The Collection of The End

Chapter 970 The Gate of Destiny on the Boundary Line (End)


"[Full project, completed, crowned—senior, be careful!]"

When they arrived at the new singularity, before Mashu could finish reciting the concluding sentence, he suddenly raised his shield and rushed in front of Ryunosuke, blocking a solid iron ball flying from nowhere.

"Where did [Grand Senior] come from..." Ryunosuke complained in the middle, twisted his body and stepped forward with his sword, turning around and slashing out, cutting another cannonball in half.

After taking a look at the two golden stars that lit up on his sword, he had the time to examine what was going on in this swaying, cannon-fired, and surging ocean environment.

The location where he and Mashu appeared was undoubtedly on a large sailing ship. Judging from Ryunosuke's rough knowledge of ships, this should be a Galen-type three-masted sailing ship, with a total length of about forty meters and a width of about ten meters. rice.

Many strong or smart sailors were running back and forth on the deck, pulling cables or carrying cannonballs. They only glanced at the sudden appearance of Mashu and Ryunosuke and didn't pay much attention.

"Yo!" A bold female voice sounded from behind the wheel turning like a windmill not far away: "Are you the [Servants] summoned by my mother? Welcome to the [Caribbean]!"

It was a tall woman wearing red clothes and white trousers, a black captain's hat and cloak, a scimitar on her waist, and a scar across her face:

"I don't care who you are or what tricks you know. Do what you can do now. I have to find a way to kill that guy over there who dares to cause trouble for the [Golden Deer]. We can discuss what kind of treatment you want after the fight is over!" "As the woman said this, she firmly held the wheel and turned it in the opposite direction.

Golden Hart, Caribbean, well...

——[At the end of the world, the sound of cannons stands at the gust of the wind and the top of the waves]——

This is the Caribbean Sea in the Age of Discovery, where four legendary battleships compete for maritime supremacy.

They are [Francis Drake]'s [Golden Hart], [Edward Teach]'s [Anne Bonny and Mary Read Twin Queen's Revenge], and [David Jones]'s The Flying Jackdaw and the Drowned Dutchman] and [Jason]'s [The Argonauts in Search of the Golden Fleece].

Currently, the other three legendary battleships are quite hostile to the [Golden Deer], and the reasons are obvious...

Since the garrison forces at various ports were no match for them, they simply accepted them as their masters.

Everyone is welcome, but if you want the port to target anyone, then you have to go to the sea and have a fight first.

At this time, the [Golden Deer], which was returning from a long voyage and was exhausted, encountered the [Golden Fleece], which had just left the port and was well fed and drunk. Jason directly ordered to attack it.

However, because the artillery shells at this time are just iron balls pushed by the explosion like the previous two rounds, it is still very difficult to sink the opponent unless it hits the ammunition depot. In the end, the victory will be determined by hand-to-hand combat.

As for the effect of firing cannons at each other for a long time before the boarding battle... excluding the attrition caused by the guy who was really unlucky to be hit, it can only damage morale.

Ryunosuke didn't care much about this. After all, his melee combat ability had been well trained in France and Rome.

However... he glanced at Yade, who was hanging on his hand as a bracelet. He had been silent since arriving at this singular point, and Lin Hao's projection did not come out... Could it be a short circuit due to water intrusion?

Snapped! tread! tread!

The two ships staggered, each throwing hooks onto the side of the other's ship, and the sailors rushed towards each other with scimitars in their mouths.

The scene was tragic...and weird. All the "killed" sailors turned into black ashes and disappeared, just like the previous two singularities.

Matthew's explanation for this is that the singularity itself is "intercepted" from normal history. In addition to the heroic spirits that are composed of magic power and will turn into golden light spots after death in battle, ordinary people are like "background boards." , after dying in battle, they will turn into ashes and dissipate like burned paper or wood, and only "outsiders" can see this situation - so, in the eyes of the world's indigenous people, this is indeed a tragic naval battle .

Bang! Drake took out his matchlock and shot away a sailor who rushed towards him, then took out a lemon and stuffed it into his mouth, saying vaguely: "The sailors of the [Golden Fleece] are not worth mentioning, but The 'servants' that guy recruited are quite powerful, and among them there is a big black guy who is not easy for me to deal with, I think his name is [Hercules]?"

"[Roar——]" As soon as Drake finished his words, a tall man with dark skin, tall figure, long hair like a flying flag, and holding a huge stone knife jumped out from the opponent's glittering deck.

