The Collection of The End

Chapter 875 0.6098%

"Ah sneeze!"


The stupid brother ran away immediately after breakfast. If his parents were not on a business trip, he at least had to honestly put the used tableware in the sink.

Sure enough, isn't my majesty enough?

I was wiping my hands after washing the dishes resignedly, when suddenly I sneezed loudly involuntarily, startling Fu Fu at my feet.

Ah, I caught a cold in the wind yesterday. I originally planned to see a doctor, but because I met Dr. Roman at the clinic, I forgot about it.

But for such a trivial matter, as long as I snap my fingers...that's not okay?

The moment I raised my hand, something like intuition or something else told me that while curing this little cold, the whole world would collapse because of it.

Although I don’t quite understand the logic of this matter, it’s better not to do that.

But... should I say that it is true? Compared with being forced to return to the original shape by some external factors, self-discipline is the most effective, although this behavior is generally called "pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

"Let's go, Fufu, it's time to test Dr. Roman's true skills without the aid of Chaldean high-tech."

After I packed myself up, I took Fufu out of the house.

This little white dog itself is an ordinary puppy. Although it will respond to the name "Fufu" and obey some simple commands, if it is ordered to "disable mimicry and restore the appearance of a primate killer", "Do you have something to say? Write it down with pen and paper." He would look at me with confused eyes, as if he didn't understand.

In short, let him meet Roman while he is seeing a doctor, and maybe he won't act stupid - even though he may be really stupid.


"A sneeze! A sneeze!"

Before entering the clinic, I couldn't help but sneeze twice into the flower pond, which directly attracted the attention of the nearby aunts who didn't pay attention at first.

Is it weird to go to the clinic to get medicine when you are sick? I didn't look back, but made a point of stepping into the clinic with a very natural attitude.

"Ah, it sounds heavier than yesterday," Dr. Roman still looked listless and threw an orange casually: "I was still wondering if you were going to resist."

"Do you hear what the doctor should say?" I raised my hand to catch the orange: "Fufu, bite him!"

"Fuwu?" The little white dog looked very confused.

"That's interesting," Roman looked away from the laptop screen and looked at the little white dog: "It's 'your' Fufu."

"Well, since you two have appeared, can it be proved that my place has some connection with the [Grand Time Temple] in the final chapter?" I guessed.

"No, it should be said, 'no connection at all'," Roman shook his head: "If there was even the slightest connection between here and there, Fufu and I, two existences that should have 'completely disappeared', would not have appeared here. "

"Even if it's just an ordinary doctor and an ordinary dog?" I poked the dazed Fufu.

"Yes, in that world, due to [Causal Law Feedback], 'Solomon' and 'Primate Killer' will inevitably disappear. Even if Fujimaru Ritsuka - let's call it this, can really tear apart the Demon God Pillar with his hands, it will not be able to change this. A little," the doctor said.

"Hmm..." I couldn't understand.

"It must be a place that is outside the flow of time, that both exists and is nothing, that is connected to Chaldea, but fundamentally has no connection at all. Only then can we, who have returned to nothingness, appear," the doctor stood up and walked around He picked Fufu up from the table and said, "That's [here]."

I didn’t understand it at all this time.

I thought about it for a while and then asked: "What about Matthew? Will she come? Didn't she also die once in the Temple of Time?"

"Although it is possible, I am just an ordinary doctor now and cannot track her spiritual energy." The doctor nodded and shook his head: "Besides, even if she comes, there is an unsolvable problem."

"What's the problem? Does it mean that Matthew is still active after 2.0? Time paradox?" I thought for a while.

"No, haven't you noticed yet? Those who come here are all 'disappeared' in the Temple of Time. Mashu himself was saved by Fufu at the expense of his own sanity, and disappeared in the process. It’s ‘Ma Xiu who can only live to be 18 years old’. Even if she comes, she will still be in this state. How are you going to solve it?” The doctor looked at me and asked.

"Ah, then... take away this attribute?" I scratched my head.

"Then blow up the world?" The doctor raised his eyebrows.

"This..." Now I really want to ask my prompt sister or the stupid system to ask me why in a world where supernatural powers are completely banned, what is going on with the doomsday element of time paradox.

Although I have never actually done it, I think it is quite simple for "Lin Hao" to solve the time paradox in "Pure Land". If I can't figure it out, it must be because I am not good at it.

"Anyway, I'm a patient now, give me cold medicine!" Because my thoughts were blocked here, I finally remembered the purpose of coming to the clinic, so I slammed the table vigorously.

"For something like a cold, if you take medicine, you will be cured in seven days. If you don't take medicine, you will be cured in just one week." The doctor babbled and took a box of capsules and a pack of tablets from the clinic's own pharmacy. medicine, two small packets of granules and a mask: "Take it as long as you can. If you feel particularly uncomfortable, take medicine. Remember to wear a mask when you start to cough. You don't want to infect your brother, right?"

"Huh, fools don't catch colds - cough!" Halfway through my words, I suddenly felt like sneezing, but when I turned my head away, it turned into a cough.

"Come on, you should eat here first, and I'll get the water." Roman shook his head, stood up and walked to the infusion room next door, and then there was the squeaking sound of turning on the electric kettle to boil water.

"Hey, this symptom evolved quite quickly?" I just laughed at myself when I suddenly felt dizzy. I put my hand on my forehead to support it, and then I realized that my forehead had become hot at some point.

"Damn it... this is not like a normal cold..." I tried to stay conscious and raised my voice slightly to shout: "Stupid system! If I know you are playing around with the symptoms, you will look good!"

"Fuwu?" Fufu was startled by my suddenly raised voice.

Of course, it was useless to say this. As the dizziness worsened, the world began to spin, and the vision went black. Roman seemed to say something in the back room, but I didn't hear it clearly at all.

No, that's not right. "Time Paradox" is not the kind of doomsday element that can infect people and cause illness. Is it the residual "PAX-200"? But this is even more impossible. If you can collect doomsday elements just by loading files, why go to the new world?

Conan or who said, abandon all impossible conjectures, and the remaining reasoning, no matter how absurd, should be the truth.

So, my incarnation is really suffering from a severe cold.

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