The Collection of The End

Chapter 991 Prologue to the End and the Beginning (5)


"You said it yourself, you can kill this cow."

"If it tramples on someone, of course it will kill it, but now Kuta's guys haven't even hurt a hair! Give it back to me!"

"But if I hadn't protected it, you would have killed it yourself."

"You saw it wrong before, didn't you? It's very troublesome to resurrect it!"

At this time, Ryunosuke and Mashu had returned to the main city of Uruk with the young Gil and Ishtar, and the "Bull of the Sky", which was originally quite huge but was now just the size of an ordinary calf, was also taken by the blond boy. Arrive at his palace.

Ishtar continued to beg to no avail, and the young Gil, who was staying in the palace at this time, refused to leave, and the two parties started to quarrel like real children.

Prime Minister Tosaka and Chief Priest Siduli were obviously used to this. They were discussing something on the side of the palace, talking and laughing, completely ignoring the tense goddess and king.

"Goddess Ishtar seems not to have noticed that she has been 'replaced' by anyone, and regards all the actions of the previous 'person' as her own subjective actions." Mashu said quietly to Ryunosuke.

"Ah, that's right. She just took out the 'Free Haven' very naturally and drove back. She didn't even think about how she could suddenly drive." Ryuzosuke nodded.

"Could it be another senior..." Mashu guessed hesitantly.

"Well, it's possible, but she shouldn't be in any danger now. Rather, she's very safe. We can even ask the goddess to send us a message." Ryunosuke agreed.

After all, this is the "Age of Mythology". If the quality of ordinary people is the same as modern times, then it is impossible for Uruk soldiers alone to block the attacks of monsters and beasts. It is not possible to have a few more Gilgamesh. fixed.

The most intuitive example is that when Ryunosuke was restraining and killing the "Bull of the Sky", Kuta's defenders had already struggled to block the raid of the monsters outside the wall. Although the "Goddess of Death" was assisting, it was enough. Prove their quality.

This directly leads to the fact that if the servants Lin Hao incarnates this time are of average strength, they may not even be able to defeat ordinary soldiers, and it will be difficult to protect themselves in the "fight between gods" between all parties.

However, if she is directly possessed by one of the most powerful goddesses of the current era [Ereshkigal, the Goddess of Death], her safety is well guaranteed, even if she intends to act as randomly as "Fuyuki ten years ago\

,"It is impossible to overtake the goddess in terms of control.

However, what do those three sentences she specifically conveyed mean?

No, wait, "with joy"...

Ryunosuke looked at the young Gil on the throne, and as expected, saw a little hidden pleasure in his red eyes.

So is Ishtar herself the only one seriously quarreling now?

But what does “no consent” mean?


A subtle cracking sound sounded. When Ryunosuke followed the sound, he found that the sound came from the focus of the dispute between young Gil and Ishtar, the Bull of Heaven that was tied to the pillar behind the palace. At this time, the "Heavenly Bull" on it The "lock" has been broken, and what appears next to it inexplicably is "Enkidu", who had a relationship with him, green hair and golden eyes, wearing a large white clothes.

When did this guy sneak in? Ryuzosuke didn't have time to think about it, and charged towards him faster than the other guards could react.

It doesn’t have to be killing, but at least it has to be left behind——


The Bull of Heaven's eyes turned red again, and his body instantly returned to the size of a giant palace. He jumped directly upwards, smashed through the roof of the palace, and flew away with "Enkidu" all the way.


"There is no doubt that all divine creations within the walls of Uruk must be cleared away!"

Gilgamesh, who was covered in golden armor, had his hair standing on end, and had fierce eyes, said this.

"Are you going to throw yourself out, you idiot? Just check everything that could be controlled."

Wearing a cloth hat and robe, with an ax in his left hand and a book in his right hand, Gilgamesh retorted lightly with disdain on his face.

"If you ask me, to sum it up, just check Ishtar's creations, and throw out the ones that are suspicious."

Gilgamesh, a small boy who was holding a golden chain broken into two parts with one eye closed and not knowing what he was thinking, made a suggestion.