Why does this name and appearance look so familiar?

"Basaka!" When Ryunosuke was about to swing his sword to meet the enemy, Lin Hao's inexplicable shout of surprise came from beside him. As soon as he said the word, the tone kept changing, and finally turned into... It seemed to be Illya's voice .

When I turned around to look, where was the "seem"? Wasn't the "Servant" that had just "solidified" from the projection exactly what Illya looked like?

When did that girl become a servant? The future? Ryunosuke looked at the familiar little girl and her unfamiliar white robe with red edges and bright gold crown.


After this shout, Heracles, who had jumped on board, froze on the spot. Several sailors were unable to stop their hands in time. The attacks of scimitars and matchlocks still hit him, but not even a white mark appeared.

Drake waved the sailors away and looked over with interest.

Ilia, who was good at playing cards, walked over nonchalantly, patted the big black guy's knees comfortingly, then pulled Hercules' armor and arms all the way up to his shoulders, and sat down happily. There.

"Hehehehe! That's right, you two are coming too. Let's see how many of those 'Argonauts' can be made to defect?" Captain Drake laughed.

How could such a coincidence happen? Ryunosuke cursed as he walked to the side of the boat and looked across.

Isn't he the golden noble captain on the golden ship...

"What [Jason]? Isn't this [Atlam]'s philandering oil king!" After seeing the face of the blond captain opposite him clearly, Ryunosuke complained loudly: "I will tell [Kudzugi Soichiro] when I get back. Teacher, his fiancée ran away with someone."

Buzz! bass!

The two purple-haired women originally standing next to Jason, who were quite different in age but had quite similar looks, transformed into two bright purple tracks and flew to the Golden Deer in tandem.

"Who is that person you are talking about?" "Don't tell Mr. Kuzuki!"

"..." Ryunosuke ignored what appeared to be a girl version of Medea for the time being, and just stared at the adult version with strange eyes without saying a word.

"Well," Medea realized that she had leaked something, and said sarcastically: "Because Mr. Kuzuki is so good to me, I went to find him in person in the Heroic Soul Seat..."

"You mean, in all known parallel worlds, he has devoted his whole heart to you?" Ryunosuke asked incredulously.

Medea's face turned red, she crossed her arms and nodded.

"Ugh, so this time it's actually you who is showing off?" The girl version of Medea looked at her sideways and snorted coldly.

"I'm here to prevent you from going astray! Since I was summoned, I haven't let that guy touch even a hair! You are stupid and will be deceived by sweet words, like myself when I was young!" Medea retorted.

"Humph, over there, tell me who [Kudzugi Soichiro] is? Which era is he from? I'll go see him to prevent him from being deceived by the old woman." "Who are you calling the old woman?" "I'm talking about myself!"

"Oh? So you won't care if I beat Jason to death?" Captain Drake interjected.

"Whatever you want!" X2

"..." Ryunosuke looked at Captain Drake speechlessly, thinking that all he wanted to do was come true, and that was all he could say.

"Boys! There are only some unknown trash fish left on the Golden Fleece! Kill them for me!" The captain took out his matchlock gun and fired it into the sky, majestic.


"[The whole project is over—Aqiu!]"

After coming out of the "Spirit Transfer Channel", Mashu sneezed loudly.

"Tsk... what era is it now? What's going on in this environment?" Ryunosuke was still a little "land-sick". After standing still, he looked at the surrounding scene and asked with a frown.

Different from the previous times when they were either in the wilderness or on the sea, this time the two people appeared in a gloomy city. The surrounding leaden spire buildings, the carriage tracks on the street, and the dim gas lights beside the road all showed that it was about this time. In Europe at the end of the 19th century, the dense fog that covered the sky made it almost impossible to see the roofs of taller buildings, and even allowed Ryunosuke to determine the specific name of the city.

"[This should be London in 1888 AD,]" Yard said: "[It's really strange, there shouldn't be a singularity here. What do those guys in the Clock Tower do for food?]"

"Aqiu!" Matthew sneezed again: "Hmm... Regarding this, Chaldea observed that the entire city was surrounded by thick fog during this period. Although there were signs of 'something' activity, there was no Any biological reaction, so the clock tower should also be empty."

"There are no living people but something moving? Is it a ghost?" Lin Hao, who had just been projected, had a trembling expression.

"...What do you think you are now?" Ryuzosuke sighed.

