The Collection of The End

Chapter 990 Prologue to the End and the Beginning (4)


Ryunosuke took Mashu into Kuta City while listening to Yade's continued explanation of relevant common sense.

He himself could see that the black mist that caused disease and death had been sucked clean by "Ishtar", but the patients swaying around the city still made Matthew nervously hold up his shield, as if that could isolate the germs, huh ...Considering the effect of this Noble Phantasm, maybe it really can.

In most urban kingdoms in Sumer, palaces and temples were often close to each other, because the oracles of the city's patron saint often required the king to send people to execute them, even if they didn't like Ishtar, the patron saint. Uruk, the two are not too far apart, with the exception of Kuta.

The royal palace of Kuta City - called the Executive Hall after being merged into Uruk - is not far from the city gate, surrounded by various functional facilities, while the temple is far away in the depths of the city beyond the three city walls. The cemetery is adjacent to civilian residential areas.

After all, those patron saints who hold the responsibilities of wealth, love, and harvest can clearly know the consequences of being favored by them or angering them, but "death"?

Who knows whether she will grant someone the honor of welcoming him into the underworld just because she likes him, or whether she will deprive him of his life because he is angered? As for the possibility of "being hated by the goddess so much that she was given the curse of immortality", anyone who wants to try it can try it themselves.

Generally speaking, those who pray to the goddess of death are basically civilians who hope to die peacefully at home or soldiers who hope to die in a glorious battle instead of a despicable sneak attack. As for those with wealth and power, only those with wealth and power can pray to the goddess of death. I hope the goddess can treat them like air.

However, now that the entire Sumerian civilization is under attack, the number of prayers hoping that the goddess can grant death to those enemies should increase a lot. However, since all parties are goddesses, it is not possible to directly use the death priesthood to clean up the enemies on a large scale. It is very possible. Similarly, the hostile goddess has no hope of succeeding in killing the people of Kuta City by relying on the natural suppression of gods by gods. This should be the reason why they dare to refuse the support of Uruk and guard a section of the "upper eyelid" alone. The reason for the city wall.

At this time, "Ishtar" was walking all the way, and the residents of Kuta City fell down like harvested wheat. Maybe it caused a little panic at first, but later those who did not fall found that these people were just sleeping, and The original pain also disappeared, and then people were called from many sources to carry them away, take care of them and take over their posts. At the same time, the news that the goddess of death had temporarily arrived through the nasty "Ishtar" also spread like wildfire in the city.

When Ryunosuke and Mashu followed the route and arrived at the temple in Kuta City, they saw the little goddess sitting on the throne of the temple, with one hand supporting her chin and the other on the armrest of the throne. She tilted her head and seemed to be in a daze, but In Ryunosuke's field of vision, countless black mist was converging towards the temple from the entire Kuta City, and merged into the "vortex of death" surrounding her.

Outside the temple, many civilians were looking around without knowing why.

The priests in the temple were also hesitant, wondering whether they should recognize this goddess.

After all, her appearance is undoubtedly "Ishtar". If she is sacrificed, which goddess will be blamed?


"[Ryunosuke, Mashu.]"

"Ishtar" suddenly spoke, making Ryunosuke, who was trying to silence the surrounding residents, instantly become the focus of the audience.

"What are the instructions from the goddess?" Ryuzosuke answered directly without any nonsense.

He has now basically determined that this is Lin Hao's "Goddess of Death". Its properties are similar to the "Ishtar" that possessed Xiao Rin and the "Parvati" that possessed Xiao Sakura in Fuyuki, but there are more. It's just an ability that can temporarily take on the appearance of a little girl by sneezing [Ishtar].

"[Just like Tosaka said, I was fooled,]" she raised her hand and pressed her forehead, "[No, no matter who comes, they will step into this trap: if it is 'Ishtar Come on, he will release 'that guy' when she is in conflict with Kuta City, and if it is me, he will do it now when I have eliminated disease and death and cannot escape.】"

That rascal? Is it really the [Bull of Heaven]?

"[The opponent is a guy who can roughly control the gods' creations,]" the goddess continued: "[You guys rush to the city immediately and try to prevent the 'bull of the sky with mad cow disease' from trampling too many Kuta residents to death. If necessary, you can Kill it.]"

