The Collection of The End

Chapter 984 0.888888%

"Hey, Xiaohao, are you alive?" Dr. Meng Nali saw me first in the corridor and raised her hand to greet me.

"Ah... um..." I didn't know how to respond to this greeting.

Although I expected it, I still want to hear the greeting "You're awake"...

"Hey, Xiaohao, are you alive?" When Roman looked up and saw me, he also said hello in exactly the same tone.

I invite you two to get married on the spot...

"Xiao Hao, you can't scare anyone even if you try hard to keep a straight face." Dr. Roman put away the clipboard and said with a smile.

"Okay Roman, stop making fun of her," Dr. Meng Nali came over and touched my head: "How does it feel to wake up from the [box]? Is there any discomfort?"

"Case?" I tilted my head and looked towards the previous office.

FGO 1.0 exploded at the beginning, and then exploded those spirit transfer devices from 2.0?

According to the setting, in addition to the role of spiritual son transfer, the cylindrical metal cabin also has the additional functions of emergency cryoprotection and treatment of the user.

But at present, in this world without demons, the spirit transfer function is probably not possible, so the only option is freezing and treatment?

"I'm sorry, because you can freely go to the next level of dreamland in your dream, which makes us a little careless." Dr. Meng Nali rubbed the top of my head twice more before taking back her hand: "Although I have an overwhelming preference for myself in other worlds. You can do whatever you want with your authority, and you can overturn the table at any time, but you won’t do that, right?”

What should I do... I can't say that I actually had a lot of fun ending the war with one versus six at Singularity Zero.

"Um... it should be cold in the [box], right? But why don't I feel it?" I decided to forcefully change the subject to answer her last question.

"Because you're dead." Roman said happily.


"There's no point in glaring at me. I just said it in advance so that Dr. Meng wouldn't have to think of words." He shrugged.

Why do I feel like Dr. Roman has become a lot stupider after I sleep?

Could it be that he echoed Brother Monkey’s words, “When a male meets a female,

It won’t work”?

I turned to Dr. Meng Nali and waited for her further explanation.

"Sorry, Xiaohao," she repeated her previous apology, "that day on the top floor, after you fell asleep, you immediately lost all vital signs without any warning. Roman and I didn't dare to find anyone to rescue us, so we had to immediately Transfer you to the pre-set [box], but fortunately you will still move unconsciously, and you may even have a cerebral hemorrhage, and the director has been able to fool you until now."

"Director? Olga Marie?" I was a little allergic to the title director and asked immediately.

"No, it's her father, the one who was killed by Leif, Maris Billy." Roman spread his hands: "Don't worry about him, there is a high probability that he is not me."

Isn't "yet" the same person? Does that mean it will happen sooner or later?

At this moment, some inspiration seemed to flash through my mind, but if I thought about it carefully, I had no clue at all.

I shook my head, put the matter aside for the time being, and asked another question that should have been asked long ago: "I S... bah, how long have I been unconscious?"

"Seven days," Dr. Meng Nali looked around, took my hand and led me into the office: "Come here, let me explain it to you in detail."


"So, because I had no internal circulation before, my body temperature was consistent with the temperature regulated by this [box]. It was impossible for me to feel cold except that it was difficult to move. And as I gradually regained my mobility, my body temperature also increased at any time. Are you consistent with the outside world and feel everything is normal?" I sat in the [box] that had returned to normal temperature, watching Meng Nali and Dr. Luo Man running around among the various instruments and switches: "What should I do now?"

"Although there was an accident in the last experiment, the omnipotent person can always turn bad things into good things." Dr. Meng Nali took out a pair of glasses from nowhere and put them on, looking at me with bright eyes: "Thanks to you' being I have added a similar function to the [box] to generate the magic power fluctuations when summoned, so we don’t have to run up to the roof in the middle of the night to draw ghost symbols."

Dr. Meng Nali glared at Dr. Roman fiercely as she spoke, but he only focused on adjusting the equipment and pretended not to understand at all.

"So, you can complete 'dreaming' and 'sinking' just by sitting here now," Meng Nali said with a certain pride of a scientist: "Even if you become 'The Walking Dead' again, it will It also allows you to show that you are still alive. By the way, I named this science-side box [The Spear of Reach], the anchor of the world. Isn’t it cool?”

This kind of zombie-like title is really annoying...

"The problem now is that I just woke up and don't want to sleep, and there is no need to go to Singularity Zero." I pointed out the loopholes in this "spiritual transfer".

"You should know a lot of 'heroic spirits from the future', right?" This time it was Dr. Roman who spoke, but not in a joking tone: "Why do they appear at exactly the time when they are needed?"

Well, it's quite a lot. At least the Emiya family has been reunited in the Heroic Soul Seat - and there are several more.

"Because... Heroic Soul is beyond the world and time?" I answered the standard answer in the setting.

"So, as long as you fall asleep, you will be summoned to the world that needs you. It's just a trivial matter if you can't sleep." Roman nodded, walked over and closed the door of the box.

"Well..." I looked at the familiar glass window and my thoughts began to wander.

This action was not suggested by Meng Nali or Dr. Luo Man, but was requested by me.

Although both of them suggested that I rest for a day or two, meet with my parents and younger brothers, and show that I was fine to ease their minds a little.

But that's not possible. I don't know how many "me" still need help, so I can't guarantee that this kind of "suspended death" won't happen in the future. If I go to see them now and "die" later, this kind of situation will happen. The ups and downs of life are too exciting for them.

Well...if only there was some world that could sort this out once and for all...



Half asleep and half awake, Mashu's long-drawn chanting sound came to my ears.

what happened? Was she transferred on a roller coaster?

Perhaps because the quality of the basket modified by Dr. Meng Nali is very good, this time I passed through the spirit transfer channel very quickly. Mashu was only halfway through reciting the mantra, and the "perspective" had already reached the end of the channel, and I could vaguely see it. It can be seen that there is a lush forest outside.

But before I could figure out what was going on at this time, the entire passage collapsed instantly. Unable to materialize, I could only watch the forest swish upward through the "lens" - no, this It was obviously me who was falling downwards.

The stupidest BUG in the legend, the character fell off the map...

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