"Probably similar to artificial intelligence, AI?" The phantom girl scratched her head.

Artificial intelligence that is afraid of ghosts, okay... Moreover, this time is similar to the one in Rome, in that it does not directly transform into a servant. It may change after coming into contact with someone.

"In addition to ghosts, there are at least two entities that are not living creatures but can move," Ryunosuke said: "Servants, or machines."

"Hmm..." Lin Hao habitually imitated Nero. Even though she helped Drake defeat the other two legendary battleships, she didn't imitate Captain De's "mother", which is really gratifying.

Click, click, click, click—

Maybe it was because a few people were chatting too loudly here, or maybe they happened to patrol over. With the sound of steam erupting and steel colliding, a rough, bulky, iron-gray bipedal robot full of steampunk style came from one end of the street. Appeared in the thick fog, followed closely by five other steam robots of the same style.

"Hey, you guys-" Ryunosuke tried to negotiate.

Click, chirp, the steam robot team simultaneously raised the Gatling-like structure on their wrists towards him, and the wheels behind them buzzed together.

"...Okay." Ryuzhisuke finished his words in a sullen voice.

What the hell? Is this a 19th century version of The Terminator? !

Although he was a little surprised, Ryunosuke didn't think that these seemingly weak steam engines could hurt him, and he even planned to rush over when they fired.

King Arthur, who lit up the third star on the golden sword in the Caribbean, was so confident.

——If that doesn’t work, there’s still Mashu, that shield is really powerful.


"Cut, cut, cut, cut!"

While the steam engines were firing, a petite figure in a cloak suddenly appeared, stopping next to each machine like a flicker. Then, the steam robots, along with their weapons, were torn apart and turned into scrap metal. .

"Mom! Come with us!"

The petite figure appeared next to Ryuzosuke and pulled him away.

Only then did Ryunosuke and Mashu see clearly that it was a little girl with short white hair wearing a smart leather jacket and a cloak over her shoulders, with fierce eyes, and holding a pair of daggers.

With no other clues for the time being and the robots unable to communicate, Ryunosuke and Mashu glanced at each other and decided to follow the girl first. However, regarding the issue of that title...

"Don't call me mom, call me dad, bah, call me brother!" Long Zhijie said.

"Okay, brother and mother." The girl changed her words obediently.


——[The way of royal power harms the king and father, and ultimately he will not get what he wants]——

This is London, but not London.

Those fogs and robots were the embodiment of people's fear that machines would replace human power when the industrial age was just beginning. They were unable to communicate and just wanted to destroy all life in sight, wandering in the foggy streets of London.

The place where the little girl took Ryunosuke and others was the original location of the "non-existent Magic Association" in the Clock Tower, and it was also the stronghold of the other side that was fighting against the robots.

They are the twisted personifications of thousands of years of legends, culture, and even ghost stories.

For example, the little girl [Jack] with golden eyes and white hair who always wants to cut something open is actually the "Jack the Ripper" who has never been arrested, but has nothing to do with the murderer.

Another example is Little Jack's friend, the owner of the stronghold, another girl with black clothes and pink hair, holding a big book in her hand [Nursery Rhymes], which is a collection of all bedtime stories told to children, because some fairy tales are actually Because of the darkness, her character is innocent and has an unconscious dark side.

For another example, the avatar Lin Hao is using at this time, a strange girl with a unicorn-like spiral horn on her forehead, who is difficult to speak clearly, is actually the legendary Frankenstein, holding a pair of Sledgehammer, great combat power.

Finally, there is the young British gentleman who is incompatible with their atmosphere, but stays here calmly, and likes to sit in the rocking chair. The collection of all detective protagonists, Mr. [Sherlock Holmes].

This guy's style of painting is completely different from the three girls. How did he get in?

"Because this singularity was created by my old enemy [James Moriarty]. Without me, you are no match for him." Holmes raised an eyebrow: "This is just simple reasoning, my friend. "

Do you want to reason about whether I will hit you with a big sword?

Compared with Ryunosuke who simply regarded Holmes as an ordinary heroic spirit, Mashu looked like he had met his idol: "Well, Mr. Holmes, I am a fan of your book. Can you please sign it? Just write it on the back of the shield. "

"..." Holmes raised his other eyebrow this time: "Sorry, I don't write books. If Sir Conan Doyle becomes a heroic spirit one day, I will help you introduce him."

Hmm...does this count as "characters from the book" running out?

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