"Okay." Ryuzosuke nodded, and without asking any further questions, he turned around and left with Mashu.

Obviously, the mastermind behind the scenes is planning to confirm the story of "Ishtar releasing the Bull of Heaven to wreak havoc".

Gilgamesh turned against Ishtar, the patron saint of Uruk, because he killed the Bull of Heaven. This was going to happen in the first place, so he could easily achieve his goal with a little guidance, but in Uruk he was defeated by the goddess. The critical moment of the alliance's attack, when the King of Uruk and the Guardian God of Uruk turned against each other, was the worst possible time.


As soon as Ryunosuke arrived in the center of Kuta, he heard an unusually loud cow cry, and then saw an extremely huge strange cow appearing in mid-air.

It has a shining golden cow skeleton, and the body is composed of translucent blue crystals. The horns, shoulders, four hooves, tail, and saddle on the back are all decorated with gold and red striped cloth. A pair of huge cows His eyes were extremely red, and his eyes seemed to contain immense hatred for the city in front of him.

The most vicious thing is that it does not come from outside the wall, but emerges from within the wall. This is basically relying on "Ishtar".

"[Moo!!]" The Bull of Heaven roared again. A pair of front hooves stepped down hard with the sound of wind and thunder. The target was the ruling office very close to the front door. At this distance, how could Ryunosuke and Mashu... They can't catch up. After all, Mashu's "city-level Noble Phantasm" is only for in-place defense and cannot be thrown out to protect others.

At this moment, countless golden light spots suddenly flew from the direction of Uruk City, like a sharp downpour.

However, this "heavy rain" seemed to be tracking and guiding. It struck the "Bull of the Sky" who was about to step down on its hooves first, hitting it first, interrupting its movement and causing it to freeze in mid-air. The next moment, , a mixed red and black light struck again from the same direction. It looked like a pillar of light, but when it hit, it directly knocked the Bull of Heaven on its back, causing it to fall outside Kuta City and hit it several times. He rolled over and became disgraced for a while.

Yade said quickly: "[That should be the Noble Phantasm attack of the two 'Servants Gilgamesh', which successfully prevented the bull from being trampled, but as a result, their Noble Phantasms were temporarily unable to be used. It is very likely that he will be-]"


While the "Bull of Heaven" was still rolling on the ground, the roars of countless monsters attacking could be heard from the northwest.

"[...Make a sound in the east and attack in the west.]" Yad added the previous words angrily.


"[Moo——!]" The Bull of Heaven let out an angry and crazy roar, and then fell to the ground. Although it was still struggling tenaciously, it was nothing when all four hooves were firmly tied. It can't be done.

"Let me tell you, even if that stupid woman Ishtar doesn't believe in me, you two have to believe it, right?" Young Gilgamesh pulled the Heavenly Lock on his hand with a relaxed expression: "You know that you have to face a god. With such a strong sexual being, why don’t you call me the king?”

"But Mr. Tosaka didn't say anything?" Facing the question, Masiu responded weakly.

"His words suggest that he trusts me too much." Young Gil scratched his head: "Anyway, I am just a child now. Occasionally, I want to leave work and go have fun, but he still firmly believes in me. I will appear in every place where I have to appear in time. If I do this again, I will really have to miss work next time."

Yes, it was really timely. Ryunosuke silently turned the emerald on the golden sword and hid the sword body before he cursed.

Previously, with the appearance of the "Bull of the Sky", the monsters outside the city wall also organized a large-scale attack, and the main direction of the attack was the section of the city wall where Kuta was located. Although the residents of Kuta were inexplicably trapped in some kind of The plague, but with the help of "Ishtar", most of it has been cured, enough to withstand the arrival of reinforcements sent by Gilgamesh. However, the problem lies in the giant bull on the inside of the city wall.

Obviously, as long as the Kuta people dare to divide their troops, they will inevitably be defeated. If they concentrate their superior forces to defeat the Bull of Heaven, the city wall will be broken, and the victory will be meaningless. In the end, all that will be left is to defend the city wall with all their strength and hand over the Bull. The warrior assigned to the goddess—Ryuunosuke—has taken care of this option.

