The Collection of The End

Chapter 913 Necrosis on the Ring of Death (1)

——? ? ? ? ——


Ryunosuke felt that he was in a hazy and dizzy state, and even the surrounding scenery was a little blurry.

The furnishings and layout around me look... like Fuyuki City General Hospital?

Could it be that because he drank too much, the Knights of the Round Table called an ambulance and sent him to the hospital? But he doesn't even have an escort. Do they look down on him as King Arthur?

It's too shameless to use juice to fight him for wine, that Mary Sue.

Ryunosuke looked at the hospital bed and equipment that showed no signs of use, frowned, opened the door and walked out.

Like the corridors and wards, the ceilings were lit with incandescent lamps, but there was no one around and it was quiet.

When Ryunosuke looked out from the window in the corridor, he found that the entire Fuyuki was completely dark. Not only was there no light, there was no starlight or "terrestrial aurora" either.

Where are you...?

Ryunosuke looked up at the ward number, which read "Room 404".

Although he was still a little dizzy, Ryunosuke was absolutely certain that he had basically never suffered any serious illness that required hospitalization in the past ten years, and this number was exactly the number of the ward where he was hospitalized with a high fever that year.

So...could it be ten years ago? Did you use the "time machine" in a daze?

No, it’s impossible. In the words of Olga Marie, the waveforms of the brain cannot match at all after more than one year, let alone ten years. When most people think of what they did ten years ago, they will basically want to beat themselves up. A meal.

So, is this actually a dream? Because the time machine was successfully invented, do you think about it every day and dream about it at night?

Ryunosuke looked at the wall of the corridor and began to think about the angle at which to punch.

[There are countless stars in the sky~The smallest one is me~]

However, the sudden singing voice caused Ryunosuke to pause.

That's right, wasn't the Fuyuki General Hospital where he and Lin Hao first met ten years ago?

【I don’t know where I come from~I don’t know where I was born~】

Ryunosuke looked up, put away the fist he was about to punch, and began to look for the stairs leading to the upper floor in a familiar way.

However, now there is a problem.

Ryunosuke compared the height difference between himself and the stair railing, as well as the size of his hand.

The "self in the dream" is obviously what he will look like ten years from now. If Lin Hao on the roof is still the same as ten years ago, he won't be able to say "brother".

[There are countless dragons on the ground~The smallest one is me~]

However, this problem no longer existed when Ryunosuke opened the door to the stairwell leading to the roof.

Just looking at the back of the figure standing there looking up at the stars, it was clearly Lin Hao ten years later.

【I don’t know where I come from~I don’t know where I was born~】

Although she has the same body shape ten years later, she is still wearing the same ill-fitting hospital gown as she was then.

Moreover, there is still a feeling that she will fly away along the icy blue light pillar at any time.

[Hum~hum~hum~hum~hum~] Lin Hao began to hum the interlude of this strange song.

Do you want to recreate the situation at that time? This is too shameful - wait?

Starry sky? Light beam? When I looked out in the corridor before, it was still pitch black?

Ryunosuke was slightly shocked as he looked at the "terrestrial aurora" and the bright starry sky that appeared all around him at an unknown time. However, there were still no lights coming out of the large houses on the surface.

Due to this slight delay, Lin Hao had already finished humming the interlude and sang a line of lyrics that Ryunosuke had never heard before:

[Who knew I was in my mother’s arms, but I searched all over the world to find her~]

This sentence... No, this is not a dream!

No one can dream about something they don’t even know about!

Ryunosuke rushed forward and tried to hug "Lin Hao", but his arm penetrated her like a phantom.

Ryuzosuke, who fell down in front of "Lin Hao" with too much force, hurriedly looked up and saw her mottled red and black eyes, with bloodshot eyes, and no whites of her eyes.

Eyes without pupils.

It can no longer be called an eye at all. It can even be called a deep well or a black hole, which is enough to frighten anyone who sees it without being mentally prepared.

However, she blinked her eyes, which were obviously unable to see, and turned her head to look at Ryunosuke, who was lying on the ground in a panic.

"Okay, you--"

[Already, there is nothing to be afraid of] She smiled at Ryunosuke.

Then, the whole person turned into a golden point of light, rolling back toward the "halo" in the sky.


"Scared!" Ryuzosuke suddenly jumped up from the sofa, looking around with his hands open.

This is the drawing room of Camelot. Judging from the light projected from the window, it should still be morning.

Although it has been cleaned up, it seems from the remaining cups, boxes and smell that a banquet must have been held last night.

"Ryuuzhisuke?" Lin Haozheng was standing at the other end of the sofa, holding a blanket in his hand, looking at him with a little doubt: "Sure enough, the sofa is uncomfortable to sleep on? But none of us can lift you. .”

"No, the sofa is okay." Ryuzosuke almost immediately judged that he had not slept properly on the sofa and kicked off the blanket. When Lin Haolai picked up the blanket, he woke up.

As for the reason for waking up... what is it?

Under normal circumstances, no one can clearly remember their dreams. They often completely disappear from memory within three to five minutes of waking up, but Ryunosuke's speed at this time is obviously faster.

But no matter what, there is still some impression.

Ryuzosuke frowned and strode up to Lin Hao: "Since you went to the Tiger Dojo yesterday to now, have you felt any discomfort, especially your eyes?"

"No," Lin Hao shook his head in confusion: "It's the same as usual."

"Let me take a look." Long Zhisuke did not dare to reach out to touch her eyes rashly, but he just got closer and stared closely at Lin Hao's dull, black and white eyes.

"Hehe~ I won't show you~" Lin Hao began to blink rapidly, his long eyelashes blocking Ryunosuke's sight like small brushes.

However, even so, Ryunosuke also saw what he wanted to see - the black eyes and whites were very normal. Even though there was a party last night and he got up early today, they were very bright and without even a trace of bloodshot eyes.

Speaking of which...what dream did I have that would leave me with such a big obsession to "go and see Lin Hao's eyes"?

Bang bang bang, someone knocked on the already open living room door.

"I remember we agreed to test the 'time machine' early in the morning," Olga Marie stood at the door with a scumbag look on her face: "Could it be that the test was successful? That's why you have the confidence to attack your 'sister'? "

"...!" Ryuzosuke then realized that his face was too close, and he hurriedly backed away, tripping under his feet and almost falling into the sofa.

I don't know whether to be lucky or regretful, but there was not even a trace of blush on Lin Hao's fair cheeks. She just looked at Olga Marie with some doubts on her face: "Good morning, Miss Marie."


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