The Collection of The End

Chapter 898 5. Four Hundred and Nine Hundred and Nine%


Ryunosuke was walking on the path of Suiqunyuan Academy. He felt a sense of "fear of being close to home" in a daze, and he was even a little unable to move forward.

Last night, in view of the big loophole in Sakura's space-time text message, Ryunosuke directly announced the dissolution of the round table meeting to avoid any trouble if he accidentally said the wrong thing, and sent all the participating members home or to the hotel.

Then, he asked Lin Hao alone, who had not changed at all after several "world reshapings" - after all, he was naturally stupid - about the specific situation now.

Although Hasegawa and Olga Marie have not changed much, the time they have known each other is too short. The former has been three years and the latter has only been a week. They should not know the past situation of "this self".

Lin Haoze has been known to Ryuuzhisuke ten years ago. Although she is a bit dull, she can only tell the facts and will not speculate casually.

So, after summarizing her fragmented answers, Ryunosuke came to the conclusion:

Ten years ago, or even earlier, in addition to the Tosaka family and the Fujimura family, the giants in Fuyuki City also had the "Matou family", and Matou Kariya was the head of this generation.

He and Tosaka Tokiomi, the then head of the Tosaka family, were childhood playmates. Their respective nicknames were "Dark Swordsman Kaliya" and "Jewel Knight Tosaka". Siblings of the same age, Zencheng Aoi and Zencheng Shinnosuke are also good friends.

As several people grew older, Tokiomi Tosaka, who was the first to understand, decisively stopped playing Chuuni, and began to play elegance and image-building, and was also obsessed with the dark swordsman who thought "the four people will be together forever" Kalia laughed, but the result... Until Zenjo Aoi turned into Tosaka Aoi, Matou Kariya didn't understand why he was eliminated.

He might have thought that someone would give him a shotgun when chasing a girl, or give him a set of questions to answer, or something like that.

After that, Matou Kariya, who was feeling sad, left Fuyuki and went to find Zenjo Shinnosuke. In the following years, he gradually made a name for himself in the photojournalist industry under the pseudonym "Dark Swordsman Kaliya".

Then, ten years ago, when Sakura and Xiao Rin were 6 years old, the "Aurora Above the Earth" occurred. After Kariya hurried back to Fuyuki, he found that Tokiomi Tosaka had passed away, and the Tosaka family had no one to talk to. The developed fuyuki market, as well as the capital that continues to be injected into fuyuki, is on the whole losing ground, constantly giving away the share it occupies.

From here on, there is a clear difference between the two worlds.

In Ryunosuke's impression, Matou Kariya made decisions as the head of the Matou family and tried his best to assist the Tosaka family. Although he finally succeeded in saving the Tosaka family, the power of the Matou family also declined. Completely disappearing from Fuyuki, Matou Kariya returned to his identity as a freelance journalist and professional manager. He worked with Zenjo Shinnosuke in a neighboring city to manage the Tohsaka family's assets for Aoi, and rarely appeared in Fuyuki. .

According to Lin Hao, there was a shocking reversal here. It turned out that Fuyuki's Matou family was just a branch of a larger "Matou master family". After Matou Kariya realized that something was wrong, he ran to find the master family. The current head of the family [Matō Zōyan] came to help.

Although his name was not very good, he was a handsome middle-aged uncle with blue hair. The head of the main family simply ignored those people's attacks on the Tosaka family and beat them all down from behind from another angle. It's like playing chess. If the veteran is defeated, in addition to letting the veteran escape or sending his pieces to death, you can also choose to capture the general's piece.

In the end, after the Matou family swallowed up all the foreign capital, they themselves became a behemoth. When Matou Kariya approached Matou Zangyan to discuss returning the Tohsaka family's assets at a low price, he was rejected.

Matou Zouken threatened the Tosaka family that if he did not want him to wipe out the Tosaka family just like he did with those despicable foreigners, he would adopt either Rin or Sakura as a pawn for Matou Kariya. daughter.

This incident caused quite a stir at the time. Some said that Matou Kariya was taking advantage of the situation, while others said that he was just reducing the burden of raising children on the Tohsaka family.

There are also those who say that even if he can't get you, he will get your daughter... and so on and so forth.

As a result, Fuyuki's original confrontation turned into a tripartite confrontation, and Tohsaka Sakura also became Matou Sakura. After that, Matou Kariya felt a little shameless in front of others, and while giving Sakura a generous life and treatment, she regained her The name "Dark Swordsman Kallia" came to Ryunosuke, who was familiar with him, and became a Knight of the Round Table. Since he was older, he chose King Arthur's sworn brother "Kai" as his code name.

Matou...well, Sakura came last night because Matou Kariya invited "Medusa" to help the Tosaka family handle the accounts. She wanted to tell her father, whom she rarely saw, in person. She said thank you, but she met Ryunosuke and the others discussing the time machine, and because she was very satisfied with her current life, she had no intention of sending time and space text messages.

As for other influences... apart from the fact that the Tohsaka family is no longer the same as before, there is only the Hogunhara Academy. The old-fashioned, bald and ugly person in Ryunosuke's impression seems to be called Makiri Zo Ergen's teaching director was replaced by the handsome blue-haired middle-aged uncle Matong Zangyan.

However, this is just Lin Hao's own feeling. The addition of another powerful family in Fuyuki will have a much more serious butterfly effect than just winning the lottery or Shirou's replacement. Maybe a large number of people he doesn't know will appear in this academy. Teacher.

"Teacher Yusheng." Ryuzosuke had just thought about this when he heard someone next to him greeting him with a deep voice. His heart tightened at first, and then relaxed. Fortunately, it was an acquaintance.

"Ah, Mr. Kuzuki," Ryunosuke responded naturally: "What did the principal say about yesterday?"

"The principal said, thank you for bringing Ms. Kotomine by." Soichiro Kuzuzuki showed a fierce smile: "He doesn't even remember who was beaten now. As long as Medea and I don't appear in front of him these days. good."

Hmm, it seems that the nouveau riche are also afraid of the Godfather, and Karen is quite whipped...

After a brief conversation, Kuzuki Soichiro took the initiative to change the topic: "Teacher Yu Sheng wants to watch today's game? Personally, I suggest you give up. There is really nothing to watch."

"Oh..." Looking at the direction Kuzuki came from, Ryunosuke suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Currently, there is only one place where he can ignore other colleagues' greetings very naturally, and that is the gymnasium. Amidst the cheers and cheers, he can also ignore others. Very normal thing.

Moreover, Hasegawa seems to have said that his current generation of players are too weak and they can only defeat today's opponents by finding new ways to use big moves?

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