Ryunosuke didn't have any objections to this, because the goddess's mission was to "rescue people" rather than "protect the city", and for a bulky and heavy thing like the Bull of Heaven, it would be almost impossible to hit him accurately with her hoof. It's impossible.

He grabbed Mashu, who wanted to repeat the same tactics he used against Humbaba—just kidding, are they two on the same level? Let her protect the residents of Kuta City, and let her attract the attention of the Bull of the Sky. She does not seek to kill the enemy, but can draw it away from Kuta City.

In the end, the Bull of Heaven was enraged by Ryunosuke who frequently cut its tendons - even though it didn't have that thing - and left Kuta alone, aiming at Ryunosuke and stomping all the way.

Just when Ryunosuke was thinking about how to get rid of it and join the goddess, the young boy with blond hair and red eyes flew all the way on the hoverboard, and with a wave of his hand, he tied up the giant bull with the lock of heaven.

Immediately, Ryunosuke felt like he was running around like a fool.


"[If I ask you to come with me, it will be Uruk who is attacked by the bull.]"

Before Ryunosuke was about to say anything, the voice of "Ishtar" came from the direction of Kuta City. When he turned around to look, he found that she was sitting on the golden and blue giant bow, floating far away. come over.

The little goddess's face, voice and tone were very normal, but her eyes looked a little tired.

Eyes? Ryunosuke was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed that the "vortex of death" that had been surrounding her had disappeared, leaving only a faint black mist around her. If you look carefully, you can see that she is continuously coming from the direction of Kuta. "Absorbing" the black mist, "transiting" it on his body, and then "flowing" underground.

This means...will she change back soon?

"Ha, you think this idiot dares to attack Uruk?" Young Gil tugged on the Heavenly Lock on his hand: "If you want to plead for it, such words will not achieve your goal."

"[Why should I plead for it?]" The little goddess tilted her head: "[This kind of half-hearted divine creation may be controlled by others at any time, so it is better to completely eliminate it.]"

"What a joke, you are willing to... Hey!" Young Gil was about to say anything, but he saw "Ishtar" setting up his bow and arrow, and was about to shoot a destructive light arrow at the cow, and he hurriedly fired He forcefully waved the chain and moved the cow away from its original position.

Bang! !

Without hesitation, Guangya left the string and directly made a huge hole where the "Bull of Heaven" had been. The hole was unknown how deep it was, and it was impossible to see the bottom at a glance.

"Moo! Moo!" The Bull of Heaven cried out in horror. After struggling with all his strength, even his original red and crazy eyes changed back.

"[You don't know how you went crazy? Then there's no way to guarantee that you won't go crazy next time?]" Ishtar looked at the cow and said as if he was having a conversation with it, and at the same time he put it on the bow string. A new light arrow: "[Immune after being controlled once? I don't believe it, just kill it.]"

"Moo~" The huge size of the Bull of Heaven suddenly shrank, and finally became only the size of an ordinary calf. It ignored the chains tied to its hooves and jumped behind Young Gil. The blond boy subconsciously stretched out his hand to block the light. On the predetermined trajectory.

"[Tsk, ]" the little goddess sighed and put away the light arrow: "[Now it is the 'god' who wants to destroy Uruk, but you still insist on keeping the 'god-created thing' that cannot be called life, I They are also very busy, and it is impossible to come to the rescue in time every time.】"

"Huh?" Young Gil seemed to realize something was wrong: "You are not Ishtar, who are you?"

"[Hey...]" "Ishtar" sighed slightly, and did not explain. He just turned his gaze to Ryunosuke and Mash: "[Before leaving, I will give you three suggestions: Don't express your hatred to those who have hatred in your heart." Understand; do not express agreement to those who are happy; do not express appreciation to those who are painful.】"

What's the meaning?

"Sneeze!" Before Ryunosuke could understand the meaning of these words, he saw that the black mist that was coming suddenly stopped, and those surrounding Ishtar instantly disappeared downwards. These two actions caused the little The goddess trembled, and then sneezed directly.

The next moment, a rather familiar shout came from the little girl's mouth:

"Damn Gilgamesh! Let go of my cow!"

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