The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 51 Chapter 51 Lu Bu cuts through the mess with a sharp sword, worthy of...

Lu Bu cut through the mess with one swift stroke, which was an instant success.

With just a cup of tea, he calmed down all the officials who were uneasy due to the rebellion of Grand Sima Zhou Yin, and made the turbulent undercurrent disappear invisible.

Seeing that the cheap man seemed to be stunned and doing nothing, Lu Bu chuckled, and the cold and indifferent look in his brows suddenly turned into a sly expression: "Brother Han, you've worked hard, isn't it too late for Bu to respond?"

Brother Han smiled slightly and joked: "Brother Xian ran back and forth, easily killed the rebel leader with a magic shot, and still had to take charge of the overall situation, so he didn't feel it was hard. But Brother Fool just took a nap in the camp, so how could it be said that it was hard?" tired?"

Lu Bu shook his head, feeling proud in his heart, and reluctantly said humbly: "If the person in charge was not Brother Han, how could Bu dare to leave so lightly."

He was told to hurry up and hurry up, because he was afraid that if he came back at night, everyone would be gone.

Han Xin saw that although his eyes were still shining, his face could not hide his fatigue. He couldn't help but feel a little heartbroken, and advised: "Everything is over for now, my dear brother, you should go and have a rest quickly."

"Not urgent."

Lu Bu wiped the remaining water stains on his face haphazardly and stood up absentmindedly. The next moment he suddenly realized that he was still wearing a wet battle suit. He couldn't help but frown and ordered someone to change into clean clothes.

When the robe was brought back, he had something on his mind and didn't bother to avoid Han Xin or let his servants serve him. He just took off his wet clothes in front of him and put on dry clothes boldly. .

After changing into clean clothes, he did not sit down again, but walked up to Han Xin and said with piercing eyes: "Bu has entrusted me with a heavy responsibility. I hope Brother Han will not refuse."

His attitude was solemn. Han Xin did not hesitate and said sternly: "Whenever a wise brother invites me, even though my foolish brother is not very talented, it is my duty to do so."

Seeing that his cheap brother was so successful, Lu Bu was satisfied and put his hand on Han Xin's left shoulder naturally: "To be honest, Bu Fang just led his army to march westward. Because he was worried about the incident in Xianyang, he couldn't wait for Liu Mouse to come." He has returned. However, this thief is old, cunning, cautious, and has been plotting against Xianyang for a long time. I'm afraid he may have another trick, so please be careful, Brother Han."

With me personally taking action, Xianyang is in turmoil. It's really easy to capture it!

Lu Bu looked calm and composed, admiring the results of the battle, and felt really proud in his heart.

Seeing as it is rare for a fool to have the discerning eye to single out me for this important position, I simply rewarded him generously.

It also made him realize from now on that I have extraordinary abilities... which are definitely not comparable to the small defeat in the bare-handed fight that day.

Han Xin still sighed in his heart as he was completely unaware of the fact that his wise brother had already raised his tail secretly.

Although when he saw Xiandi traveling between Ziwu Daokou and Xianyang so quickly, he guessed that the opponent probably failed to fight the Han army, but after hearing that it was because he was "concerned about the incident in Xianyang", he still My heart felt warm.

He knew clearly that the reason why the wise brother gave up his personal hatred and hurriedly led his army back was not because he did not trust his ability to lead troops in war.

This decision was made after careful consideration and in order to reduce the loss of the Chu army's elite.

Han Xin was not afraid of the commander-in-chief Zhou Yin, who had no knowledge of military affairs and had no military knowledge. He had many times his own number of soldiers. If the general was like this, he was just a leaderless and rabble-rousing group.

Only in this way, due to Zhou Yin's order, the two armies will inevitably clash in the end.

The longer the battle lasts, the greater the loss of troops on either side will be, and the greater the disadvantage will be to Chu.

Not to mention that there are still fishermen waiting around outside the pass and inside the pass, ready to take advantage of the opportunity.

