The Collection of The End

Chapter 893 Zero.15240%

"It's nothing serious. It's just retinal nerve embolism caused by intracranial hemorrhage." Dr. Roman's voice came from outside the guest room. His voice was calm and confident, full of soothing meaning - this guy can still bluff people if he is serious.

"Then, how long will it take to recover? What should I pay attention to?" Lin Shu's voice was hesitant and a little regretful.

"Well, drink more hot water?"


It seemed to be quiet outside for an instant. Even if I couldn't see it, I could picture the stupid brother's face with a complex expression that mixed "Is this the time to joke?" and "What if what he said is true?" Looking at Roman, he looked like he was hesitant to speak.

If it weren't for the current situation, I would have burst into laughter.

Well, yes, of course I live in the "guest room" now, because my stupid brother thought it was too inconvenient for a "blind person" to go up and down the stairs, so he insisted on letting me live on the first floor, which is usually used to greet "blood relatives" In the guest room.

Moreover, probably because the consequences of me rolling him down the stairs were too scary, now I have never slipped off the handrail when going up and down the stairs. The plan goes - wait! This time it’s really not a trick!

According to my stupid brother, after I fell down the stairs and hit my head, "my eyes were bloodshot, my pupils were dilated, and I was bleeding and crying. I looked like a female ghost looking for someone to kill me." I looked at him What he needed was a good, friendly beating from his sister.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the doctor outside the door said apologetically again: "Maybe my wording caused you to misunderstand, but in fact, many people on the Internet who are regarded as jokes will only reply ' In the case of 'drink more hot water', in the opinion of experienced doctors, the most appropriate solution is 'drink more hot water'."

"Oh, really?" Lin Shu said in a disbelieving tone.

"Believe me, in those jokes, the girls are not disgusted with the idea of ​​'drinking more hot water'. The reason why they are angry is, 'You asked me to drink more hot water and you didn't take the initiative to pour it?'." The doctor Inexplicably, he changed his tone to someone who had experienced it before.

Why are you so skilled! Did you do it to Leonardo da Vinci or did it to Matthew? Or Guda...oh, no, I am Guda.

"Well..." The stupid brother seemed to be convinced.

"Then, let me put it in a more professional way," the doctor coughed slightly and seemed to put on a serious face: "To dissolve the thrombus that is compressing the optic nerve, Miss Lin Hao needs to take in 1200ml to 1500ml of warm water every day, and eat more Vegetables such as onions, kelp, cabbage, fungus, leeks, green peppers, and meat are mainly white meat such as fish. Red meat is not suitable. Carbonated drinks and alcohol are completely prohibited. You can drink tea in moderation..."

"Wait a minute -" the stupid brother started to take out his phone and record it while the doctor was still talking, "Well, you continue."

This poor kid hasn't realized that all the things I'm suitable for eating are things he doesn't like. Although he doesn't drink, carbonated drinks...hehehe.

"... Compound Danshen tablets should be taken three times a day. If the headache worsens, you can take a small amount of aspirin. You should lie flat and avoid getting emotional." The doctor finished in one breath.

"Uh..." Lin Shu seemed to have just realized what he had recorded, and asked in a sultry manner: "Then, how long will it take for my sister to recover? Will she be fine in one week?"

"Don't worry, just like when you skateboard or play football, the bruises caused by occasional bumps will disappear on their own. This time it's just a bad position and a bit scary," Roman said. "If you take care of yourself properly, you will be fine." It can take a week to initially recover, and even if there are recurrences, half a month is enough."

Hmm...a week? Is this kid still trying to figure things out before his parents come back?

"That's it, that's good." Lin Shu seemed to be relieved.

"If you want to know the specific time, the heparin you just injected and the warfarin you took should have taken effect. You should be able to confirm it by checking again now." The doctor said this and turned around and walked towards the guest room.

If they come in,

Would you be shocked to find me sitting up and staring at them with dull eyes?

Forget it, it's better not to play like this. It's okay to make trouble with the doctor, but it would be terrible if I scare my stupid brother. I quickly lay down before they came in and became a quiet sleeping beauty - no, blind beauty?

Compared with the extremely quick injection and medication when the stupid brother called him at the beginning, the doctor's examination this time was more like a careless performance.

Take my temperature, shine a flashlight into my eyes and ask me to turn in the right direction, press around my eyes to find out where there is any swelling or tingling.

The reason why I was sure this was useless work was because he said something in my ear while my brother was not paying attention: "It has the same nature as the fever and vomiting blood before, and I will probably be blind for 60 hours."

I even checked out the precise time, and you’re still fooling my brother! Why do you think he's not stupid enough?

I tried to glare at Roman, even if I couldn't see him.

"Tsk..." The doctor seemed to snicker, then quickly calmed down his expression, and pressed on one side of my forehead: "Has Miss Lin been injured here?"

"No." I answered without thinking.

Regarding that, I have actually suspected it before. How could an ordinary bump on the head directly compress the optic nerve? No matter how you think about it, it's all because of some kind of chronic illness.

And that injury was also because of his stupid brother. If he thinks about it, I'm afraid he will get double happiness - I mean guilt.

"Why not? Who is so stupid as to hit himself in the head with a BB gun?" Lin Shu was making trouble from the side.

"What's going on? You're only allowed to learn from Conan, and I'm not allowed to learn from Kuangsan?" I complained quickly so that he wouldn't think of the reason.

"It hadn't started broadcasting yet, and, well..." The stupid brother suddenly fell silent in the middle of his sentence.

Damn it, he remembered, and I quickly winked at the doctor to ask him to change the subject - although I didn't know how a blind person could wink.

"The reason is not important," the doctor said as if he understood: "What is important is the consequences of the capillary rupture caused by the injury and congestion."

"What are the consequences?" Lin Shu's attention was indeed attracted.

“Either the nearby blood vessels have had a similar experience and the healing speed is accelerated, or the natural recovery speed is very slow due to the associated effects of the old injury. By then, permanent blindness may result, and surgery will be necessary. "The doctor said in a deep voice.

"That's it..." Lin Shu said in an unclear tone, but because he couldn't see his face, he couldn't tell his expression.

If you change the subject, you will scare the child instead! I continued to glare at the doctor.

The doctor fidgeted with his clothes and seemed to make a "blame it on me" gesture, then stood up and said, "I will come over every day to check and remember the precautions I mentioned."

"Yeah." The stupid brother responded.

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