The Collection of The End

Chapter 933 Metaphysical Necrosis (1)


The plan to ambush Leif went smoothly. Medusa arranged the [Blood Fort Andromeda] that can extract the magic power of mortal things, deliberately arousing Leif's alert. When he wanted to leave, Acha forced him to enter with a long-range attack. In the temple, since the magic position itself is ineffective against the magician, after he had the careless thought of "no more than that", he used Medusa's [Petrified Magic Eye] to control him, and then Acha took him into the selected place. , a [place of decisive battle] where you can fight freely without worrying about accidentally injuring mortals.


Watching [Ocha] recite a mantra while unfurling his hunting-sounding red cloak, and gliding down from the top of a nearby abandoned high-rise building like an eagle, Ryunosuke was a little confused for a moment.


Infinite blade work?

Although I don’t understand, it seems a bit cool to do it like this?

But the next moment, he had no time to think about it anymore.

The abandoned hotel area has been uninhabited for a long time, and there are many low-rise houses that have collapsed on their own. Although there is no dust, the overall look is somewhat gray.

And just as Acha landed, a bright color spread out in all directions at a very high speed, centered on its landing point, and Ryunosuke and others who were watching the battle from a distance were involved in it without any discomfort.

This is a vast green field with slightly undulating terrain, blue sky and white clouds, green water and green mountains. Everything as far as the field of vision can only be described as "clear and clean". If we use more popular words - every picture The photos are all landscape paintings.

If Ryunosuke hadn't been convinced that he was fighting a demon pillar in Fuyuki before, and saw the gray-white, motionless "Leif" in his field of vision, he might have mistakenly thought that he was traveling to some beautiful place.

However, the only thing that is different from a real scenic spot is that there are countless "swords" in this world. They are big or small, long or short, rough or fine, wide or narrow, but they are all in a natural way. They are integrated into the wilderness in various ways, such as sinking in the stream, leaning against the tree, embedded in the stone, or even casually inserted on the roadside like a signpost.

"Oh~ It's incredible~" Yue Yong Shena was not far away, rolling her big eyes and looking around.

"Damn, why are they all straight swords?" Taiga Fujimura had already started looking around for weapons: "How can I use the sword-drawing technique without a curved sword?"

Even if there is,

Do you want to cut down the Demonic Pillar? Now he is eager to try it, but he has never seen that thing before. He is just a good dragon.

Ryuzosuke thought for a while and decided not to say these words for the time being.

"That 'Acha' claimed to be the strongest archer. I thought he was bragging, but I didn't expect that he could even master this kind of magic. Maybe what he said was true?" After entering this world, he was still by Ryunosuke's side. Olga Marie sighed in surprise.

"You're now a guest commentator?" Ryuzosuke teased, "Ms. Mary Sue, who obviously doesn't know any magic tricks."

"Hmph, after all, our university also has academic exchanges at the Clock Tower. If there is no need to keep it confidential, I still know some information about the magic world that does not need to be kept confidential - do you want to listen?"

"Well, let's talk about it. Maybe having a better understanding of this strange space will be more helpful for the next action." Ryunosuke replied.

"Well, let me think about it..."

While Olga Marie was thinking about what to say, Ryunosuke looked at Lin Hao, who had been silent since coming to this world, and then noticed that she had obtained a light and thin crimson long sword from nowhere. Trying to swing.

"If you don't know how to use a sword, don't play casually. It's easy to hurt yourself." Ryuzosuke looked at her clumsy movements and couldn't help but try to dissuade her.

"Our Lin family has a family-inherited sword technique called "Evil Sword Manual"." Lin Hao turned to look at Ryunosuke and said seriously.

The Lin family has such a swordsmanship, but not your Lin family! Ryunosuke almost spat out this remark.

No, no, it's always me who's in charge of the second grade, and Xiao Hao who's in charge of complaining, it can't be the other way around.

I'm not in the second grade!

"This magic is called [Inherent Barrier]," Olga Marie said at this time: "It is different from those magics that affect external objects through external objects. It is a magic that affects external objects with the spirit or heart, and brings people in the outside world together. Or things are forcibly pulled into a 'spiritual world' that has no connection with the outside world and belongs to the caster. This world seems to be related to [Origin]. Everyone's world is fixed, regardless of his or her mind and will. No matter how you change it, the [Inherent Barrier] itself will not be affected."

"Is this just magic?" Ryunosuke was a little surprised.

"VR, AR, or something else," Olga Marie replied: "Even in the general scientific community who don't know the existence of magic, there are already technologies that can achieve similar effects, so it is magic."

"Then, no matter what noise Leif makes here after transforming into the Demon God Pillar, it will not affect the outside world?" Ryunosuke looked into the distance, where Acha and Medusa were preparing to attack near the stone statue of Leif. .

Sakura and Rin were not seen, but because there is a distance limit between the pseudo-master and the pseudo-server, they should not be too far away.

"Its duration varies from person to person, but if it turns into the big monster you mentioned and makes a fuss inside, it will be shortened rapidly," Olga Marie said in an uncertain tone: "Since the remote person Mr. Ban agreed to send only two Servants to fight, which means he believes that this matter can be solved by the two of them..."

Ryunosuke looked at "Leif". It still maintained its human form. It seemed that it needed to transform subjectively or be fatally injured in its current form before it could passively transform. Therefore, it was necessary to petrify it, solidify its mind, and then There is no way to calmly lay out battlefields and traps.

At this moment, Ah Cha and Medusa seemed to have finished their preparations. The woman who looked like a capable white-collar worker summoned a Pegasus through some unknown means, and Ah Cha raised one hand high and sent all kinds of animals from all directions. The long swords gathered together and pointed at Leif from a distance.

"[Bellerophon's Reins!]" Ryunosuke heard Medusa shouting loudly, and then he drove the silver Pegasus and slammed into the "Leif Stone Statue", smashing the stone statue into pieces and then repeated After trampling for a few rounds, it slowly stopped.

Boom boom boom boom——

Just as Ryunosuke guessed, the stone statue fragments all over the ground disappeared out of thin air, replaced by three huge, pitch-black [Demon God Pillars] covered with giant red eyes.

Almost as soon as they appeared, Ah Cha waved his arm, causing countless large and small swords to rain down, stabbing them into hedgehogs in the blink of an eye.

However, an attack of this magnitude is almost useless against the huge Demon God Pillar.

Together they said in a dull voice that could vaguely recognize Leif's tone:

"[You all,]" "[All of you,]" "[Si——Ouch!]"

"[Broken Phantsam!]" At the same time as they transformed and spoke, Acha had already swept his lowered arm violently, causing various sword weapons originally inserted into the Demon God Pillar's body to explode violently at the same time. Directly interrupting the Demon God Pillar's cruel words, he even made him scream with huge reverberation.

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