The Collection of The End

Chapter 992 Prologue to the End and the Beginning (6)


"[Stupid Gilgamesh! Do you know what you are doing!]"

"I'm beating you, you idiot!"

What is roaring is a giant monster that is as big as a hill. Her upper body is a woman with purple hair and golden eyes and a furious expression. Her lower body is the tail of a golden python. Her hands turn into black claws, and there are eight more protruding from behind. A giant red and black snake head with a pair of bright golden bird wings on its shoulders.

She, or he, is one of the three goddess alliances, and is also the goddess of warcraft [Gorgon] who is most active in destroying Uruk.

And standing on a golden boat, the same height as it, talking or scolding Gorgon, is naturally [Gilgamesh] from Archer's job.

Ryunosuke was driving a convertible with Mash and young Gil watching the battle from a distance, waiting for an opportunity to intervene to help. However, it was obvious that both Gorgon's size and Gilgamesh's current height were his. current obstacles to participating in the war.

The reason why Uruk is like this is undoubtedly due to the fact that Uruk has been tricked by the people behind Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven. The young Gil and Gilgamesh of Caster are still fine, but Archer The King of Uruk was furious.

He didn't care whether the direction to the northwest where the Bull of Heaven left was misleading, he directly pulled Huizhou out of the King's Treasure House, and used [E·A] to wash the ground along the way while heading towards the northwest monster lair.

Obviously, it wasn't that he couldn't do this before, but he was just disdainful of it out of arrogance, and was passively sabotaging his work with an attitude of waiting to see what other tricks the enemy could come up with. But this time after using all his strength out of rage, The magic power is consumed too much, and it is possible that he will no longer be able to stay in this world.

As for the guards on the city wall, they were hesitant at first and didn't know what to do, but they soon received an order from Gilgamesh, a Caster agent, asking them to continue to hold on if they lacked mobility and could drive chariots or horses. The soldiers followed Hui Zhou and advanced to the front.

Naturally, Ryuunosuke and his convertible, who are currently the most mobile, are also on the attack.

By the way, after clarifying the misunderstanding, Ishtar, who was released by Ning Sun, lost his temper and said that he would "destroy Uruk for you to see", so Tosaka and Siduli had to stay together to coax them. She, so the companion this time became young Jill again.


Even when they were quarreling, these two rivals with huge disparities in size did not forget to take action. The eyes of the eight snake heads behind Gorgon turned red.

At the same time, he drew a laser-like purple beam from his mouth and swept it towards Gilgamesh's Kaguya, but the latter just waved a red wave without expression and smashed them all to pieces.

"[You idiot! It's your fault that the age of mythology ended!]" Gorgon continued to roar.

"Ah, really?" The golden King of Uruk's indifferent red eyes flashed with sarcasm: "If this causes you 'monsters' to no longer be able to call yourself 'gods' and disappear forever in my garden. , I would be happy to do it a few more times."

"[Stupid! Do you think you can be alone after doing such a thing? Downgrading from God to human, from magic to magic, this kind of thing will not stop as soon as it starts! One day, you will also rot with it !]" Gorgon was obviously extremely angry. In addition to the purple light, the new round of attacks also included a large number of flying feathers scattered by the pair of wings on her back.

"Hahaha! It makes me so happy to see you gods so angry!" The EA in Gilgamesh's hand even condensed into a red beam of light, and with his movements, he lightly swept away all the attacks. But it couldn't have much impact on Gorgon's body.

"Well...Actually, this matter is not incomprehensible," young Gil said thoughtfully as Ryunosuke drove away from the aftermath of a purple light: "After the gods disappeared, some strange races and organizations began to unify They conquered the world and conquered each other, and when they too died, humans almost destroyed themselves and left my king’s garden in a mess.”

Did he see the sixth singularity? Ryuzosuke glanced at him in his busy schedule, and was slightly surprised when he saw that Young Gil was really thoughtful. Didn't he agree with that sentence now?

【Don't show understanding to those who harbor hatred. 】

Gorgon is a goddess no matter what. Even if she is full of hatred for the end of the mythical age, she will definitely be able to recognize Gilgamesh in the sky as a heroic spirit, and there is no need for her to say anything to a heroic spirit - even if he comes from the future.

