The Collection of The End

Chapter 879 3.57409%


Since there is a "princess's maid", then of course there is a "princess".

And who would be called a princess by Mr. Kelly, besides his precious daughter Ilia, who is studying in Class A of the fifth grade of Suiqunyuan Elementary School?

Occasionally, when Mr. Kelly and Ms. Natalia leave Fuyuki for business at the same time, Illya will be entrusted to Ryuunosuke's childhood sweetheart, Lin Haolai, to take care of her.

The two girls, one older and one younger, with a gap of nearly ten years and completely different nationalities, somehow hit it off immediately and were particularly close to each other. After repeated thinking, Ryunosuke came to the conclusion that their psychological ages were exactly the same.

As for "Princess's Maid"...

According to Mr. Kelly, the girl seemed to be a foreigner who came to look for relatives, but she was helpless because her relatives had moved and had no contact information. She only came because she heard that Mr. Kelly was the most capable person in Fuyuki. Ask for help.

Because there were too many tricks in this conversation, Ryunosuke didn't want to ask about the words "Mr. Emiya", "Singularity F", "Assassin" and other words he had heard before, and just exchanged a few words to settle the matter of lottery tickets and accommodation. After that, he left Umi House with Kotomine Shirou, Illya and her maid.

Perhaps Mr. Kelly would be temporarily bluffed due to insufficient information, but Ryunosuke would not.

He had actually seen this girl before, on the top floor of the Fuyuki Civic Hall.

It's just that she wasn't wearing the same clothes at the time, and her mental state was completely different.

Although "that Matthew" is wearing an ordinary uniform that looks like a civilian employee, his ability, confidence and ease in his movements and every word and action are all evident.

But "this Mash"... Ryunosuke looked her up and down quickly.

The body is tightly wrapped, and the style is like some kind of uniform. The material is similar to canvas, a black dress, a black skirt and black boots. The shoulders, elbows, waist, knees, ankles and other joints may be vulnerable to injury. All are additionally equipped with leather protection similar to that worn by skaters or skiers.

As for her temperament, she gives people a tight feeling as if she is always on guard against enemies appearing out of nowhere.

It's just that there is no public hall. How can the same person have such a big difference?

"I forgot to ask before, what's your name?" Ryuunosuke, who was guessing, asked casually while leading them to wait for the train to Shinto Commercial Street.

"Ah, I'm sorry, my name is Matthew Kyrielight." Although the girl seemed to be in a daze with deep thoughts, she immediately responded to Ryunosuke's question.

If you ask her why she came to Fuyuki, she will probably give the same answer as Mr. Kelly's excuse. Ryunosuke nodded and did not ask further. He just said: "Where did you live before you came to Mr. Kelly? Do you need it?" Go back and get your luggage?"

"No, there is no luggage - I mean, there is no luggage." The girl named Mashu stumbled a bit in her words.

"So, let's take you to Xindu to buy some daily necessities now?" Ryuzosuke looked at the "princess" and said, "Illya can help you with this."

"Okay-" Before Ma Xiu could respond, the little girl with silver hair and red eyes said.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Yusheng." Ma Xiu was stunned for a moment, but still nodded in agreement.


After a whole day of shopping and sightseeing, Ryunosuke was sure that this girl had a big problem.

First of all, she kept staring at the young woman wearing white clothes and black skirt on the commercial street. If the woman happened to have short hair and dyed it yellow, she would take the initiative to run over and take a serious look at her, and sometimes she would even take the initiative to talk to her.

Secondly, she is extremely vigilant and will basically not approach anyone except Illya. A very tragic thing seemed to have happened when she was trying on clothes in a clothing store, but Ryuunosuke and Kotomine Shirou were waiting at that time. Outside that store that didn't accept male customers, I didn't know what was going on inside.

Finally, she has no common sense about modern society. At the beginning, she even took the things being sold in the store and ate them directly or turned around and left. After Ryunosuke rushed to clean up the mess for her, she apologized again and again as if she had woken up from a dream.

"Then, the conclusion is obvious," after the two girls walked into another store, Ryunosuke said while handing the Coke bought from the nearby store to Kotomine Shirou: "She comes from a place where shopping does not require money. , Monsters may appear at any time, and it’s a place where it’s hard to trust between strangers!”

"As expected of Teacher Arthur, it sounds very reasonable," Shirou nodded: "Then where is she from?"

"[Radiated Wasteland]!" Ryunosuke said decisively.

"But... that kind of world seems to have nothing to do with our 'Camelo'?" Shirou expressed doubts.

"It's too narrow! Lord Bedivere!" Ryunosuke took advantage of the fact that there were no pedestrians around and raised his voice slightly: "Camelo is not a city, a place or a group of people, it is a spirit. As long as this spirit is transmitted If we go on, even if the people who build Camelot in the wasteland a few years later are completely different from us, as long as they are connected in spirit, they are also genuine 'King Arthur' and 'Knights of the Round Table'!"

"I understand! Teacher Arthur! I will pass on the spirit of Camelot!" Kotomine Shirou looked convinced.

Hmm... Ryunosuke touched his chin. Although for some reason, in his memory fragments, King Arthur of the wasteland was a female knight with an amazing figure holding a dazzling white spear, but no matter what.

"In addition, regarding this, we can do a verification now," Ryunosuke returned the Nuka-Cola bottle in his hand to the shop owner, and then tossed a small pile of bottle caps in his hand: "According to the radiation settings , the currency of the wasteland is Coke bottle caps, let’s give these to her and see what the reaction will be.”

"As expected of Teacher Arthur." Shirou said with great admiration.

"Whether it's refusal, confusion, or acceptance out of politeness, etc., these are all 'normal' reactions, while 'abnormal' reactions can be seen at a glance." Ryunosuke said as he asked someone who had just left the store Matthew and Illya came out of the house and walked over.

"Thank you for your hard work," Ryunosuke took the shopping bag from Mashu's hand and handed the bottle cap to her with a very natural expression and movement: "This is the harvest of this operation."

"Oh, thank you," Matthew took the bottle cap very naturally: "Then who should I go to in exchange for the reward?"

"Just go back to Camelot." Ryuzosuke's expression did not change at all.

"Oh." Matthew put the bottle cap into his pocket without any doubt.

"..." Shirou and Illya, who were watching, cast two completely opposite looks of "admiration" and "wanting to hit someone" respectively.

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