Because the roof of the palace of young Gil was lifted off by the bull from the sky, the place where the three Gilgamesh discussed countermeasures was in the palace of "Gilgamesh of Caster".

Since the Bull of Heaven did indeed belong to Ishtar, the little goddess was excluded from this meeting, even though she was very dissatisfied.

In addition, dealing with the unknown enemy's obstruction of the young Gil's "complete history" by controlling divine artifacts is just one of many issues. They also have to manage the municipal administration of Uruk's franchised cities, arrange multiple sections of city wall defense, and plan production. Economic plans, etc.

"Ryuunosuke, what's your opinion?" Tosaka asked in a test tone as he approached the entrance of the palace - since he initially recognized the teacher-student relationship, he stopped addressing Ryunosuke. A slightly unfamiliar "Mr."

"I think...well." Ryunosuke was about to choose one of the three options, but suddenly paused.

[Do not express your consent to those who are happy].

There is no doubt that all three Gilgamesh are "joyful", that is to say, their views are all wrong.

And after denying everything in their agenda, all that's left is...

"The students want to check all the divinely created things in the city of Uruk that do not belong to Ishtar and that seem unlikely to be controlled." Ryunosuke concluded.

"Oh?" Tosaka looked slightly surprised: "Since the plans of the three kings may be part of the other party's plan, the idea of ​​finding another way is not bad, but have you ever thought about what this condition points to in the first place?"

"What is it?" Ryuzosuke had a vague premonition of something bad.

"Of course -" Tosaka stretched out his arms and drew a wide circle around him: "The wall that protects Uruk from being captured."


"This city wall is really controllable..." Tosaka said with emotion as he sat in the back seat of the "Free Haven" and watched the wild and prosperous scenery on both sides of the car retreat at high speed.

Since Ishtar was unable to clear her own suspicions in the "Heavenly Bull Incident", the entire god has been controlled by the goddess Ningsun. The responsibility of inspecting the gods' creations in Uruk fell to Ryunosuke and Ma Xiu Xiu, so she simply returned the car.

No matter what Ryuuzhisuke thinks, the Goddess Ning Sun is an ordinary strong woman. In modern times, she is a Fortune 500 executive. But since the three Gilgamesh call her mother, they can only Can be treated as real.

In addition, because this inspection involved Gilgamesh himself, Young Gil did not participate. Without the goddess, Siduri was so busy that she hit her on the back of the head, so she had to ask Tosaka to take some time to accompany him.

As for the results of the inspection, they were not too unexpected:

As the patron saint of Uruk, Ishtar's wanton actions and random creations can be said to be everywhere, and his control is also quite unstable. If they are all controlled by the person behind Enkidu and the Bull of Heaven, It is indeed enough to make the entire city of Uruk restless. If activated at a critical moment, it is likely to cause certain sections of the city wall to fall. As for the upper and lower sections of the city wall, as defensive facilities built by Gilgamesh himself, control is firmly in his hands. In the hands of the Ancient King, there is no room for anyone to interfere.

If the investigation ends here, it will completely confirm the speculation that Ishtar is the mastermind behind the scenes or is being used by others. Her usual mischief and her acceptance by the "Three Goddesses Alliance" can also be used as ironclad evidence.

The two "Gilgamesh" may not know that Ishtar is wronged, but out of their disgust for her and their confidence in their own control, they will work hard to promote this result. In a two-on-one situation, and this " If "One" is in the form of a boy, it will be a foregone conclusion that Ishtar and her creations will be driven out of Uruk.

——If [Ereshkigal] did not appear.

She explicitly warns: "Do not give consent to those who are happy," which means that no matter what conclusion Gilgamesh makes, he must deny it.

The words she said based on the two achievements of "saving the entire population of Kuta" and "preventing that section of the city wall from being breached" were definitely not performances, everyone has to weigh them.

In this way, further inferences are very interesting.

If the enemy's purpose is to drive away all the divine creations and remnants of Ishtar's divine power, what is the purpose? After all, these powers, like their masters, are chaotic and disobedient to anyone, and any attempt to intervene will result in them fighting back with all their strength.

