The Collection of The End

Chapter 890 4.768235%


Shinto Second Avenue is the largest commercial street in Fuyuki. It is parallel to the First Avenue that crosses the Shinto Mito River. However, because the scope only includes Shinto, it is longer than the First Avenue with the Mito River Bridge as the midpoint. Half shorter.

Along Second Avenue, which is 500 meters wide and 2,200 meters long, there are more than 500 various stores. The eastern section is mostly for food, clothing and entertainment, while the western section is basically for electrical appliances, computers and Technology Products.

Therefore, this avenue also has an interesting name called "Breakup Avenue", because as long as the man is left in the west section and the woman is left in the east section, they will never want to meet again. This is really a sad story.

After lunch, Ryunosuke and Olga Marie went to the Electrical Appliance Street of Xindu to look for the accessories they needed. Although "myself in this world" seemed to have a place to find useful second-hand goods, "at this time" Ryunosuke didn't know about it, so he could only take this talented girl to buy the new products on the list in her mind.

"Well, let me think about it, to complete the second step, we need a brainwave probe scanner, a data analysis decoder, an electrical signal compression amplifier, a gravitational black hole manufacturing machine, and a brain plug signal amplifier..." Olga Marie said on her side Talking to himself as he walked.

Regarding this...Ryuunosuke said that he didn't understand it at all, and there were a lot of powerful-sounding words in the middle. No matter how you thought, those things would not be sold in ordinary electronics streets.

"In short," Olga Marie seemed to see the confusion in Ryunosuke's eyes, so she explained: "The only way we can be sure of sending messages to the past is through No. 12 and No. 8. To send text messages in combination, instead of trying to 'send more content' which may not necessarily lead to results, it is better to conduct an experiment of 'compressing a person's instantaneous brain waves to the size of a text message'. It simply compresses the data and belongs to the current technology. Able to explain and improve.”

"But, how do we 'decompress' it after receiving it? We also have to ensure that it only overwrites the 'past self' and not others?" Ryuzosuke scratched his head.

"Is that why you want to conduct an experiment?" Olga Marie tilted her head and glanced at Ryunosuke as if she were looking at a fool.

Okay, got it, I’m a guinea pig, Ryunosuke shrugged and mentioned some bits and pieces that Tiolga Marie had chosen to buy before.

So who will tell him how portable ovens, power banks, LCD calculators and AR glasses can help build a time machine?

After shopping with Olga Marie in the Electrical Appliance Street for a while and buying some unknown items, the two of them approached the middle of Second Avenue, and the aroma of food and the laughter of children gradually became clearer.

"These things are not big enough to dismantle. I'll go to the parts store to take a look. It may take a long time. If you're tired, go back first." Olga Marie counted the things Ryunosuke was carrying and smashed them. He smacked his lips, waved goodbye to him, and walked to a nearby large mechanical parts store.

Sure enough, they are going to be demolished...We civilian scientists don't understand the world of rich people, but after all, they paid for it themselves, so it's hard to say anything. After Ryunosuke silently mourned for a few seconds for the things he was carrying, he turned around and prepared to go back. Go to Camelot.


"Mr. Yu Sheng?" A slightly familiar voice sounded behind Ryuzosuke.

When Ryunosuke followed the sound, he saw a short-haired girl wearing the uniform of the high school of Suiqunhara Academy, but her appearance was not like any of the students he knew. When he was about to ask a question, he saw her with a bandage on her knees in a blink of an eye. Leather protection.

"Oh, it's Mashu," Ryunosuke looked around: "Did you come here by yourself?"

"No, Miss Lin Hao and Miss Ilia brought me here. They also lent me this school uniform. They said they would help me get familiar with the city, but..." She looked towards the food court with some embarrassment. .

Well, they must have gone crazy again.

"Okay, don't you know how to go back? Come with me, don't worry about them,

Maybe I won’t realize I lost you until I get home and see you. "Ryuunosuke shrugged funnyly.

"Okay, okay." Mashu blinked and took the initiative to follow Ryuzosuke.

Regarding this strange girl, Ryunosuke had some guesses after meeting several "strangers" who suddenly appeared in the school. She was clearly different from the one he had seen before, whether it was her demeanor or clothing and equipment, so it was very strange. It may also have appeared because of the "space-time text message" she sent. If the same rules are followed, the person who contacted her should be either Illya or Lin Hao. Anyway, it couldn't be Mr. Kelly or the disappeared Shirou.

"Mr. Yusheng, what do you think of time travel?" After leaving the Second Avenue, Mashu seemed to be more natural and took the initiative to talk to Ryunosuke.

"Well...if it's not necessary, it's better not to change the past casually." Ryunosuke thought about the consequences of his "travelling" several times, and shook his head: "Whether it's 'world reshaping' or creating a parallel world. The world, after the change, no one is aware of it. The feeling that only I remember is really a bit——"

"Well, I've heard of a theory of time. Would Mr. Yusheng want to hear it?" Matthew asked hesitantly.

This girl literally had "I'm suspicious" written all over her face, but it made people want to be on guard. Long Zhijie didn't even look back and said, "Tell me about it?"

"There is a time theory that says that the world will diverge into countless parallel worlds like the branches of a river with every different choice, such as whether to step with the right foot or the left foot first when going out, or to eat vegetables or drink soup first when eating. Time The change in travel is simply to jump from one branch to another."

Mashu spoke in a tone as if he was reciting a text.

"The first half of this theory is correct, but there are not countless worlds that branch out. If we continue the metaphor about rivers, these tributaries will eventually converge to the main stream, and all traces of previous branches will be wiped out, just like Mr. Yusheng sent Like those insignificant text messages, they may have had an impact on the world 'at that time', but they were not enough to change the 'now'. Only by making a change that was enough to make one tributary flow into another main stream and make it 'enter the sea' Only when the location is completely different can it be called 'changing the past'."

This view is different but similar to Olga Marie’s “Reshaping the World” theory. The key point of difference is——

"After a tributary changes its mouth into the sea, does the "main stream" where it was originally located still exist?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Yes, it... of course exists." Matthew's tone revealed a little confusion, as if denying this "existence" was denying herself.

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