The Collection of The End

Chapter 895 0.2047%

"Can you really take care of yourself? You don't need me to accompany you?"

"Don't you think about it, who cooked the food you ate? Who washed the dirty clothes? Who mopped the floor when you ran around the house without changing your shoes?"

My stupid brother followed me step by step, as if he was afraid that I would hit something or trip over something, so I had to stop mopping the floor to dispel his worries.

He has been suspicious and shocked since he came back from grocery shopping last night and saw me doing housework without any problems.

When I woke up this morning, I was mumbling that yesterday was all a dream. It wasn’t until I was about to go out to play with my friends after breakfast that I looked at me one more time and then ran over to me in great panic and asked me why I couldn’t see anything. Clean up the housework.

Hmm... is it the dull eyes or the abnormal color of the eyeballs? I'm sure I didn't do anything random.

With Fufu's help, when I "see" still life, it is no different from normal vision. But when I look at moving objects, such as the stupid brother next to me at the moment, the "lines" that make up his body will shake like water waves.

With the sound of our conversation, those lines stabilized and then became blurred if they moved slightly.

"Then... what is this?" He raised his hand and stretched out a few vague fingers.

"Fufu?" I called the little white dog squatting on the sofa.

"Foo! Fu! Ow!" it cried.

After a burst of ice-blue fluctuations spread, the stupid brother's fingers that were not clear at first appeared.

"Three." I pointed to his hand and turned around to continue mopping the floor.

"Okay..." Lin Shu, who was made entirely of silver-blue lines, turned his head to look in Fufu's direction, then turned back: "If that doctor comes, drive him away after the examination and don't let him eat. It’s best not to give him any water!”

"..." I stared at him silently.

Although the doctor has a trait that is disliked by all people with keen senses and accurate intuition because his "body" is closely related to Goetia, you are just a football skater kid.

"In short...even if you have a guide dog to help you, it's best not to go out until you recover. You don't know how scary your eyes are now." Lin Shu couldn't resist my death gaze and turned around to carry his skateboard. Before going out, he also said: "I will be back early in the evening!"

"My eyes are scary? Are they three magatama or kaleidoscope?" I raised my hand to touch my eyes and found that at least they felt normal to the touch, and there were no extra flowers or anything.

"Fu, fuwu?" Fufu called out for no apparent reason.

As for the problem of looking in the mirror, I, a temporarily blind person, have absolutely no solution. Even if Fufu's "radar" can restore the shape of the mirror or mobile phone extremely accurately, it can't do anything about what is reflected or displayed on it.

I finished mopping the last floor, threw down the mop and looked out the window at the back garden. My task for myself today was to "touch" the entire living area of ​​the house, but what should I do with the small fountain...


"Hello Lin, what are you doing?"

When Roman's voice sounded outside the back garden gate, I had already been playing with the water for a long time, but Fufu seemed to be afraid of getting her hair wet, so she hid far away, calling from time to time as a routine scan.

The backyards of small high-rise buildings in the community are used in different ways by each family. Some grow flowers and plants, some grow vegetables, some grow fruit trees and grapes, and some are used as additional living areas. Several backyards adjacent to the commercial streets of the community have different uses. They even converted the door leading to the backyard into a shop and rented it out.

The other households like mine have basically maintained their original appearance. They are either lazy or busy.

"Ah? I'm planning to recreate the fountain in my eyes." I took out the key and opened the door for Roman: "Although it is in a constant flowing state, it can still be reproduced if it is regular. If I 'touch' it 24 consecutive images, played in a loop within one second, are no different from ordinary fountains, right?"

There is no beginning or end to this statement, but the doctor should be able to understand it.

"Ah, it is true," Roman walked into the small garden and sat down on the stone chair next to the fountain. "But it is still not what you 'see', but a 'phantom' based on reality, right?" ?”

"Um...right, so?" I thought about it before answering.

Could it be that the doctor wants to advise me to recuperate honestly and not act recklessly just because I can "see"? This is not like his style.

"After losing vision, what you can see depends on your own 'imagination'," the doctor said: "'Determining the actual situation based on feedback obtained from the outside world' is the most basic and least technical one. Are you planning to practice it until you are proficient?”


"Even if this world cannot bear even the slightest interference from you, the illusion that only exists in your mind will not affect it at all, right?" He raised his finger and pointed to the top of the fountain: "What do you think should exist there? thing?"


As soon as I said this word, the familiar globe instantly appeared on the fountain, and it was slowly rotating with misty clouds. Perhaps to distinguish it from the real scenery, it clearly had a silver color. Colors other than blue.

"So, where is it outside this small courtyard?" The doctor obviously couldn't see my illusion. After getting the answer, he turned to point outside the courtyard wall, "Don't say it is Shanshui Lecheng."

I have the impression that there is a slight feeling of heat on the body surface in the south, which must be the rays of the sun, but I have not been able to determine the position of the sun based on the exposure perception, so the sky is still gray and black.

"Of course, the Hall of Valor." I looked in the direction of the doctor's finger, and I saw a faint and splendid Hall of Valor suddenly appearing on the left and right outside the back door. They extended to the ground of the garden. Clouds and loess wasteland.

"Oh, really?" The doctor said in a variety show host's "Should you think about it again?" attitude.

"Of course not." As soon as I changed my mind, the two Halls of Heroes disappeared as if they had never appeared before: "Outside my small building should be the 'Lingtai Fangcun Mountain' and the 'Xieyue Sanxing Cave'."

The environment outside the small courtyard changed again. This time, it was in a hollow on the mountainside of a huge mountain. Strange flowers and plants were blooming. I turned my head and looked around, only to find a huge figure in mid-air. Shadow Dragon and Nuwa driving the Yunhe Incense Cart were parked there.

Alas! I subconsciously created the phantom of these two guys. Could it be that I felt guilty because I killed one and snatched the power of the other? Disappear disappear for me.

After waving my hands randomly to disperse the phantom I had created, I "saw" that Roman had walked up to me at some point, shining a small flashlight into my eyes, and then said, "Eye movement and tremor are normal. His mental state is also good and he will probably recover tomorrow."

Did you just trick me into cooperating with the inspection? This method is really strange.

I glanced at Roman and "created" the Queen of Sheba to hang on him.


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