Combining this with Gilgamesh's other statement "he can completely control the city wall" and the attributes of Enkidu, Humbaba, and the Bull of Heaven in previous incidents, we come to a somewhat incredible, but very terrifying conclusion:

The person behind the scenes plans to get rid of Ishtar, the divine power that must confront him, and then bypass Gilgamesh in some way, control the city wall that serves as the "upper and lower eyelids", and then make this "eye" blink. .

During the time when Ryunosuke drove on the "Upper Eyelid" wall, Tosaka had completely confirmed that this kind of "control" was possible.

Rather, the previous control of Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven was planned for this purpose.

But, how to break the situation? If the status quo is maintained, as long as the opponent does not act for a day, the pressure on Ishtar will be greater. Although the little goddess may not care about this kind of pressure from mortals, we cannot rule out the possibility of her suddenly losing her temper. In fact, If you can't go back and make her sneeze...


Swish swish——

"Senior, be careful!"

The convertible was speeding along a flat city wall, when seventeen or eight sharp gold and silver chains suddenly appeared in the air in front of them, pointing directly at the three people in the car.

Mashu exclaimed and stood up, raised his shield and knocked away several chains that were coming towards the driver's seat, but the vehicle itself also spun due to the sudden stall.

What's even weirder is that even though there is nothing on the wall, the vehicle keeps shaking and vibrating as if it keeps hitting something.

"The silent sapphire will dispel all illusions!" Tosaka raised his cane and knocked hard on the edge of the vehicle.


Along with a burst of diffuse blue light, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

The originally broad and flat city wall has become pitted, and a small part of the inner part has even collapsed. It is those irregular bumps that make the vehicle bump.

The cause of the collapse was the "Bull of Heaven" who was under the city wall, his eyes red, and he didn't seem to care about the fatigue and pain as he hit the city wall hard.

The one who projected the chains was "Enkidu" who was standing on the high battlements, staring at the car with cold and angry eyes. He saw that the first wave of chains missed, and after retracting it, he Without hesitation, the second wave was aimed at "Free Haven".


Ryunosuke tried his best to pour magic into the convertible he was driving - especially the brake pads. He narrowly stopped the car before the rain of chains fell, and then without saying a word, he picked up the invisible golden sword and jumped out of the car. .

Jingle bell!

As expected, at a position closer to "Enkidu", the speed of attacking and retracting the chains became faster and faster, but Ryunosuke, who had expected it, not only blocked them, but also attacked "Enkidu" He rushed a few steps closer.

"Wise topaz, please protect my friends!" "Bright ruby, burn my enemies!" Behind Ryuzosuke, Tosaka jumped out of the car with quick movements and raised the gemstone cane he was holding again. The magic power in the two gems was quickly activated at a speed that would bite the tongue of an ordinary person.

While he summoned three rotating khaki shields beside Ryunosuke, a huge fireball flew towards "Enkidu". During the period, several other chains tried to attack Tosaka, but they were blocked by him. Ma Xiu blocked it steadily.


Several more chains flew out from Enkidu's back, clearly breaking Tosaka's fireball and blocking Ryunosuke's invisible sword, but he himself took a few steps back, obviously unable to block it. Not easy.

"Are you an octopus?" Ryunosuke couldn't help but complained.

"..." "Enkidu" was obviously not in a joking mood. He glared at him coldly and jumped off the city wall, landing right on the head of the Bull of Heaven.

"You won't be so lucky next time, nosy [Chaldea]." "Enkidu" pressed on the cow's head, and somehow communicated, the red light in the eyes of the bull in the sky It became much darker, and then gave up hitting the city wall, carrying the green-haired boy and flying far to the northwest.

"Hmm..." Tosaka walked to the edge of the collapsed city wall with his walking stick and looked at it: "By arranging illusions to destroy the city wall to interrupt the king's control over it? And because the attack came from within, it did not trigger an alarm. It is indeed very serious. Smart move, but it looks like Wang’s job is about to increase again.”

Speaking of which... Ryunosuke frowned and thought: After we arrived at this singularity, did we ever claim to be "from Chaldea"?

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