The Collection of The End

Chapter 894 Zero. Nineteen thousand seven hundred and eighty percent

After the "re-examination", Lin Shu unaccustomedly packed the vegetable basket and prepared to go out. While the market was open, she went to buy everything on the doctor's list.

Well, that's of course, because I usually take care of his taste when cooking, and the ingredients left in the refrigerator didn't even appear on the list given by Roman.

Roman originally wanted to stay, but his stupid brother resolutely drove him away. The reason he used was the weird "female family does not keep male guests."

If I said the doctor was my boyfriend... well, forget it.

Although this guy's performance in the final chapter made countless people cry, each of them brought their own razor blades, and often poked themselves while watching some artistic videos while shouting "Doctor, come back quickly" , "Doctor, I miss you", "Doctor——Sir——", "Doctor, what are you doing, doctor!"

But if they were asked, if the doctor reappeared and wanted to be her boyfriend, would she be willing?

Ninety out of a hundred people would reject it outright.

You have to ask why... because Roman himself is a loser, a glutton, a comedian, and a fisherman. He has no special skills except medical skills, and he is still chasing virtual idols online.

After thinking about it clearly, the remaining ten have to extinguish nine lights, and the last one should be true love.

As for myself, I don’t know if there are other Gudas like me. I personally think that doctors and profiteers, I mean Leonardo da Vinci, are more compatible. On the cards with so many costumes, as long as they and Matthew are in the same frame, No matter how you look at it, they look like a family of three.

In short, for at least three days, I had to get used to living in "complete darkness."

The world of blind people is different from that of ordinary people. The so-called "darkness in front of the eyes" is just the imagination of those with sight when they close their eyes or are in a dark room.

People who are born blind have never seen colors, so there is no black and white. However, people who are blind later can still "see" a little light, just like a display, if the light is blocked from the retina by lesions or foreign objects. Looking at the entire black TV screen, and like me, whose optic nerve is blocked and the brain cannot receive visual signals, the "in front of my eyes" will be like a TV screen that is powered off. There is nothing, neither black nor white. If I insist on saying so, it is A deep gray.

But in the dark gray "in front of me", there is not "nothing". I can "see" that the silver-blue lines opposite to the gray roughly outline my bed, bedside table, floor, and room. The outline of the wall, the room door, and the floor and walls that curve outside the door and extend towards the main entrance, as well as the main entrance whose lines are becoming blurred.

I can only say that those movies and games that create "blind people's perspective" are simply geniuses. This kind of "seeing" things based on sound cannot be imagined out of thin air without interviewing enough blind people.

I got up from the bed and put my feet under the bed to put on my shoes, but I didn't touch anything. Then the lines that originally formed "a pair of slippers by the bed" blurred and disappeared.

After testing my feet left and right, I came across the slippers neatly placed under the bed. When I touched them, the "silver blue lines" outlined its outline, allowing me to put on the slippers smoothly and stand up. Get up.

At present, it is certain that these "lines" exist as they appear in my impression. If they were not there originally, or were originally there but now disappear, they will change accordingly.

I touched all the way from the bedside table along the wall to the coat rack, wardrobe, intravenous drip holder, desk, door. In the "field of vision", things that were originally blurry became clear, and non-existent things reappeared. After holding the door handle of the room, , I walked back and forth again, and I was completely sure that I could move freely without holding my arms.

Obviously, for blind people, the world that cannot be confirmed through eyes at any time will outline a three-dimensional map in their minds. As long as they do not change the positions of things they know at will, they will not fall in their own homes at all.

At this time, the "road" outside the guest room door that originally extended to the door slowly shrank back.

It should be the fog that was "explored" by the conversation between the stupid brother and the doctor when they were out. Since I had not explored the living room on the first floor since I hit my head before, there was only a vague outline of the pattern outside the door.

Now, it's time to experiment with another setting.

I stepped out of the guest room, stood still, and then fiercely closed the door.


Following the impact of the door leaf and door frame, with the guest room door as the center point, a three-dimensional silver-blue ripple spread out, outlining the surrounding situation within at least ten meters, but it did not "show" the situation upstairs. situation.

"Tsk, this sonic radar, am I a bat?"

I could "see" that the situation in the living room was no different from when I fell down the stairs. Some chairs and small sofas were not in their original positions. They looked like they had been bumped into by my stupid brother when he rushed out to find the doctor. As for the dinner table - this guy was quite happy to feed me before, but he didn't wash the dishes!

I was looking left and right, but I saw that the radar about ten meters away was retracted again, and even what was originally displayed was submerged into darkness again, oh, it was dark gray.

Obviously, although the sound waves will temporarily allow me to sense where something is, it cannot be included in the mental map because I have not actually touched it.

Seeing that the circle was about to shrink completely, I raised my hand and took off a long umbrella from the umbrella stand next to it, and slammed it on the ground.

This time the hoop spread less than two meters, well, good, blind stick.

Since the doctor said that this "blindness" will only last for 60 hours, oh, it's 58 hours now, so I don't plan to go out. As long as I can barely maintain a normal life, if nothing else, I hope Lin Especially that stupid brother who cooks? It would be strange if he had to burn down the kitchen.

So, I tapped my "blind cane" all the way and "touched" the entire layout of the first floor, making the surrounding environment "look" not much different from usual except for the lack of color.

When the stupid brother comes back and sees his sister walking fast and doing housework as usual, I think she will feel less guilty, even though it was not because of him in the first place.

So, the question now is...

After I washed the dishes with some inconvenience, I looked at the stairs leading to the second floor and the dark gray above, and began to think about whether I should tidy up the upstairs as well. Although there was a "radar", if I stepped on something What, falling out of a window or balcony would be troublesome.

"Fu?" Fufu poked her head out from above the stairs.

This is really easy to recognize, after all, its silhouette has been running on the lower right for a long time.

"Hey Fufu, look, are my eyes particularly scary?" I walked up the stairs and prepared to take Fufu down from upstairs.

Sure enough, it's better to give up on the second floor for the time being. Even if you don't mop the floor for two days, there won't be much dust accumulated.

"Fu! Fufu!" When I got close to Fufu, she suddenly barked loudly.


A quick bright blue light centered on the little white dog, instantly swept through all the rooms on the second floor, completely restoring the scenery in my sight to its original state, except that there was still no color, and all objects were made of bright silver-blue. Apart from the line composition, it is almost exactly the same as before being "blinded".

Is this how guide dogs are used?

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