The Collection of The End

Chapter 983 0.825439%

After I woke up, the first thing I saw was a round aqua blue glass window.

Outside the small window, there is an entire wall covered with various instruments of unknown significance. Some of them display numbers, some display bar graphs, some display pie-shaped percentage charts, and more are all kinds of instruments. Switches and traffic lights.

Um...outside? Why did I subconsciously think it was outside?

I tried to turn the angle of view, but found that this usually very easy movement was extremely slow at the moment. There was a full five or six seconds between "wanting to observe my situation at this time" and "the angle of view started to rotate", and the rotation The head movements are unusually slow.

What the hell? I got stuck?

After a few words of complaint, the planned action was finally completed, and I could clearly see the surrounding environment.

At this time, I was in a roughly oval "cylinder" with a diameter of more than one meter. The inside of the barrel wall was made of a light bluish silver-white metal material. I was wearing a hospital gown. Sitting on an invisible armchair in the middle, although the surrounding area is not narrow, it is not spacious enough to move around at will.

The glass window directly in front is itself part of an oval metal door. There is a door handle not far below the window, but there is no keyhole near the handle.

In addition, the entire "metal cylinder" was filled with a faint ice-blue mist. It didn't smell anything special, and I didn't know what it was.

I originally planned to reach out and pull down the handle, but considering how difficult it was to turn my head just now, in order to prevent myself from losing my balance and hitting the glass window, I gave up this plan and just tried to raise my hand. Observe in front of your face.

Well, there are no cuticles, and it seems that there is no need to remove the dead skin for the time being. It’s time to trim the nails... Bah, is this the time to think about this?

To summarize again, the movement of raising my hands in front of my face is larger, but it takes less time than the previous movement of turning my head. This can prove that no matter what state I was in before, I am now recovering. This time Roman and Meng Nali The fact that they didn't jump out and say "You're awake" proves that either they are very confident in this "metal cylinder" or they have something very important to do.

Am I the most important? Should they all hang around me? That's weird, okay? I'm the Virgin and not a Mary Sue. Bah, bah, I just - well, forget it and won't change it.

I tried to turn my head and raise my hands to wait for the "delay" to disappear while recalling the circumstances of the previous dream.

Judging from the fact that it is so high that it can even take away my control,

She is obviously another me, but she has not encountered "PAX-200", has never captured the stupid system, and has not collected doomsday elements with the help of her prompting sister. There is a high probability that she has not even discovered herself. It's an NPC or electronic life, no, I should say, it's the other me before "popping the balloon".

But, still the Holy Mother.

It can be deduced that the implementer of this doomsday element "time paradox" is "us" ourselves - combined with the situation of the "subspecies doomsday element" attached to the previous "Fengshen List", as long as any two of us If there is a deviation in their behavior, there will be a "Boom" sound and the game will end.

And the most unlucky thing is that I have "subject consciousness". Not only do I have to be bruised and bruised by the feedback from the "observer effect", but I also have to go to my dream to help my wanton self repair the deviations caused by them. It's really a scam, eh. ...Trick sister? That’s not right either.

By the way, I cheated on myself.



After moving for a while, I felt that there was no "delay" in my actions, I put on the cotton slippers at my feet, reached out and tried to turn the door handle. Although it was a bit laborious to turn, it was not locked, and it made a sound like After the pressure cooker made a deflating sound, it opened smoothly to the outside.

Hmm...pressure cooker? Am I some weird steamed vegetable?

Oops, he's showing signs of being sluggish and starting to complain about himself. In short, let's go to Dr. Roman and Meng Nali to ask about the situation.

After all, I had speculated before that even if I was "summoned", the time from summoning to returning would be an instant, and I would not have changed positions and skipped time. After looking at the bright light outside, I was even more certain of this.


As I pushed the door open, the light blue gas also flowed outward and turned into bursts of dense white smoke. In this case, was I "refrigerated"?

After looking around and observing briefly, I quickly determined where this place was: the monitoring room next door to my previous ward, which was also Dr. Meng Nali's office.

Through an observation window, I could clearly see the special care ward where I had been lying before. Well... when I had vision, I seemed to see that this place was an ordinary mirror. Sure enough, it was the legendary single mirror. Mask?

The question now is, where have all the doctors gone?

I looked at the computers, desks, monitoring instruments, filing cabinets, conventional medical equipment in the sterilization cabinet and the trolley in the control room.

There should be routine monitoring here, but real rescue and surgery cannot be performed with such crude equipment.

But the problem is also obvious. If I was transferred to this strange "refrigerator" for some reason, someone should be responsible for monitoring the status at all times, unless my previous status was "no need to monitor".

And for doctors, a person who "does not need to be monitored" is only a dead person in addition to healthy people who are alive and kicking?

But the previous cylinder had a handle inside, as if it was just waiting for the people inside to walk out on their own, and it didn't look like a refrigerator.

I looked around and walked towards the door of this office, and at a glance I saw a notice on the desk:

Relatives of {Lin Yuanshan}: The patient {Lin Hao} was hospitalized in the {cardio-cerebrovascular} department of our hospital and diagnosed with {acute cerebral hemorrhage}. Despite active rescue efforts, it still tended to get worse. A critical illness notice was issued...

Well, the shot that Kiritsugu originally aimed at his wife hit me in the head?

Not to mention the stupid girl who tricked me, but I finally succeeded in preventing domestic violence... Wait? Hitting your daughter seems to be more serious domestic violence, right?

Bah, his daughter is Ilia, it has nothing to do with me.

I opened the door of the office and went to the corridor, and then I heard doctors Meng Nali and Roman coming from the direction of the stairs.

"The director insisted that we inform the family of the 'death'. It would be difficult if Xiao Hao doesn't wake up." Roman appeared with a data board in one hand and scratching his head in the other.

"You have the nerve to say that? What did you just say? 'Although she has no breathing, heartbeat, or brain wave activity, and all internal circulation has stopped, she is really not dead'? Do you expect to be an ordinary person now? A letter from the director?" Dr. Meng Nali followed him, also holding a case board in her hand, looking like she wanted to hit Roman on the head.

Hmm...a talented man and a beautiful woman, a perfect match.

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