The Collection of The End

Chapter 912 0.80156%

Eye surgeries were temporarily suspended.

Because I was diagnosed, no, I directly showed "hemophilia".

Because the explanation of thrombin and platelets is very complicated, it can be summed up in one sentence as "you can't stop bleeding", and you will bleed to death if you make a cut at will.

Of course, this disease can be divided into mild and severe forms. The severity I showed was, well... the degree of death when the umbilical cord was cut at birth.

If my eyes were normal, I would have seen the surprised expression on the female doctor's face: "How did you live to be so old?"

However, this doctor obviously has seen a lot of things, and it was just a blood draw, so after I bled for less than half of the bed, she had already used dried thrombin to block the pinhole, and then contacted other people. The doctor transferred me to the special care unit.

"How could this happen? We've only been gone for less than a week..." Mom's strong-woman style was a bit unbearable, so she pulled Dad's clothes and leaned on his shoulder.

"Don't panic, it's not a big problem," Dad said, "Just think that the monthly amount suddenly——"

Then he was beaten by his mother.

"Sister, are you okay, sister..." The stupid brother was sitting on the other side of the bed helplessly, seemingly holding a bunch of cotton balls in his hand.

"I don't feel anything. It looks scary, but I can't see it." I raised my arm.

"No! Don't move!" Lin Shu quickly held down my arm, but his own hand seemed to be shaking.

"Aren't you feeling dizzy?" I tilted my head to look at him.

"I used to think so," he said with a slight tremor: "People who are not afraid of heights are just because they are not standing high enough, and people who are not afraid of blood are just because they do not belong to their relatives."

"Ha, now you know how I felt when you got injured playing skateboarding and football." I took the opportunity to educate.

"Yes, yes, as long as you get well soon, you can let me accompany you to embroider at home." This guy started talking nonsense. Is it the tradition of the Lin family to be incoherent when nervous?

"This hospital is just an affiliated hospital of the Medical College. Is it good enough? How about we transfer to a famous hospital in City B or City G? Or simply go to Japan?" Dad said to Mom there.

"Can she board the plane like this?" Mom seemed doubtful.

"Medical access is not the same as going abroad normally. If it is settled, I will contact you now——"

"Unfortunately, the patient is not suitable for transfer now," Roman opened the door and walked in: "If you know the specific reason, you can check her blood test report."

How long did it take until it was taken away? Who are you fooling?

As if knowing that I would complain like this, the doctor suddenly added: "I think you should know how serious the problem is that can be seen in half an hour's blood routine test."

Are you kidding me? Can anything be more serious than hemophilia? Ore sickness?

Boom, boom, mom took two steps back and leaned completely on dad.



The special care unit is not the same thing as the legendary high-end ward where hospitalization is like staying in a hotel. After my "sound wave examination", I found that except for the hospital bed and bedside tables, there was absolutely nothing else in this spacious room, not even the walls and window frames. The special soft material ensures that I won't get any cuts due to bumps.

My parents and brother had been called away by the female doctor to talk, and Roman was the only one who accompanied me to change rooms.

"This place looks really familiar," I "looked" around: "The young man left home and returned home, but his local accent has not changed and his hair on his temples has faded."

Roman continued: "I sat up in shock when I was dying, and asked with a smile where the guest came from."

"I just wanted to say a few days ago... you have adapted very well to this world." I rolled my eyes and walked towards the hospital bed.

"[Mona Lisa] has adapted better," Roman said, "By the way, in addition to hemophilia, you also have leukemia."

"Meng - Bai -" I had just sat down on the bed to try the elasticity when I heard these two pieces of bombshell news. I didn't know which one to complain about first and I was stuck.


Yes, hemophilia is characterized by an extreme decrease in platelets, while leukemia is characterized by a massive decrease in red blood cells and a massive proliferation of white blood cells. The combination of the two causes your blood vessels to be almost entirely filled with white blood cells." The doctor helped me put my belongings on the bedside table. He went up and said with a smile: "So now you can call yourself 'Bai Jia'. "

"So it's the red blood cells that take away the platelets!" I finally spat out: "Also, is it the 'Mona Lisa'? Not the 'Da Vinci Kiss'?"

"The doctor who just examined you is now called 'Meng Nali'. According to the 'setting', she is a single mother. She also has a daughter named 'Meng Lisha', but no one has seen her." The doctor began to adjust. Bed height.

The profiteer whom Da Vinci kissed was killed by someone who possessed Father Mapo when 2.0 was first launched. He crushed his spiritual core and killed him, but later he changed into a lolita shell and appeared in the imaginary submarine, so everyone It’s basically not sad at all, but the “Da Vinci kiss” is fine, and the “Mona Lisa” spirit base has actually died, so it’s only natural that I accept it by the way.

"Yes, the little girl is still busy cleaning up the Lost Belt to sell things..." I continued to complain: "Are you planning to rebuild Chaldea here? Do you want me to bring the director back?"

"Sure enough, Matthew has come to see you, right? What did she say about the 'Observer'?" After the doctor set up the call alarm and remote control of the lights, ventilation and other functions, he started to work in the closet inside the wall. Searching for commonly used medical equipment whose outlines cannot be heard.

"She said, let me 'don't die no matter what.'" I shrugged: "This is quite difficult to do, because 'people will die when they are killed.'"

"In that case -" Roman thought for a moment, took out a bunch of unknown things from the closet, turned around and stuffed them into my hands: "I have to find a way to fake it so that these instruments can still show certain signs of life after your 'death'. OK."

"What is this for?" I touched the pile of things. They seemed to be hospital gowns?

"Put it somewhere a certain distance away from you but within easy reach," Roman said while adjusting the machine: "Because you are likely to 'die' covered in blood. You are not afraid of death, but you are afraid of death. It’s ugly, isn’t it? Remember to change it after every ‘come to life’.”

The corners of my eyes twitched, but I still stuffed these clothes into the bedside table for later use: "By the way, your clairvoyance really can't be used? Why do you feel that this is the future you have already seen?"

"In your world, no one can 'see the future', they can only 'experience' it." Roman said two more inexplicable words: "The intensive care unit will be specially attended by me and Dr. Meng Nali. Your parents' brother We can’t stay—otherwise, if we encounter a situation where we should issue a death notice at first sight, should we do so?”

"Of course I'm going to issue a critical illness notification, and then I'll say 'I'm back after successful rescue' and that's it. That's how it's done on TV." I said nonsense.

Roman thought for a moment and said: "...Good idea."

Hey, wait?

I was about to say something when I heard the sound of the door being opened and the conversation between Meng Nali and three of my family members, so I sat on the bed and looked like I was in a daze.

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