The Collection of The End

Chapter 914 Necrosis on the Ring of Death (2)


"The activation password is [Rhongomyniad]," Olga Marie was standing in front of a huge metal structure in the back garden of Camelot, saying to Ryunosuke and other people who were joining in the fun: "It detected no brain wave activity in the ring area. When there is brain wave activity, the cantilever will be closed, and the spirit will be transferred according to the set time. However, due to limited technology and materials, only consciousness can be delivered now. The real body wants Going there will take a long time of research.”

It is very creative to use the name of the legendary holy gun that can fix the world as the code name for time travel.

"But how can we prove that the test is successful?" Hasegawa asked doubtfully: "Even if the test is done on animals, it cannot tell us whether it is a success or a failure, because it is a one-way ticket."

"We chose test animals not to make them speak, but to determine whether there will be any sequelae after their instantaneous brain waves are sent away, such as dementia and amnesia," Olga Marie said mid-sentence, then suddenly turned to Ryunosuke: " Was the experiment successful?"

"I said I didn't come back from the future." Ryunosuke was also helpless: "This is the first test."

"I decided to ask this before I finished it," Olga Marie began to adjust the time panel on the huge cantilever: "I am really jealous of myself who can be the first to hear you say, 'The experiment went well.'"

"Then if I say 'very smoothly', how do you prove that I'm not talking nonsense?" Ryunosuke asked again.

"Then I will ask you, who is the person I admire most." Olga Marie responded: "This question is not something that can be answered casually."

"So you are going to tell me now?" Ryuzosuke thought of this quickly.

"Weber Velvet," Olga Marie simply mentioned the name and continued: "If Gray is here, change your name to Kenneth El-Melloi Archipelud."

"You plastic sisterhood..." Ryunosuke complained.

"Stop talking nonsense and start testing!" Olga Marie threw No. 12's bracelet to Ryunosuke: "Stand inside the circle and shout the activation words to activate it. Our previous experiments have proven that sending brain waves can affect animals. There is no harm in itself, and I only adjusted it for about two hours, so even if there is any harm, it shouldn't be big."

"Holy Spear! Pull out the anchor!" Ryunosuke walked into the ring area, raised his arm with a bracelet, made a hand gesture of holding a giant lance, and shouted loudly: "[The Spear of Reach]!" "


As the five cantilevers gradually closed, Ryunosuke saw Olga Marie's somewhat fanatical gaze, and suddenly understood the reason why "she" still insists on doing science in a world with magic - to take all the "magic" Downgraded to "magic" - that's a grand aspiration.

With a click, the cantilevers closed together tightly. The only thing Ryunosuke could see in the darkness was the wisps of red thunder and lightning emitted by No. 12, and the red LCD number displayed "on the bulkhead": "2:00".

Then, the 2:00 countdown decreased at a very high speed, and finally became 0:00.

Brush - Ryunosuke's eyes were first filled with pure white, and then a "channel" consisting of countless colorful lines flying backwards appeared. His perspective seemed not to move in place, but also seemed to be moving forward at a very high speed. Speeding, eventually, the entire "tunnel" disappeared together with the "blank" as the background.



Because he was a little dizzy in the speeding "passage", Ryunosuke found himself lying on the sofa after the "spiritual transfer", so he simply closed his eyes and rested for a while.

Then, he felt a blanket covering him.

Then, Lin Hao's thin voice came from in front of him: "You still push the quilt when you sleep. You must be uncomfortable sleeping, but no one can lift you."

Rather than talking to myself, I talk to myself.

"Mashu tried his best just to drag Hasegawa away.

I don't have that kind of strength. "

"Well, let's clean up all the leftover things from last night. Seeing a mess in the morning will make you feel bad."


Ryunosuke could hear Lin Hao quietly tidying up the living room while starting to hum in a voice slightly louder than a mosquito.

It seemed that her plan had been disrupted by her jumping up and startling her before?

Bang bang bang, there was a sharp knock on the door of the living room.

"Hey, Inosuke over there," Olga Marie's voice came from the door: "Do you remember that there will be a test this morning?"

"Don't change other people's names casually! Olga Marisu!" Ryunosuke lifted the blanket and jumped up.

"Are you qualified to say this?" the other party retorted.

"You guys chat, I'll make breakfast~" Lin Hao walked away briskly.

"Does she really think we are chatting?" Olga Marie asked, looking at Lin Hao's back.

"Playing dumb and complaining are part of Camelot. Don't become a Knight of the Round Table if you don't like it." Ryuzuki continued.

"I am Merlin, not a knight."

"This is a good way to talk."


"By the way," Ryunosuke, in order to prevent the topic from getting too far away like he usually did when chatting with "Lancelot", forcefully transferred it to business: "Your idol is a man named 'Webber Velvet' ' people."

"...Huh?" Olga Marie took back the sarcasm she was about to say.

"If Gray is present, replace her with Kenneth, who has the same surname and middle name as her." Ryunosuke added, and then stared at Olga Marie's face.

Doubt, surprise, surprise, elation, insidious, funny.

For the first time, he saw a real person's face change like expressions during chat.

"The action you mentioned before, a slap in the face at the debate, is indeed feasible." After roughly guessing what she was thinking, Ryuzosuke interrupted: "But I have to follow, and I have to repeat it many times first. The first time I was successfully questioned by them and left sadly - although you may not remember it."

"There's something wrong with this *London expletive*," Olga Marie's eyes flashed: "I have to slap those *London expletive* people who question my father hard in the face."

"I don't understand what you are saying, but Ilia, as the eldest lady of the German noble family, will definitely understand. You'd better not let her hear it." Ryuzosuke rolled his eyes.

"Of course, I am still very careful about the image." Olga Marie took out the record board and experimental records from her pocket like a magic trick: "Now, let's talk about the detailed data of this 'spiritual transfer'?"

"Ah, because it was only two hours, there was almost no discomfort at all. Because the projection was on my sleeping self, I almost continued to sleep -" Ryunosuke began to explain in detail.

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