Then the conclusion is obvious. The target of her words is Yougil. If the future king of Uruk does not oppose the divine authority, even if the Three Goddess Alliance is defeated, this singularity will remain dormant rather than disappear. It is absolutely impossible for Ryunosuke, Mashu and Lin Hao, who is in a delicate situation, to wait for him to grow up and repair the singularity again.

"King Gilgamesh," Ryunosuke said to him while driving: "Your mother should also be a goddess. Has she ever stopped you from doing things to 'end the age of the gods' in the future?"

"Of course not," the blond boy raised his eyebrows, "If my mother objects, I won't do it so directly."

"So, in your opinion, if the Age of Gods is not ended, can my future self coexist harmoniously with the other gods of the Sumerian pantheon?" Ryunosuke asked again.

"That's absolutely impossible!" Young Gil replied decisively.

"So -" Ryunosuke prolonged his words slightly, but did not finish the words. Instead, he left this question to Young Gil to ponder on his own.

If Gilgamesh's actions would destroy the Age of Mythology, who would be the first to know?

Of course it was not the Sumerian god Anu (An), but Gilgamesh’s mother Rimat Ninsun. She did not stop Gilgamesh’s actions even though she knew that they would eventually affect her. There can only be one reason: Gilgamesh, as a demigod, is arrogant and has no possibility of living in harmony with the gods who naturally despise him.

Therefore, in order to protect her son, even though she might lose her power and be rejected by the world, she still tried her best to ensure that Gilgamesh's move to "end the age of the gods" could be successfully completed.

"Hehehehe..." Young Gil didn't know if he had thought of this. He covered his face with one hand and laughed sinisterly. The red eyes between his fingers were particularly scary.


Gorgon was defeated.

The sight of a mountain-like entity turning into golden light and dissipating was quite shocking, and the monster that saw this scene turned around and ran away without hesitation.

In fact, Gilgamesh, who was employed by Archer, was enraged and used EA to sweep around World of Warcraft and was already defeated. However, the King of Uruk seemed to want to obtain some information, so he pretended to fight her like that. Long.

"Ha, it's interesting. The guy who controls Humbaba, the Bull of Heaven, and the city wall is not her or her subordinates." Gilgamesh, Archer's agent, was also surrounded by golden light spots that meant he was about to disappear, but his expression was confused. He didn't care, still analyzing the situation: "Could it be Quetzalcoatl from the south? But she doesn't have the authority over the earth and magical beasts... Huh, damn divine suppression. In short, I helped you deal with your strongest enemy. If so If you still lose, just jump into Hades yourself.”

Eventually, the future King of Uruk laughed and disappeared.

The soldiers who followed from the city didn't dare to look or comment, and began to clean up the monster's lair and rebuild the town in an orderly manner, although they were basically in ruins because they had been occupied by monsters for too long.

"We may really have to go to the underworld," Young Gil said after thinking carefully: "Ishtar is just a joke. Quetzalcoatl is an animal god and does not care about God's creation. The guy behind the scenes should be with the mistress of the underworld. ——Oh, Ereshkigal is a participant in the Three Goddess Alliance, you should know that, right?"

We already knew that…

Ryunosuke couldn't help but say this, and asked instead: "Then how to get there? It can't have a normal entrance, right?"

"If you want to enter the method, other than really dying, you have to dig in hard and have the goddess personally guide you." Youjier responded.

"..." Ryunosuke began to consider the feasibility of returning to Uruk to make Ishtar sneeze.

"Senior, look!" Ma Xiu suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

When Ryunosuke followed the sound and left, he saw that part of the golden light spots when Gorgon disappeared gathered on his car. Then, the plants that seemed to have withered and withered suddenly became energetic like a long drought. .

Not only that, their leaves and rhizomes also began to enlarge and deform, continuously extending upward and converging, eventually turning the original "convertible" into an "armored vehicle", and the glass windows used to act as glass windows were unknown. Where did they get it, a dozen gems that had been abruptly changed in shape.

