The Collection of The End

Chapter 877 3. Two Hundred and Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Five%


LOTO6 is the most common lottery besides the New Year Lottery. The gameplay is also very simple. For every 1,000 yen bet, select six numbers from 1 to 43, regardless of the order.

The first prize is 400 million, the second prize is 20 million, the third prize is 500,000, the fourth prize is 10,000, and the fifth prize is 1,000.

Before today, Hasegawa's carefully selected baby numbers had only won the fifth prize. However, because Lin Hao didn't care, he picked the numbers automatically every time and even won the fourth prize.

When they heard that Ryuunosuke finally planned to take action on the lottery, the two of them had different reactions.

"Oh? What will happen? As you said before, after a wave of water-like fluctuations, my lottery ticket will become a winner?" Hasegawa looked at the lottery ticket in his hand with some emotion.

"Huh? Is Ryuunosuke going to do this? In the comics, those who buy lottery tickets after mastering the time ability are all traps," Lin Hao laughed in the middle of his sentence: "Hehe, it's still Ryuunosuke's 'dragon' Woolen cloth."

"Stop blabbering! I'm 'Arthur Pendragon'! The King of Britain! I'm not a sidekick!" Ryunosuke pointed at Hasegawa: "What was the number for the first prize three days ago?"

"Well, the lottery numbers for July 21 are 01, 06, 12, 14, 15, 19 -" Hasegawa read out the numbers on the lottery ticket, and then complained: "Choose six out of 43 numbers, and they are all concentrated. In the top 20? Who picked this one?"

"Very good!" Ryunosuke began editing text messages.

"I'm thinking about a question," Lin Hao raised his hand and poked Hasegawa's cell phone on No. 8: "If Bajun receives a text message from Ryunosuke saying, 'Go buy these numbers, you will definitely win.' , what will happen?”

"I will ignore it, it's probably another chuuni episode." Hasegawa responded without hesitation.

"Lancelot! Are you going to betray Camelot!" Ryuzosuke said angrily.

"According to common sense, you won't do it," Hasegawa looked at Ryunosuke: "Unless it is sent to those of us who already know about 'text messages that travel through time and space', it is only possible at this moment and after today."

"Tch, where are you, my dear?" Ryuzosuke looked at his childhood sweetheart.

"Hmm~ Maybe I will ask Ryuzosuke for confirmation, and then decide whether to buy it based on Ryuzosuke's answer." Lin Hao pointed his lips with his finger and said uncertainly.

"Hahaha, I see. At this time, I can only take action!" Ryuzhisuke extended his hand to Lin Hao: "Lend me your cell phone."

"Here~" Lin Hao handed the phone to Ryuzosuke.

"At times like this, I can only send text messages to myself," Ryunosuke began to edit the text messages sent to himself: "Just write, 'I am you in the future, and I am borrowing a small mobile phone to send you text messages. Go buy lottery tickets with the following numbers now, and you will definitely win."

"Oh, this is indeed feasible. After all, Xiaohao is not as messy as you, Yulong." Hasegawa agreed.

"Very good, then it's decided!" Ryunosuke adjusted the time of the electric heating table to 3 minutes, and then sent the text message to his mobile phone.


Red lightning, twinkling starry sky, mirror maze.

The complex scene that I had only seen once but had an extremely deep impression appeared again, and the last scene I saw in the mirror was the look in Ryunosuke's expectant eyes of Hasegawa and the worried look of Lin Hao looking at her mobile phone. , the send key was pressed.

"Huh... ha..." Ryunosuke involuntarily bent down again, breathing heavily for no apparent reason.

"Lancelot, Aya——" Ryunosuke paused in the middle of his words.

Lin Hao and Hasegawa have disappeared from the living room that serves as the research institute, No.8 has also stopped running, and the mobile phone held by Ryunosuke has changed from Lin Hao back to his own.

The message he had "just" sent on Lin Hao's phone, mixed in with other meaningless text messages, was flashing on the dimly glowing mobile phone screen. The message was received on July 21st.


"What happened after Miss Mary left yesterday?" Hasegawa walked to his computer and asked,

Somewhat inexplicably, he said: "There is nothing. You said, 'It's getting late, let's go rest, and we will continue to study this thing tomorrow' and then dismissed us."

"Well..." Ryunosuke looked at the text message on his phone: "Then did I mention the 'lottery' or similar topics?"

"Hey? Ryuzosuke wants to use future text messages to buy lottery tickets?" Lin Hao's voice came from outside the door. "In Qingli, this kind of person will not survive three chapters~"

"So you have already distributed it? So where are the lottery tickets? Why don't I have the impression that you asked me to choose the numbers?" Hasegawa went to fiddle with the box where he kept all the past lottery tickets.

The reactions of the two of them were different, but they were still within the normal range. Ryunosuke thought, but just a third-class prize changes hands, will there be a "travel" instead of a "correction"?

If it's not that the original winner will cause some kind of big event, or I've tried too many times in the past and reached the critical point, any sending of a "future text message" will cause "travel"... This should be impossible.

But what about lottery tickets? After "travelling" last night, Ryunosuke searched many places where he usually likes to hide things, but found nothing. He had to rest and wait to ask them today.

"I brought you breakfast~" Lin Hao opened the door: "And Shirou-kun~"

"Good morning, good morning, Yu... Teacher Arthur, Teacher Lancelot." A young man with red hair like a hedgehog and wearing the uniform of Hogunhara Academy appeared at the door and bowed directly when he saw Ryunosuke.

"'Bedwell' sir!" Ryunosuke entered the state in a second: "Visiting Camelot so early, could it be that the Vikings from the north came over? Or the Romans from the south?"

"Ryunosuke, times have changed~" Lin Hao said while placing the breakfast she brought on the coffee table.

"I'm very sorry! Teacher Arthur! I made the wrong logistics supply!" Kotomine Shirou took out a LOTO6 lottery ticket from his pocket and handed it to Ryunosuke.

"Oh? Did you write the wrong number and didn't win?" Ryunosuke took the lottery ticket.

"Yes, I wrote the wrong number," Shirou responded: "Teacher Arthur clearly entrusted me with the important task of escorting the supplies because he trusted me, but I made a mistake..."

"Hey - Uryū, after you received the text message, you didn't buy it yourself but transferred it to Shirou." Hasegawa showed a look of contempt: "The king really doesn't understand people's hearts."

"But it seems that Shirou-kun didn't mention this matter before?" Lin Hao set his breakfast and asked with a tilt of his head.

"Actually, I forgot about it after I bought it," Shirou Kotomine scratched his head: "It's just that when Tohsaka and Sakura were having a fight last night-"

"Sir Bedivere! Stop your destructive remarks against Lancelot immediately!" Ryuzosuke interrupted.

"Well, anyway, Mr. Arthur, I accidentally made a wrong digit..." Kotomine Shirou looked at Hasegawa, who had something wrong in his eyes, and wisely changed the subject.

Oh, did it change from third prize to fourth prize? Ryunosuke nodded and unfolded the lottery ticket to observe the numbers. Even if he only had 10,000 yen, he could still buy some——

01, 06, 12, 14, 16, 18

"...As a result, I won the second prize." Kotomine Shirou said in surprise.

A bonus of 20 million—it would be weird if this didn’t “time travel”!

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