The Collection of The End

Chapter 885 4.374511%


Ryunosuke had preliminary predictions about the consequences of sending that slightly nonsensical text message.

The possibility of "nothing happening" accounts for 50%, including Mr. Kelly not seeing or ignoring the text message, trying to search but not finding it, Shirou having been taken away by the priest, and other situations that would lead to maintaining the status quo.

The other 40% is that Shirou was successfully adopted by Mr. Kelly, but in this case, it is possible that Shirou, Illya, or both disappeared from the party. After all, Mr. Kelly would not leave both his children behind. Even if he was relieved to leave it to others to take care of, Ilia's mother, whom he had never met before, would not agree.

The last 10% is left to the possibility of unexpected situations. After all, if Dao Fifty and Tian Yan Forty-Nine have their own chance to escape - well, this ancient theory seems to have nothing in common with the current situation.

However, after the red and black thunder and lightning that other "Knights of the Round Table" could not see completely "eroded" his entire field of vision, Ryunosuke understood that this time not only had an impact, it would also cause him to "travel" again. Influence.

However, this time's "travel" did not allow his "perspective" to shuttle through the endless starry sky like the previous two times. In fact, even the red thunder and lightning that swirled and surged at the beginning had not disappeared.

Outside the "field of vision", there is a deep and thick darkness like before a storm in summer. All the stars in the past have disappeared. If it weren't for the crackling sound of electric current and shimmering light around, Ryunosuke would have almost disappeared. I wonder if I have gone blind.

The red and black current was stagnant for a moment as if it was at a loss, and then began to rapidly change its shape, transforming itself into a cylinder without a bottom or a cover. Ryunosuke's "perspective" only paused slightly, and then It was "launched" at extremely high speeds.

What the hell? Electromagnetic gun? Ryunosuke, a physics teacher, had a little guess about this action, but because it was just an illusion, he could not confirm it further.

Since there was no reference other than darkness around him, Ryunosuke didn't know what his movement pattern was, what his speed and acceleration were. After a rough estimate, about five or six minutes later, a very familiar figure appeared directly in front of him. The stars.

Looking at the other stars in the distance that were gradually dimming and submerging into the darkness, Ryunosuke realized belatedly that they did not disappear at all, but were surrounded by thick "black mist", which caused him to "travel" after They cannot be seen from "far away". As for why there is black fog in the universe... Who says that this must be the macroscopic universe? Maybe it's Dirac's Sea?

Next, there is the familiar routine of drilling into a star, appearing in a "harsh mirror maze", seeing a mirror reflecting the action I just made, and then returning to reality.

And, once again, there was a suffocating feeling like a long period of lack of oxygen.

"Hoo——! Hahu——!" Ryuzosuke bowed his waist, pulled on his collar and took a big breath.

"Oh? It seems that we have already discussed the result?" came Olga Marie's slightly surprised voice.

"Ah, welcome back~" Lin Hao said this out of nowhere.

"This reaction seems to be a 'big change' rather than a 'correction', please note it down." The sound of typing came from Hasegawa at the same time.

Well, it seems that although we have a lot to do with Shirou, there won't be much difference because of his changes. After Ryunosuke took a breath, he assessed in his mind and straightened up to look at Everyone in the house.

"As expected of Teacher Arthur." A strange female voice praised with a tone and sentence pattern that Ryunosuke was very familiar with.

It was a girl wearing a dark blue nun's uniform and a fluffy nun's hat. She had silver and slightly wavy long hair hanging over her shoulders. Her facial features were very soft and her temperament was very calm and indifferent. She only had those golden eyes. There was a hint of fierce momentum in his gaze.

At this moment, she who just said those words was sitting side by side with Lin Hao, looking quite intimate.

"...Who are you?" Ryuzosuke blurted out involuntarily.

Could it be that the text message Illya just sent had the element to change Shirou's sexual orientation?

"Ah! Teacher Arthur is possessed by a demon and needs to be exorcised immediately!" The girl stood up abruptly, took out a long red silk ribbon from her back and faced Ryunosuke.

"No~" Lin Hao also stood up and hugged her from the side: "Ryuunosuke just made another mistake."

"Really?" The girl put down Hong Ling nonchalantly, still looking at Ryunosuke: "But Teacher Arthur actually said that he doesn't know me."

"Hey, Ryunosuke, what text message did you send before?" Illya on the side interjected: "Does Kallen want her to become rich, beautiful, or young?"

"That's how I am!" The girl named Kallen by Illya retorted angrily.

"Then why doesn't Ryuzosuke know you?" Illya retorted.

"Oh... don't quarrel..." Lin Hao blocked himself between the two girls and looked over eagerly: "Ryuunosuke?"

"So, what is the difference between the current situation and before you 'travelled'?" Olga Marie asked Ryunosuke while thinking.

"Well, we still need to confirm," Ryunosuke said to the girl with silver hair and golden eyes: "I'm sorry, but please tell me your name and identity."

"Kotomine, Kotomine Caren, health teacher of Suiqunhara Academy, first meeting, Teacher Arthur," the girl seemed to understand the current situation, and no longer bickered with Illya, but turned to the dragon Jie bowed slightly. "By the way, I am 'Bedivere' among the Knights of the Round Table."

Hmm...the relationship with "Camelot" is the same as before. Judging from the clothes and last name on his body, he should also be related to Father Kotomine.

"So, Illya? Do you have a brother?" Ryunosuke turned to Illya, who was making faces at Hualien.

"Yes, Brother Imiya is following his father around to fight for justice." Illya said proudly: "[Batman and Robin] are much more powerful than the little-known [Father Storm]."

"My dad is better!"

"My dad is the one!"

"..." Ryuzosuke held his forehead.

Obviously, Mr. Kelly has been secretly operating around the world before, but because he has no helpers - men, and has a daughter to take care of, he has been pretending to be an ordinary person. After picking up a powerful son, he began to show off his talents. .

Father Kotomine, who did not pick up Shirou, also changed accordingly. Not only did he become a kind of "Father Storm", but he also had an extra daughter. For some reason, he also became a close rival with Mr. Kelly.

But the daughters of both parties seem to have a good relationship?

I always feel like I've been transported into some strange American comic world this time...


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