"It seems to have been taken away and released by 'Ishtar'. The gem was probably brought out at that time, but this shape..." Ryunosuke stretched out his hand and knocked, and there was a sound from "carriage" and "roof" The thunk of metal being struck.

"It's a personal invitation from the mistress of Hades," Young Gil said in admiration with his eyes widened: "As soon as you say it, it comes true, so I decided to treat her better."


"Sister, have you ever seen the guy who controls Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven?" Young Gil put on a cute smile and said to [Ereshkigal].

Your attitude is too nice! And that’s obviously Ishtar’s face! Why can you call me sister without any pressure?

Ryunosuke was parking the car nearby and almost skidded when he heard this.

There is nothing to talk about in the process of going down to the underworld. Perhaps because of the invitation from the goddess of death, the "armored car" has its own considerate "virtualization" ability. It randomly found a downhill road and entered the underworld, but it was empty. Apart from the fact that the car was moving downwards, the road surface could not be seen clearly at all.

In this process, a total of seven unusually huge gray-black stone doors passed through. Perhaps it was an illusion. Every time he passed through a stone door, Ryunosuke felt that the surroundings became colder. When he reached the last floor and saw the real ground, The body temperature is at least ten degrees lower than the ground.

The deepest part of Hades is an undulating terrain similar to hills. The ground is dark and solid, but it is full of pits. There are many low plants that may or may not glow in the corners and crevices, and more of them are scattered throughout the field of vision. There are many vertical birdcages, and there are things that look like balls of light imprisoned inside them, and I don’t know what they are.

The mistress of Hades [Ereshkigal] is sitting on a dark throne in the middle of these cages. Her appearance is similar to Ishtar, but she looks older and her clothes are more elegant and older. She was very windy, and her expression was much colder, with no resemblance to "Lin Hao" or the "Goddess of Death" she had seen on the surface.

[Are you looking for ‘Nergal’? It's a pity that he escaped while I was exchanging with Ishtar last time. 】

The goddess of death opened her mouth to respond to Young Gil's question. The sound came from all directions, and the source of the sound could not be discerned.

"'God of Plague' Nergal?" Yougil seemed a little surprised and somewhat enlightened, "Yes, if this guy is acting in the name of the goddess, everything will be explained."

[He calls himself...'Leif'. 】The goddess's words were interrupted for a long time. It seemed that she was busy dealing with other issues and temporarily changed her attention halfway through the words, but the information in her words was still very important.

That's right. Leif himself has three incarnations: past, present, and future. Ryunosuke and his team were wiped out in the "present" in 2004, and the "future" was wiped out in the future wasteland, leaving only the "past" in this mythical era. ".

"Sister, do you know where he went?" Young Gil continued to put on a smile and be cute - although he may not know what being cute means.

[In Tiamat on the Persian Gulf. ] Ereshki Gal briefly raised his eyes and looked at the surface.

"This..." Young Gil held his head and whirled around: "So that's it, that's it!"

How is it? Ryunosuke waited for a while but saw no response, so he directly asked the goddess: "Okay?"

At that moment, Ryuzosuke swore that he saw the expression of the goddess of the underworld change. It was a "troublesome" expression. The next moment, the goddess's eyes suddenly closed, and at the same time, Lin Hao's voice came from her mouth: "Ryunosuke?"

Although the goddess is willing to let the possessed person come out to speak, it does not mean that it can be normal, so Ryunosuke immediately asked at a high speed: "What is your situation now? What did Nergal do? Tiamat again what happened?"

Lin Hao also understood this and immediately responded: "I'm fine. The goddess is busy dealing with the dead throughout Sumer. It's easy to delay things if distracted. Nergal, the god of plague, is here to challenge the goddess and propose marriage." , was knocked over and put into a cage. He escaped by picking the lock while the goddess was going to the mortal world, and then went to the sea to find Tiamat."

Tiamat, she is not so much a god as the world itself. Her status is roughly the same as Pangu of Country C. If the world itself wants to destroy life in the world...

[If you are defeated, lead her to Kuta. 】

Ereshkigal opened one eye and said.

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