The Collection of The End

Chapter 876 0.7854% unfamiliar ceiling.

I stared at the light blue ceiling for a long time, and then turned to the bottle and hose hanging on the bracket that were dripping out the liquid. The orange liquid in the bottle dropped drop by drop like through an hourglass. , the memories before losing consciousness came back to him.

Fever, headache, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, weakness of limbs, I just want to applaud myself for being able to sit on the infusion chair and cover myself with a thin blanket instead of passing out on the spot. It seems that my ability to endure the disease has not deteriorated at all. Well.

I took out my phone with my hand that wasn't pierced by the needle and looked at it. I found that I had only been unconscious for 7 minutes. No wonder there was no change in the bottle.

"Fu! Fuwu..." The little white dog Fufu seemed to have heard my movement and ran in from outside. But he did not dare to jump on the chair. He only squatted next to the IV stand and made a sound like a whimper.

"Oh, you're awake now?" Roman also walked in from the outside: "I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"It's bad."

"The bad news is that what you have is not a common cold," Roman spread his hands: "And the good news is that it has healed on its own."

"..." I freed my hand to touch my forehead and found that the fever had indeed subsided, and there was no residual feeling of dizziness or nausea. There was also no urge to sneeze or cough in my throat and nose.

Presumably, if I asked for good news first, he would definitely say, "The good news is that you have recovered on your own, and the bad news is that we have no idea how you recovered."

"What about the seven days promised? Doctor?" I shook my phone at him: "From onset to cure in seven minutes, you can apply for the Nobel Prize in Medicine."

"Are they qualified to give me an award?" The doctor raised his eyebrows.

Tsk... I forgot for a moment, this guy is Solomon. Solomon recovered his memory and was knocked back to the doctor form.

"Well, can I take this out?" I pointed, "What is this yellow thing? Orange juice?"

Roman shook his head: "It's just a nutritional injection. You'd better finish it. The immune system clears the disease so efficiently. It should take a while..."

"Gugu~gu~" "Fu?"

Fufu straightened up and looked curiously at my stomach, which made a sound.

"Doctor! Hand over your treasured strawberry cake!" I pointed at Roman.

"This is prejudice. How can I always keep food that is difficult to store?" The doctor scratched his head and walked outside: "But, today, it is true."

"Gu~" "Fu?" Fufu seemed to think I was hiding some strange bird under the blanket.

You silly dog, go away! I'm not a magician!

No, I feel like a real magician.

"Here, let's choose one." The doctor returned to the intravenous drip room and placed half a watermelon and three bananas on the small cabinet next to me.

"You need two hands to eat them all. You are really good at choosing." I glanced at the two fruits.

"That's good." Roman took out a sheathed fruit knife from his pocket and cut the watermelon neatly.

"...Do you know that my impression of Dr. Roman has been declining since I met you?" I stared at the knife.

"That said, as a doctor, isn't it normal for me to carry a scalpel with me?" Roman finished cutting the melon, wiped the blade with a paper towel, put it in the sheath and put it back.



Since the injection would take another two hours and there were no other patients in the clinic, I began to discuss this strange disease with the doctor while eating melon.

"In any case, it's not like technology can achieve the goal of massively extracting energy from the body to quickly cure diseases, so I just triggered a passive 'magic', right?" I raised my hand and made a snap. Pointing movement, but not completely executed: "But my related magical powers are still in a 'unusable' state, what about you? Are you still an ordinary person?"

The doctor raised his hand to cover his eyes and then lowered it: "At present, it seems that

Yes, [Clairvoyance EX] still cannot see anything and is in a state of being unusable. Although other abilities cannot be verified, they must be the same. "

"So, could it be that the world itself is reproducing my past experiences? After all, according to the original world line, I got sick and cured all the way, and finally got a lot of fatal diseases and died." I raised my hand and pointed to the sky: "According to the previous world, this is called a 'catastrophe', and since you are tricking yourself, there is no way to avoid it."

"No, that's impossible," Roman shook his head in denial: "At present, those 'doomsday elements' are independent of the world, and have similar properties to the Heroic Spirit. Even if the world wants to develop according to its original trajectory, it is impossible. Create disease out of thin air.”

"What's more," he paused, shook his head and continued: "Almost none of the diseases that killed you were sudden and had obvious human factors."

What kind of underworld conversation is this...A group of people discussing the cause of their death...

"So, what happened today was just a coincidence?" I took another piece of melon.

"I think it's 'inevitable', and it's 'inevitable' with very clear cause and effect," Roman said, and continued before I could respond: "If this is a new game for you, then 'Doomsday' Where are the elements? Where are your 'followers'?"

"Ah...huh?" I thought about it carefully. Although the community had a name and had more doctors and Fufu, none of those "followers" who always liked to cause trouble appeared.

The doctor stopped talking and waited until I seemed to understand something before continuing: "Given that this 'doomsday element' is called a 'time paradox', it is very likely that they are not on the same timeline as you. Even if you choose to live peacefully, , but they may not, they may very well take some dangerous actions in order to find you.”

"So... my illness here is actually the result of their messing around?" I made a slight estimate of the number of people who might follow in the previous world, and couldn't help but feel a little numb.

"No, it's worse than that..." Roman looked at me with a serious expression: "This 'disease' is probably because they have 'corrected' your existence through some means, and the 'correction' passed through the time paradox. 'It's just showing on you."

"I thought it wouldn't be that bad—cough!"

The sudden itching in my throat made me cough involuntarily, but I finally turned my head at the critical moment.

"This is not good." Roman frowned and looked at the scarlet liquid spewing out of my mouth.

"That's just watermelon juice - pfft!" I was mid-sentence when I coughed again.

Now I have no excuse at all. Whose watermelon juice will form black blood clots?


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