The Collection of The End

Chapter 934 Metaphysical Necrosis (2)


This was the second time Ryunosuke saw the Demonic Pillars, and it was also the first time he planned to deal with them instead of retreating for support - it was really because there was no one left to support them.

Heracles, Sasaki Kojiro, Medea, Cú Chulainn and other "probable followers" lost their fighting ability because the magic power that maintained them was taken away as soon as they met each other. Perhaps these "servants" who have truly descended from heroic spirits will not It's so bad, but there's no point thinking about it now.

At present, [Acha] and [Medusa] can still fight the Demon God Pillar back and forth. Firstly, it is probably because Acha is not a "pseudo", and secondly, it may be because Medusa's "pseudo master" The [Imaginary Number Magic] attribute possessed by Matou Sakura can effectively circumvent the Demon God Pillar's control of its magic power. Thirdly, the [Inherent Barrier] they are in should be able to limit the ability of the Demon God Pillar to some extent.

However, although it seems to "come and go", it is just a look. Medusa rides her Pegasus and flies around the three demon pillars at high speed. From time to time, she uses her chains to attack those "eyes", although occasionally It can destroy one or two, but the Demon God Pillar regenerates even faster. Ah Cha directs the flying swords that continue to converge on the battlefield and come from all directions, causing them to stab at the Demon God Pillar and selectively detonate those. The flying sword happened to hit the key position, and a large-scale detonation like the one at the beginning was obviously very expensive. So far, he has not done it again.

As for the Demon God Pillar's counterattack, in addition to its impressive hit rate, chasing after Medusa for a long time and failing to hit the [Eye Prism] even once, and its swinging impact that was completely impossible to hit anyone, there were only...

"[Burn - But - Style -]"

The giant eyes of the three demon pillars that originally turned to look in different directions suddenly adjusted their sights back to the center position at the same time, and their bodies, those black pillars, together uttered a language that was not any kind of language, but could make everyone They all understood it, the odd syllables like a dull hum.


With the three demon pillars as the center of the circle, the blazing black-red flames surged in all directions like a tsunami, eroding the green mountains and green waters in Atha's inherent barrier along the way into dry and cracked dark red land and dry river beds without a drop of water.

"You, Tusu!" Before the fire ring approached, the little Yueyong Shena puffed out her face and spurted out blazing flames from her mouth, blocking the "burning flames" in front of her, while Fujimura Dahe, on the other hand, was holding two long swords that he picked up at random, and was knocking away the rocks, trees and other debris that had been blown away by the "burning method".

Ryunosuke looked at the battle situation and felt a little depressed. This had already entered a complete "magic duel". He, an ordinary person, or in other words, a half-assed magician who had just awakened his magic aptitude, could not do anything at all, even if he had a time machine. As a backing, limited by one's own strength,

There was absolutely nothing that could be done to help.

Since the "burning type" spreads outward as a whole and does not stop when it is blocked by details, Ryunosuke saw this and pulled Olga Marie and Lin Hao closer to Tsukiyomi Kannawa. Sister Tiger took some to relieve their pressure.

"If these [Demon Pillar] skills stop here, they will lose," Olga Marie said: "This is the third time they have used the so-called 'burning method', but nothing has been burned. "

Ryunosuke nodded in agreement and looked at Acha and Medusa who were fighting the Demon Pillar.

Since this "burning" is based on the ground, Medusa riding the Pegasus has no effect, and Acha had also jumped high to avoid this attack.

After the red-clothed and white-haired servant landed, he extended his palms to hold the ground without hesitation, and then there were countless twists and turns, and blue-green light spread out in all directions like a circuit.


The moment Ah Cha made his move, the "burning style" that had swept into the distance "rolled back" like a scene turned upside down, returning all of its original enchantment that had been eroded away, as well as the green waters and green mountains within it.

When this "rewind" hit the Demonic Pillar at the center of the circle, they made a weird and meaningless cry, and those strange, big, dim yellow eyes all started to spin in confusion, while they were still tracking Medusa. The "eye edges" also extinguished and stopped.

"[Inherent Barrier] is a magic that uses 'mental landscape' to erode the 'real world'," Olga Marie explained again: "With the majestic mind of the Demon God Pillar, it is right to use this method to try to destroy the inherent barrier. Choice—originally, that’s it.”

"As a result, their three 'burnings' were all 'repaired' by Ah Cha, and they were beaten up after each repair." Ryuzosuke continued.

"Yes," Olga Marie looked at the demon pillar that was in a state of chaos over there: "The inherent enchantment was originally only able to be mastered by extraordinary creatures, which resulted in their inherent suppression of the imitation of human magicians."

But Ah Cha would pull them into the inherent barrier even though he knew it was disadvantageous. No matter how you think about it, he had a back-up plan. Could it be that the IQ of these guys is seriously lacking?

No, it may be that their innate arrogance towards mortals prevents them from considering the possibility of losing to humans in mental confrontation.

In short, at this time, they were all in a coma - let's call it that - Medusa and Acha were concentrating on attacking one of the demon pillars.

Those big amber eyes had been poked into black holes, and the originally upright pillars also fell crookedly to the ground. Finally, before the other two demon pillars recovered, one of the unlucky demon pillars turned into a The black ash that filled the sky disappeared.

At this rate, if you want to defeat all the Demon God Pillars, you will have to survive six more "burning moves". I don't know if [Ocha] can survive it.

"The one that disappeared is the demon pillar that represents the 'past'," Olga Marie said while looking at the battlefield: "The next thing we should deal with is the one that represents the 'future'."

"Is there any particularity to this order?" Ryunosuke asked.

"[Negation of the past], [Interference in the present], and [Reversal of the future], these are the powers of their three pillars, and only in this order can they be defeated." Olga Marie did not explain, perhaps because this is simple logic and does not need to be explained. , or maybe it’s too cumbersome to explain.

"[Burn - but -]"

But at this time, an accident happened. According to the behavioral logic of the Demon God Pillar, it should fire some eye beams, blink or stare at the surrounding enemies, and then launch the "burning style".

Perhaps because three pillars were destroyed and one was destroyed, it had no energy at all and started the burning process again - oh, no, there was only the word "burn". Maybe if one pillar was destroyed again, it would just shout "Burn" it.

Before that, Ah Cha seemed to have no time to take off? Even if he takes off, the height is not high enough to avoid the scattered "wall of fire".

Chi chi chi——

At this moment, Acha's figure suddenly blurred, and then escaped from the range of the fire wall at a high speed that brought out the afterimage, and then drew a large arc track on the ground for unknown reasons, and finally came to Ryunosuke Their temporary hiding place.

"Yo!" Ah Cha said with the attitude of visiting a neighbor's house after dinner: "That guy seems to be crazy, let me hide for a while."

"Before that! Put me down! You stupid Ocha!" Tohsaka Rin, who was trapped in his arm, shouted loudly.

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