The Collection of The End

Chapter 889 4.684758%


Suiqunhara Academy naturally has a cafeteria. In order to entertain those outside the school who come to participate in various lectures and activities, they are barely open at half of the capacity even during the holidays.

Maybe people outside the school would go out to try something new out of curiosity, but Ryunosuke had already eaten in all the cafeterias of each department. Now that he had a choice, of course he wanted to go outside for a change.

"So, you finally chose a curry restaurant?" Olga Marie said with a half-smile while waiting for the meal at her seat.

"This is no ordinary curry. Didn't you notice that even though it's not yet dinner time, the restaurant is already full? If it's a little later, we'll have to wait outside with our numbers." Ryunosuke tried to use other diners as a shield.

"Oh." Olga Marie responded unconvincingly.

It's really hard to explain this, Ryuzosuke scratched his head.

Although the store is new, the owner "郃" is an old person. She ran a Sichuan restaurant called "Hongzhou Banquet House Taishan" ten years ago. After ten years of development, it has now expanded to "Qingtai Banquet". "Sui·Taishan", "Bai Shaoshan Zhen·Huashan", "Red Flame Baicao·Hengshan", "Hei Rui Fishing Song·Hengshan", "Huangxuan Farmhouse·Songshan", almost all the cuisines and famous mountains of country C are covered.

The newly opened "Parvati Himalaya" specializes in Indian cuisine, and it also marks that the owner has begun to turn her attention to other famous mountains. According to her naming style, I always feel that one day I will see a restaurant named "Alps" "French restaurant.

However, when it came to French food, Ryunosuke glanced at Olga Marie, who was sniffing covertly because of the strong smell of spices.

You, a British person, really dare to criticize food from other countries...

After a while, the British genius girl was impressed by the Indian-style dishes. If she hadn't been concerned about the image, she might have actually grabbed it.

"Well, you're telling me that there are a few acquaintances who are surrounded by people who didn't exist before you 'reshaped the world'? And they all have the tendency to become lovers?" Olga Marie said while using the cookie rolls. Sipping curry chicken: "Although I just came here and I'm not very familiar with Cu Chulainn, he doesn't look like him at all."

"Well, based on what I know about Bazett, she should like a guy with this kind of personality. It's just because he's flirting all over the place that she doesn't want to see him. If Cu Chulainn changes his mind, Picking up a conversation and praising Haikou's faults actually go well together." Ryunosuke was tasting another snack that looked like crispy horns.

"Is this so?" Olga Marie thought for a moment: "Because you changed the interpersonal relationship of the person said to be called 'Kotomine Shirou', Kotomine Karin, who was not here originally, appeared, and then 'Sasaki Kojiro' Appearing as her bodyguards, as for 'Medea' and 'Cu Chulainn'... although the details are not clear, it should be related to this change."

"Butterfly effect?" Ryuzosuke raised his eyebrows.

"It can also be called 'pulling one hair and moving the whole body'," Olga Marie glanced at him: "But I suspect that what you are pulling is the 'red thread'."

"Okay, then how do you continue your research preparations?" Ryunosuke shrugged: "Are you only going to carry out projects that can be interfered by the law of cause and effect?"

"This is the preliminary plan," Olga Marie nodded: "But at the same time, we must also develop a 'time machine' or a 'spiritual transfer device'. As long as it is built, even if you accidentally cause something big, you will be safe." Opportunity to make amends.”

"It's up to you, so what should we do next?" Ryuzosuke waved to the waiter in the store who was hurriedly coming and going, and the waiter in Indian style clothing signaled the checkout.

"I have no plans to give a speech in the afternoon. You and I will go to the Electrical Appliance Street in Xindu to buy some equipment and try to complete it before I leave Japan." Olga Marie raised her wrist and looked at her watch.

"Can it be so fast? I thought it would take a few years or more than ten years." Ryunosuke, who was obviously a physics teacher, felt that his IQ was being crushed at this moment.

"That's how long it takes to analyze the principles of your two 'devices'.

Olga Marie responded: "As I said before, the most important thing about science is verifiability and repeatability. Although 'causal interference' and 'world reshaping' are still unobservable, since text messages can be sent stably, to the past, then you can proceed to the next step accordingly. "

"It's like... a child doesn't have to understand how batteries work, but as long as he can put them into a toy car correctly, he can make it run?" Ryuzosuke made an analogy after thinking about it.

"Yes," Olga Marie felt inexplicably melancholy: "Compared to the endless mysteries of the universe itself, we are like children who only know how to play some small tricks..."

At this time, if it wasn't because she was too close to the academy, she should have stood up and laughed, and said to her arrogantly, "Merlin, do you understand the difference between you and me!", interrupting the sadness to express yourself. Distorting the topic is done instantly.

However, now I can only forcefully change the subject.

"Before buying, why not go to Fuyuki Church first?" Ryunosuke suggested.

"Why?" Olga Marie asked strangely after recovering from her sadness.

"Because my 'devices' were basically collected by Shirou... Huh?" Ryuzosuke was stunned on the spot mid-sentence.

After "travelling", Shirou was adopted by Illya's father ten years ago and left Fuyuki. Therefore, it is impossible for him to pick up old machinery and repair it, nor would he allow himself to pick and choose among them and come up with so many inventions. .

"Sure enough, there is something wrong?" Olga Marie narrowed her eyes: "You told me before that those 'devices' were all found at the flea market."

"It doesn't matter, it's not a big problem. There is no difference between Shirou picking them up and me buying them directly from the flea market, hiss..." Ryuzosuke's mind raced, and then he discovered another problem.

If Shirou never stayed in Fuyuki from the beginning, and it was Karin Kotomine who took his place in the church, then what about the Tohsaka sisters who had a crush on Shirou?

"Thank you for coming, Chenghui is 3,050 yuan~" A familiar voice sounded from the table.

Ryunosuke looked with a bad premonition and found a familiar yet unfamiliar girl standing there with a bill in her hand.

With purple hair and purple eyes, she has a soft and friendly appearance. She is wearing a blue Guli dress with complex golden patterns and full of Indian style. She has a silk sari decorated with stars on her shoulders and a large ruby ​​on her chest. Necklace, an exquisite headdress of gold and green on her forehead, and a bright red silk flower on her temples, her whole person exuded a virtuous, quiet and maternal aura.

"Ah, it turns out it's Mr. Yu Sheng and..." The girl looked at Ryuunosuke and then at Olga Marie, then pursed her lips and smiled: "Then I'll give you two free meals this time~"

"Sakura?" Ryunosuke looked at her in surprise.

"Oh, it's not dyed." The girl who should be Tohsaka Sakura raised her hand and lifted her wig slightly, revealing the black hair underneath: "I'm just dressed up as the Himalayan snow mountain goddess Parvati~ No need Worry, as a store manager, I still have the power to waive a few orders~"

Tohsaka Sakura wrote a few words on the bill, put it down and walked away briskly.

"..." Ryuzosuke's face was full of words.

"Was that girl always clinging to Shirou? She didn't have any special features? But then she became more dazzling when there was no man in her way?" Olga Marie asked narrowly.

"Can't refute..."

collect doomsday

collect doomsday

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