and filial piety cannot be both~]

‘You blame me? ’

Lu Ya continued to shuttle around the business camp, but thanks to his running around, I saw a lot of rare good shows.

For example, Wu Yunxian, who is dark-skinned, tall and thin, with a hearty smile, is arguing with the golden Virgin Mary, who is wearing a black and white plaid skirt and has long silver-white hair.

The former accused the latter of putting himself in danger and almost returned to his original shape after being stabbed in the forehead with a fork. The latter accused the former of being nosy. If he hadn't brought the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, Di Jun would not have used the Hunyuan Heluo Formation. As a result, Now the two sides are in a stalemate and have to enter the rhythm of a war of attrition.

For example, Zhao Gongming was persuading Xuandu to return to heaven as soon as possible, leave the front line, and at least use less golden ropes, but Xuandu refused every one of them claiming that it was impossible to disobey the teacher's orders.

Another example is that Tushan Lingling is leading a group of fox demons to watch the romantic comedy between Yi Yin and Mei Xi, and from time to time he takes notes or participates.

In the end, what Lu Ya couldn't see was that the spiritual power of the two Daluo Jinxian, Huanglong Zhenren and Yuding Zhenren, had been almost exhausted by Yuan Hong himself using monkey hair.

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