The Collection of The End

Chapter 886 4.449701%


"See you tomorrow, Mary Sue." Ryunosuke waved goodbye to Olga Marie near the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

"Don't randomly abbreviate!" Olga Marie scolded her for a while, then waved her hand in a wan tone: "Forget it, see you at school tomorrow, 'Arthur'."

Ryunosuke did not elaborate on the content of the text message sent by the "last world", but directly announced the dissolution of the party despite the dissatisfaction of the two girls, and made an appointment with Olga Marie to meet at Suizunhara Academy tomorrow. We will discuss it in detail later.

Maybe Lin Hao and Olga Marie didn't matter, but just looking at the head-to-head situation between Kotomine Karen and Illya, and the strange and powerful titles of the two girls' respective fathers, Ryunosuke didn't want to know about their relationship at all. They heard that they were in-laws.

However, this "time traveling" also brought about a problem that was not a problem in the previous world - he could not just wave his hands to Karin Kotomine and say "Go home by yourself, on the way" like he did to Kotomine Shirou. Be careful" and everything will be fine.

Whether as a man or a teacher, he must send her back to Fuyuki Church - even though Hualien himself is also a teacher.

"Teacher Arthur," Karin Kotomine tried again on the way to the old city after leaving Shinto and crossing the Fuyuki Bridge: "Who on earth and what text message did you send that caused me to 'appear'?"

"No, I believe you should have 'existed' somewhere in the last world, and did not 'appear suddenly'." Ryunosuke was not shy about answering questions that did not involve specific content. After all, "I want a brother". Wishes are not something that can be guessed casually. Even if you can guess them, how to send the text message content is still a big problem.

In addition, Ryuunosuke is quite confident about this guess. After all, Karen Kotomine's appearance seems to be over 20, and it is basically unreasonable for a teenage girl to be adopted by a priest, so she is probably not She was adopted, but was the biological daughter of Father Kotomine, but she was separated by chance, and was found because Shirou in this world was intercepted by Mr. Kelly.

In "The Last World", Father Kotomine had a close relationship with the Italian side, and this Karin Kotomine also had a name: "Karen Ortensia". There is no such word in English, but in Italy It means "hydrangea" in Chinese.

The flower language of blue hydrangea is "betrayal" and "disloyalty", while the flower language of pink and white hydrangea is "hope", well... it is indeed very similar to the name a single mother would give her daughter.

"Hmph, the king doesn't understand people's hearts." Karin Kotomine, who didn't get an answer, pouted and walked forward quickly, leaving Ryunosuke behind.

I really don’t understand. Ryunosuke laughed at himself. How could he in this world think of dragging a nun and a colleague into Camelot, and also giving her a codename full of inheritance like "Bedwell" - the legend In the novel, Bedivere is the last Knight of the Round Table who entrusts the Holy Sword to King Arthur before his death.

If it were Shirou in the past, according to the existing teacher-student relationship, there would not be much sense of violation.

While thinking, Mount Enzo was already in sight, and Ryunosuke could already see the spire of the church on the top of the mountain hidden in the night, as well as the stained glass windows reflecting the lights of Fuyuki Manga.

But, having said that, it would be fine if Shirou himself was taking care of Fuyuki Church. The boy should have some experience, but now it's Hualien, isn't it a little inappropriate?

Moreover, security issues are also...

"Oh! Beautiful Girl! With Big Uncle!" Ryunosuke just thought of this when he saw Kallen blocked by a strange guy.

He was a guy with blond hair and blue eyes, dark skin, tacky clothes, and frivolous behavior. He looked like a nouveau riche guy. He seemed to have drunk too much, spoke with a loud tongue, and walked unsteadily.

Well, no, Ryunosuke took a look at it and realized that he was "really" a nouveau riche.


The son of a wealthy businessman from the Middle East, known as the Oil King, is one of the sponsors of Sui Qunyuan Academy.

This guy's biggest hobby is to show off around Fuyuki with this layer of tiger skin, spend a lot of money on beautiful girls when he sees them, and claim that his country can marry seventy-two wives.

As for the Oil King's behavior, there is no legal problem with it, and the Fujimura and Tohsaka families have no reason to teach him a lesson. As for the academy, they can at most prohibit him from taking action against students. As for those who are not students, are adults and voluntarily - —There is absolutely no way to control this.

However, today he is destined to be kicked out of the iron plate. You have to ask why, because——


Before Atram could say a second sentence, his whole body spun around inexplicably.

"Hey! You——"

Snapped! Snapped!

This time Ryunosuke could see clearly that Karin Kotomine was swinging the long red silk he had seen once before like a whip, whipping the drunken Oil King until he screamed and spun around like a top.

Is this the "exorcism" method she mentioned? Ryunosuke remembered that she seemed to be planning to "exorcize" herself before, and silently wiped a cold sweat.

However, for now, this technique can be mastered by ordinary animal trainers and is not beyond the scope of ordinary people. Although the guy was beaten badly, it was probably not even a minor injury.

"Ms. Kotomine, please stop your behavior," several men wearing black suits and black sunglasses walked quickly from the direction where Atram appeared, each of them put their hands in their pockets. Take it out and threaten with just that raised shape.

"Hmph, I have long disliked this guy, and this time it happened to fall into my hands. How can I not give him a lesson?" Kallen slapped the Oil King a few more times, making the atmosphere between the two parties tense. A little stiffly, the men in black suits looked at each other and slowly approached Karen with a threatening intent.

It seems that it's time for me to appear, Ryunosuke thought as he took a step forward to speak.

"[Although we have no personal hatred, if you take another step forward, I will have to regard you as a threat and kill you all.]"

Along with the cold man's voice, a chill that almost penetrated the heart rose at the scene of this small conflict, causing those black suits to almost "freeze" in place.

No, that's not a chill. Ryunosuke looked at the direction where the sound came from. Although it was a bit vulgar, it was indeed a real "murderous aura".

Standing there was a handsome young man with a soft and handsome appearance. He had a dark blue ponytail and was wearing a lavender samurai uniform. He was holding a curved sword that was almost as tall as a person in his hands, and he was holding a leaf in the corner of his mouth. .

"[Oh?]" He turned his gaze from the bodyguards in black suits to Ryunosuke who was blocking Kallen: "[I thought it was just a bird escaping from the cage, but it turned out to be a beast like a lion? Look? It’s superfluous to come here today, miss.]”

"Hey, Teacher Arthur!" Kallen patted Ryunosuke on the shoulder hard from behind: "This is the bodyguard my father found for me. Isn't it unique?"


Can this world get any better?


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