The Collection of The End

Chapter 878 3.343907%


The biggest difference between the second prize of 20 million and the third prize of 500,000 is that it cannot be withdrawn directly at the lottery sales point, let alone change hands and spend it all.

Ryunosuke and Hasegawa are ordinary teachers at Suiqunyuan. Although Shirou Kotomine has a rich Italian adoptive father, he is only a high school student. As the daughter of a wealthy foreign businessman, Lin Hao is qualified, but her parents With so many things going on every day, I'm afraid I don't even have time to deal with this "little money".

"Originally I just wanted to use 500,000 to buy some equipment for Camelot, but now it seems that I really have to ask Sister Tiger or Tohsaka to deal with it..." Ryunosuke pinched the lottery ticket and said helplessly.

The Fujimura family is the largest landowner in Fuyuki City. Almost all the land in the new part of the city belongs to this family. The Tohsaka family is second, occupying all the land in the old city. After that, there is no third family.

If it weren't for the fact that the little princesses of the Fujimura Taiga and Tohsaka families were both female, these two families would have probably staged a modern version of Romeo and Juliet.

"Who does Ryuzosuke want to ask for help?" Lin Hao tilted his head and looked at the lottery ticket.

This is the trouble. No matter who you look for, the other party will think that they look down on you. What they value is not the little money at all, but the issue of face. Although the Tohsaka sisters and Fujimura Taiga may not care about this, the Fujimura boss behind them [ Fujimura Raiga] and the actual managers of the Tohsaka family [Matō Kariya] and [Zenjo Shinnosuke] must care very much.

"Ha~ha~ha~ha~ Why should King Arthur decide such a trivial matter?" Ryunosuke raised his hand and pointed at Kotomine Shirou, "'Sir Bedivere, tell me, where should we go with this batch of supplies? A lord buys it?"

"Well," Kotomine Shirou scratched his disheveled red hair: "I seemed to have seen 'Mr. Kelly' before I came here. How about asking him for help?"

"You guy..." Ryunosuke narrowed his eyes and looked up and down Kotomine Shirou: "You don't look like him, so why do you always prefer Mr. Kira? Even though he and your adoptive father don't like each other. "

After Shirou thought for a while, he said hesitantly: "Maybe, maybe, he is a good person?"

"This kid is hopeless," Hasegawa complained as he ate his share of breakfast.

"I don't like Mr. Kelly either," Lin Haoye echoed: "But I especially like Ilia~"

"Hmm..." Regarding this point, Ryunosuke also agreed very much, but as an adult man who is twenty years older than the girl, he cannot express it so straightforwardly, otherwise he will be regarded as a lolita control.

Unless she is an old... er, adult woman who has her figure fixed at eight years old for some reason, but her actual age is unknown.

"Then, it's decided," Ryunosuke finally made the decision: "I'll visit Mr. Kira after breakfast."

"I'll forget it, there are activities in the school's physical education department today." Hasegawa refused.

"I'm going to play with little Kanna~" Lin Hao raised his hand.

Calling learning how to be a teacher just for fun made her feel sympathy for her future students, but this way, the secret would not be exposed in front of Shirou.

"So, what about you -" Ryunosuke stared at Shirou: "Are you going to find Sakura?"

"Hmm... no, since it was me who suggested it, of course I have to go with Mr. Arthur." Amid Ryunosuke's "I'll tear you into pieces if I dare to say so" aura, Kotomine Shirou still said A compromise.


Mr. Kelly has a peculiar habit. Whenever he comes to Fuyuki, he avoids staying at the luxurious Hyatt Hotel and goes to live in a simple and simple "Umi House". However, Illya seems to enjoy it simply as an outing. Among them, she was never dissatisfied - her aesthetics must have been distorted by that weird German man.

The House of the Sea is built on a mountain and by the sea, but the mountain is difficult to climb, and the beach is full of gravel. The view is not good. Normally, it is impossible to have visitors, but Ryunosuke took Kotomine with him. When Shirou was about to arrive, he saw a boy blowing bubble gum while leaving from the direction of Umi House on a skateboard.

It was a foreign boy about ten years old,

He has blond hair and red eyes, wearing a blue vest, loose beach shorts, and a hooded white jacket, which is also decorated with thin golden chains.

When he passed by Ryunosuke, he glanced at Kotomine Shirou with a half-curious, half-irritated look for unknown reasons. Shirou was so nervous about meeting Mr. Kelly that he didn't pay attention to this look at all.

"Please help me, [Mr. Emiya]——" When Ryunosuke was still thinking about whether the child had used an expired map or was pointed here by random directions, he heard a voice A strange yet familiar girl's voice came from the courtyard of Hai House.

"Look, girl, I don't know where you heard that name, but it's not enough for me to decide to help you," Mr. Kelly's low, hoarse but unquestionable voice said: "Unless you can tell more Evidence that proves 'that'."

"I, I don't know, [Singularity Point F] was originally burned down. I will know your name because your appearance is very similar to [Assassin Emiya], but what happened [here]?" [We] have no idea what happened." The strange girl's voice was tired and anxious, and her tone was slightly choked. She sounded like she wanted to cry but she held it back.

"Sorry, I just can't believe you." Mr. Kelly's voice was very cold and he was completely unmoved.

"Why is this..." The girl seemed to be really about to cry.

"Mr. Kira!" Ryunosuke opened the door and stepped into the House of the Sea: "Have you finally revealed your true colors? The assassin from [Chaldea]!"

"Scared!" The girl in the yard seemed startled by his sudden intrusion.

"Don't put your [setting] on me," Mr. Kelly glanced at Ryunosuke and Kotomine Shirou: "Illya is inside, you go in."

"Hmph, hey, I'm not here to find a little girl," Ryunosuke patted Shirou to let him in, then took out the lottery ticket: "Mr. Kira, I am Arthur Pander On behalf of Camelot, Gong' officially sends an alliance proposal to you, and this is our sincerity!"

"Humph," Mr. Kelly looked at the numbers on the lottery ticket: "What a cheap King of Britain."

"Gu..." Ryunosuke was completely unable to refute.

"I'm too lazy to draw out such a small amount of money. From now on, you will always be responsive to Ilia's requests. Do you understand?" Mr. Kelly took the lottery ticket and put it away.

"In addition," before Ryunosuke could react, Mr. Kelly pointed to the girl over there who was sluggish for some reason: "I need to deal with some things recently. When you take care of Illya, take her with you. Identity positioning - just the princess's maid."

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