The Collection of The End

Chapter 897 5. Three hundred and forty-nine thousand nine hundred and sixty percent


Ryuunosuke Umaso was being carried by the red and black lightning through the overlapping black mist - for the second time.

The black mist surged in from afar, separated before approaching the lightning, and then reunited after bypassing itself, completely filling the path it had come from, over and over again, as if it were endless.

I was so naive, Ryunosuke thought. I originally thought that the Tosaka family's business could be saved mainly because of the contribution of Mrs. Tosaka and her natal family. The photojournalist named Matou Kariya was not that big. use.

But now it seems that it was completely wrong. It only caused him to cut off his favor and help to his childhood sweetheart, Mrs. Tosaka, but it actually directly led to "time travel", or "reshaping of the world".

Obviously, he had done a lot for the Tohsaka family in places that Sakura didn't even know about.

But this is not Sakura's fault. Her motive is probably just that she can't bear to see the person who persists and never gets anything in return.

Counting it all together, Mr. Matou Kariya could have become a reporter ten years ago. No matter how young he was, he would have been around twenty-five. But now it is already ten years later... There really can't be any further delay.

But fortunately, Sakura, who had just pressed the send button, would not remember what she had done, whether according to Olga Marie's "world reshaping" theory or the "time stream jump" theory that Matthew seemed to say casually.

I just don’t know how the world will change later, but fortunately, the only one who needs to adapt to it is myself - Huh?

Ryunosuke was looking at the black fog in front of him boredly, but suddenly he felt that the red thunder and lightning around him seemed to be brighter. When he subconsciously turned his head to look, he was shocked.

I saw that the surging black mist was being dyed red at an incredible speed along the path where Raiden was taking him. After the reddening, the "black mist" no longer blocked the line of sight, and Ryunosuke could clearly see the entire scene. The entire black mist is turning red, becoming transparent, and then disappearing.

This incomprehensible spectacle left him completely speechless, and even his thoughts were temporarily interrupted.

The next moment, Ryunosuke escaped from the black mist, fell into the stars, and reappeared in the "Happy Mirror Maze". The image in the mirror closest to him was that of Sakura Tohsaka, covered in darkness under the watch of a group of people. Sending text messages using No.8.

Crack - With the familiar sound of the mirror shattering, Ryunosuke reappeared in Camelot's large living room. As soon as he noticed that the phone was back in his hand, he involuntarily bowed his waist and started breathing loudly.

This location... doesn't seem to be on the side of No. 8, but on the "time machine" built by Olga Marie. If tonight's stress test operation is generally correct, I should be synchronizing data with her, and this Under such circumstances, I suddenly gasped...

"Which of you secretly sent text messages again!" As expected, Olga Marie stood up, turned around and shouted to the living room table: "Let's agree that we will only test things today that will not have any impact!"

Well, it seems that this one is still the original version. After all, Fuyuki's emotional entanglement has not affected the UK. Ryunosuke tried to catch his breath while turning his head to look at the sofa in the living room.

"Huh? Text message?" Lin Hao, who was sitting on the sofa and reading a book, put down the book, picked up the phone next to her, unlocked it and looked at it: "I didn't send it?"

Being invisible and cute is the most deadly.

"Hmm..." Ilia was drowsy holding Lin Hao's waist. After all, she was a child. After eight o'clock, it was already late at night for her.

"Report to Mr. Merlin~ I didn't send a text message~" Karin Kotomine raised her hand as if answering a question in class, as if intending to wake up Illya - by the way, do you remember that you are also a teacher?

"Huh? Did the timeline jump again?" Ma Xiu looked confused, and what he said was also very funny, but she was not the one who deserved more attention now.

"Well, I'm sorry, I don't know how to use a mobile phone, so I didn't bring it with me." Tohsaka Sakura's familiar yet unfamiliar words rang out.

Well, it turned out to be you who changed... Ryunosuke looked towards where Sakura was before with a sigh.

There was sitting an extremely elegant, beautiful, dignified and gentle person,

But there is a hint of a naughty girl.

She was dressed in a light pink outfit dotted with blossoming cherry blossoms, with a bright blue wide waistband wrapped around her waist. Her straight black hair hung down from the back of her head, almost to the ground, and her hands were folded steadily. On the abdomen, the legs are elegantly joined together, and only a small section of white socks and delicate wooden clogs are exposed under the long skirt.

Although her facial features are no different from Sakura in my impression, there is an added air of indifference about "not letting everything go". After looking at her for a long time, in addition to the qualities that can be seen at a glance, there are also more traits in her whole person. A kind of coolness like walking in a little bit of fine snow.

How did this kind of little fairy who was incompatible with the middle-aged comedy atmosphere of "Camelot" get in?

No, Camelot is not funny at all!

"Well..." After being stared at by Ryunosuke for a moment, "Tohsaka Sakura" raised her sleeves to cover half of her face in embarrassment: "Did I get something on my face? Uncle Yu Sheng?"

Uncle, uncle? Ryuzosuke was stunned: "Me?"

"This, is this what you call 'the backlash of the law of cause and effect'?" The indifference on Sakura's face disappeared, and her tone sounded a little anxious: "I didn't try it because I felt it was a bit dangerous, but I can actually-"

"No...this is actually..." Ryuzhijie said it, but found that there was no way to explain it. Do you want to say that you want to help your mother get rid of the spare tire?

But how could such behavior cause such a big change in her whole person?

"Uncle Yusheng, don't you remember me? This is your gift to me and my sister-cousin," Xiaoying lost her grace in a hurry and hurriedly took out a small baby from the small bag next to her. The ruby ​​pendant was shown to Ryunosuke.

Ryunosuke still remembers this thing. It was a meeting gift given to the two little girls when his parents took him to visit Tohsaka's house. Although it would be bigger and more beautiful if he made a fake one, he didn't know what he did at the time and insisted on it. I spent a whole month's salary to buy them a pair of real ruby ​​pendants.

"Don't be nervous. According to his theory, it's us who really lost our memory." Olga Marie walked over and held Sakura's hand: "Don't pay attention to his weird behavior. If he asks some silly questions, just ask him directly." Answer, it’s not us who need to adapt anyway.”

"Ah, um..." As Sakura gradually calmed down, her fairy temperament reappeared.

Even if you ask me to ask——

Ryunosuke hesitated for a moment and decided to ask about the most basic things. Even without considering the previous world, her reaction just now was the first time she learned about "space-time text messages".

"Hey, Sakura, do you know what's going on with Kariya Matou now?" Ryunosuke asked with an "I'm not joking" attitude.

At this moment, he felt that everyone who was awake was looking at him in surprise.

"Well," Sakura was surprised, but she still answered honestly: "Dad is a member of Camelot, codenamed [Kai], and also nicknamed 'Dark Swordsman Kallia'."


Due to the excessive amount of information, Ryunosuke's brain went into a shutdown state.

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