The Collection of The End

Chapter 880 3.588762%


When Ryunosuke returned to "Camelo" with two students and a suspected time traveler, the brilliance of the sun had gradually been blocked by the high-rise buildings in Fuyuki City, and could only be seen on taller buildings and empty ground. Casting mottled light and shadow.

"Mr. Yusheng, do you need my help? I think it's not easy for you to open the door..." Mashu looked at Ryunosuke with an expression as if he was looking at a crumbling high wall.

"Ha! It's still too early for this level!" Ryunosuke, carrying large and small bags, staggered closer to the courtyard door, and then directly hit the door with his shoulder.

The next moment, an electronically synthesized female voice sounded from the door:

"[What is the most beautiful music in the world?]"

"Hey? Is this a voice-activated door?" Matthew was surprised.

"It's silence!" "It's Dudulu~"

Kotomine Shirou and Illya did not answer her question, but reported the answer directly to the gate.

But the gate didn't respond at all to either answer.

"Hmph, hahaha, you are so naive, do you think you can guess the correct answer?" Ryunosuke used his strength to lift the large and small bags on the handle, and said to the door: "It's Nero's song '!"

"[Welcome back to Camelot, King Arthur.]" The metal door slid open to both sides.

"...!" Matthew's eyes widened.

"Who has ever heard Nero sing?" "Since Teacher Arthur said so, it must be extremely beautiful."

"Hahaha!" Ryuzosuke didn't answer and walked into the door carrying large and small bags.

Although I haven't actually heard it, from the memory fragments, Nero's concerts are always packed, and many people were moved to tears or even fainted during the performance. It must be extremely beautiful.

"Ryuunosuke is cheating!" Illya seemed dissatisfied with the answer and complained as she followed the door.

"So, this door is controlled by artificial intelligence?" Mashu did not enter the door, but touched its surface.

Ah, I forgot that the people following were not people like Lin Hao and Hasegawa who are familiar with Camelot technology.

While Ryunosuke handed over to Kotomine Shirou and asked him to put the things he bought in the living room and laboratory, he responded to Mashu in the courtyard, "Of course not, it's just an ordinary voiceprint lock. It has three unlocking methods." The first method is to answer the corresponding questions correctly, and the second is to speak the predetermined 'voiceprint key', and the latter can ignore the questions."

"It's like the user password and administrator password of a computer." Kotomine Shirou, who returned from the living room, interjected.

"You can decide the voiceprint key, questions and answers by yourself, but if you can guess the questions designed by me and enter the courtyard, I will recognize him/her as a friend of Camelot." Ryunosuke crossed his arms and said, Said very proudly.

Matthew didn't know what he thought of, and was stunned for a moment outside the door.

Squeak, squeak, squeak... It seemed that the time was up, and the door gradually closed on its own, locking Matthew outside the city of "Camelo".

"[What kind of man is the most attractive?]" After the door closed, he seemed to realize that Matthew was still outside the door, so he directly asked a new question.

"Man, man?" Matthew was shocked again.

"This is Illya's problem! Not mine!" Ryuzosuke hurriedly argued outside the courtyard.

"Ma Xiu, you can also tell me. Maybe it's the same answer as mine?"

"One, men dressed in black are the most attractive!" It seemed that because she was locked outside and couldn't see the expressions of a few people, Matthew's tone became bolder and she spoke her answer directly.

"[Welcome to Camelot, Princess Illya]" The door dutifully slid open to both sides.

"Hmm... hmm?" Surprised that the answers were really the same, Illya began to circle around Matthew: "I'm warning you, don't take my father's ideas into account. My aunts have already lost count."

"I'm not talking about Mr. Wei-Kelly." Matthew stared and tried to defend: "I'm talking about a man wearing black armor, with black flames all over his body, and eyes as red as charcoal..."

"Hey~" Illya stepped up and patted Mashu on the shoulder.

Then he looked at Ryunosuke: "It seems that she and you are from the same country."

"That's weird, I'm a middle school student and I'm not a radio wave."


"It's not the second grade either!"

"Dudulu~ Huh? Are there guests?"


When he learned that Illya and a "lost foreign girl" were going to stay in "Camelo" temporarily, Lin Hao enthusiastically cleaned up the room for them and strictly prohibited Ryuunosuke from entering their "girls' territory." step.

"Really, it seems like I usually enter her yard." Ryunosuke, who had nothing to do, stayed in the living room with Kotomine Shirou, chatting while eating snacks that were obviously meant to entertain them.

"Teacher Arthur will naturally not do anything that would displease a lady." Shirou answered very seriously.

"Hmm..." Ryunosuke responded casually with some confusion. He felt that Shirou would take every word he said seriously. If he were a girl, he would be easily deceived. No, even a boy with this character is very It's dangerous.

"Speaking of which, Camelot's experiment of 'sending messages to the past' has been successful," Ryuzosuke changed the subject: "Sir Bedivere, is there anything you want to change? Wait until Sir Lancelot comes back. Then we can conduct a new round of testing.”

"Well, this..."

"A-Ser-" Shirou was about to say something when he heard a hoarse shout coming from outside the hospital, followed by a strange discharge of electricity, and finally the door to Camelot slowly opened.

"Ha, Lancelot's voice is again-" "Enemy attack!?"

Ryunosuke was about to make a joke when he saw Mashu rushing out from the girls' yard carrying a round table.

At this moment, a terrifying humanoid figure wrapped in black and red thunder and lightning walked in from the open door. It seemed that he was so shocked that he could not speak clearly, and he made a sound like some terrifying monster:

"[Damn Arthur--the power of your device is getting more and more powerful--I must--] today"

"Fell to—this move!"

Hasegawa's reaction was half a beat too slow. No, in other words, there was no possibility of successful evasion from the beginning.

Ryunosuke watched in surprise as Mashu rushed towards Hasegawa at high speed, and then slapped him to the ground with a table.

"Well...he shouldn't be doing anything bad, right? After all, he is a physical education teacher and has a strong body." Olga Marie followed closely and walked in from the door, looking at Hasegawa who fell to the ground and twitched: "If anything goes wrong, today Late research can only find ways to prevent this.”

"So, [Director]?" Compared to other people who were concerned about Hasegawa, Mashu, as the "murderer", paid more attention to Olga Marie, and said a title that impressed Ryunosuke.

Very good, she is indeed the key to finding the "Holy Grail", or the "truth of the world".

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