The Collection of The End

Chapter 971 0.715663%

“[Dream within a dream, within a dreamer’s dream, I can’t dream——]”

"Ms. Alaya, the world has been corrected again according to your instructions."

"Oh, let me see..."

I threw away the ruby ​​microphone and turned to look at the world situation report after Tohsaka Tokiomi's vision had been changed.

Speaking of which, Tokiomi himself doesn’t use technology products, Rin Tosaka is an appliance killer, Sakura Matou can’t sing, so who is providing the family KTV on the third floor of Tosaka’s house? Father Mapo? Glitter?

No matter which one, the style of painting is a bit broken...

After relaxing for a moment, I lowered my head and continued to read the report on Tokiomi's vision.

In the content of asking the world will agent AI to make relevant changes, in addition to some things that can obviously cause changes, there are also many trivial things to confirm what the world integration is going on here.

Based on these experiments, what I can currently determine is that the root cause of this weird situation lies in the initiative to merge the first world with the initial world, and the "time paradox" thrown in by the stupid system.

Logically speaking, it would not be difficult to merge the "planet-level world" with the "city-level world", but because what I merged was not "a story" but "a system", the problem became complicated.

Specifically, because I created some "non-existent heroic spirits" in FZ according to the style of FGO, the impact caused cannot be connected with ordinary FSN, so the "Future Talk" appeared ten years later in FZ;

Since the director and Weber were not dead, the subsequent El-Melloi II incident book had to be renamed, and the related events were also different;

Taking into account the strengthening of Kotomine Kirei and Emiya Kiritsugu, the concept of the Holy Grail War is no longer considered a boring magic competition in the Far East. Many magicians have studied it and tried to copy it, thus giving birth to such concepts as the Subspecies Holy Grail War, Weird things like the Electronic Holy Grail War - the most troublesome thing is that these things that are obviously not from the same era have to be forcibly integrated.

Then, Tsukihime, Kong Jing and others also joined in the fun.

If it were really like Xingyue's world view, it would be fine if they were all different parallel worlds. But I only have one world here, so I can only force it into it and justify it.

The result is that Solomon, who has EX-level clairvoyance, is autistic, Jin Shining injects himself with medicine to try to survive, and Goetia burns out his mind in anger, out of sight and out of mind.

Then Chaldea showed up and tried to fix humanity, and FGO started. who came first?

It’s really a time paradox in the literal sense.

In this process, perhaps because of being at a critical juncture, there were two "singularities" that were different from the official history from the beginning, which already existed before Goetia decided to burn down the human science.

One is the four games in 1994, and the other is the five games in 2004.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but the singular point in the Fourth War is named “Singularity Point Zero ()” in FGO.

The one in the fifth battle is a bit strange. It is a "Singularity F" without a name. Although it may refer to Fuyuki, the big "Burning Polluted City Fuyuki" below is not a decoration.

So does this strange "F" mean the beginning (First) or the end (Final)?

While thinking about it, I glanced at the rate of change detector that Tokiomi brought over.


"Tokiomi, what do you think that number is?"

"It's [2.035712], Ms. Alaya."

"Are they really these two?" I raised my hand and clicked on "Singularity Point Zero." "Since the time of Singularity Point F is synchronized with this place, it is difficult to correct it, but there was no problem ten years ago."

"You mean?" Tokiomi asked with understanding.

"Try to see if you can send me there. It's just to make the situation there look consistent with the 'Four Wars of Historical Facts'. I'm very familiar with this job," I replied: "Deceive yourself and deceive the world—— Hey, there doesn’t seem to be any difference?”

"As you wish."

Tokiomi Tosaka closed his eyes slightly just like when I instructed him to correct the world before, but he no longer had the calmness to have everything under control. Not only did his brows furrow, his arms trembled slightly, and he almost couldn't even hold the red wine glass. Steady, as if he was being yelled at by Jin Shining, who was in his second grade, throwing his wine glass.

After a moment, Tokiomi's vision opened his eyes, sighed and said, "I'm sorry, Ms. Alaya, I can't change your position."

What are you doing? Am I too big?

No, it’s volume, capacity, and storage space! Not the weight!

"...What's the reason?" I glared at him, with an expression on my face that said I was going to be too heavy and he would be punished.

"To be precise, you do not exist here," Tokiomi replied: "The you I am talking to now are just a projection or tentacle of the larger you."


What am I?

Is the information integration thought body using a humanoid contact device to contact digital life?

Bah, I'm not a thing!

"I cannot describe your existence. I call you 'Alaya' just because that is my highest authority user group. I apologize for any inconvenience caused to you." Tokiomi Phantom bowed and saluted.

"Oh, you mean... you got 100 points on the test because you can only get 100 points on the test, and I got 100 points on the test because there were only 100 points on the test paper?" I casually made a joke about top academics.

"That's right." Phantom Tokiomi nodded: "If you want to go to Singularity Zero, you must first leave this 'root'."

In other words...a layer of dream? Inception does not deceive me.

However, this also further explains why I can't use my power, and why my sister didn't respond to the stupid system and prompts.

Can a good boxer knock someone down with his shoulder blade? When ordinary people talk to each other, do they speak into their ears? Or say it to the soles of your feet?

Wait... in these merging worlds, shouldn't there be countless versions of me that are exactly the same, right?

The stupid system and reminder sister can't determine which one is the real me, so they can't take the initiative to talk to anyone. Otherwise, no matter who they talk to, that me will be determined as the main consciousness. If you choose the right one, it's okay, but if you choose the wrong one... …The time paradox breaks out, and both worlds end together.

Seriously, if there aren't enough benefits after the world ends this time, I'm going to kick this stupid system into a ball.

"Tokiomi, make me a spinning top." I pointed to the coffee table in front of me and said.

"As you wish." As the illusion of Tokiomi finished his words, a spinning children's toy top appeared out of thin air on the coffee table.

"If everything goes well, your true body should come back soon. Tell him then - don't deny yourself casually."

I clicked the top button to stop it.

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