Now, with his divine archery ability, the wise brother flew out that shocking arrow and shot Zhou Yin to death on the spot. Then he used the king's sword, Long Yuan, to frighten the entire army and win their submission. Finally, he was able to take over the capital in a logical manner. It is the best choice.

——Only a wise brother who has both courage and strategy, and is decisive and firm in making decisions can implement this strategy.

Lu Bu didn't know that Han Xin didn't say a word, but secretly praised him in his heart, murmuring to himself: "The city has been roughly tidied up, but a rat named Sui He was still caught in the tavern, looking at him with a sly look, talking nonsense, and... If he wants to find a way to escape, he must be the lobbyist sent by the old thief Liu... I have put him in prison and kept him company in that manhole, so that these two too smart people know that their "treacherous" plan has failed and that Old Liu The thieves couldn't settle down well, and they were so angry that they almost died..."

His deliberate mischief really made Han Xin laugh.

He then heard Lu Bu's change of subject and came up with his plan: "But that old thief Liu is very cunning. Now that he has united all forces, this battle will not be over for a while. Your Majesty also has an impatient temper and is prone to fighting." Those who are quick to fight do not know the importance of preserving granaries and troops. If they fail to attack a fortress, they are not likely to commit the bad habit of massacring cities and killing prisoners to vent their anger. They always need people-" Lu Bu was so dangerous that he stopped him and "blow his brains out so he can wake up." After swallowing the word, he reluctantly changed his words and said: "Stay on the side and give advice."

These words may sound superficial, but they are actually the lessons Lu Bu has learned through blood and tears in his previous life.

Without a solid base, there would be no stable supply of military rations, and one would always have to run around, with no guarantee of survival.

Even if there are tigers and wolves, and ten thousand people are not brave enough, what can they do?

At the end of the day, the competition is not about the strength of the troops, but about which side's food and salary can withstand losses better.

Lu Bu suffered from the hardships of insufficient food and grass, hard-to-replacement of troops, and lack of support from the people. Now that he knew that it was difficult for the princes to gather together to fight against the enemy, if he did not want to become a stupid elephant bitten to death by ants, he needed to wake up to carefully manage and consolidate rear.

The land in Guanzhong has a large population and vast hectares of fertile farmland. It is surrounded by four fortresses and is obviously easy to defend but difficult to attack.

It is crucial for such a land to have food and people.

How can we let the enemy take away our territory?

Moreover, Xianyang lies between Hangu Pass and Hanzhong. As long as this place is blocked for one day, the grain and grass that Liu Mouse plundered in Bashu or Hanzhong will definitely not be able to be transported out.

The troops of the princes seemed to have high morale at the moment, but in Lu Bu's eyes, it was just because they caught Xiang Hanzi off guard and took advantage of the Chu army's underestimation of the enemy to conquer Zhao, Qi, and Yan in one go.

But although Xiang Hanzi is not very smart, he is brave and invincible in the world.

Moreover, the damage to the Chu land seemed serious due to the burning, killing and "rebellion" by Yingbu's army, but compared to the vastness of the land, the vitality was actually not damaged.

The Chu army who vowed to attack went out for revenge. At this moment, new hatreds were added to old hatreds, and they were ashamed of the blood traitors. They were fighting on their own soil and were familiar with the terrain, so their morale must have been unprecedentedly high.

To pursue the Yingbu and Wu Rui armies alone, there would be no need to mobilize the entire Chu army.

As long as the overlord is not too stupid and realizes that he only needs to send one or two powerful generals to pursue him, he can personally stabilize the area around the old capital of Chu and make some repairs, then he can regain his strength and find openings to defeat them one by one, thereby taking back the three lands. .

The experience and lessons that Lu Bu spent his life and fortune on were immediately recognized by Han Xin as soon as he uttered them.

So Lu Bu made a decisive decision and left Han Xin in Xianyang, the capital of Chu, to guard with Zhang Han to prevent Xiaoxiao from causing another "rebellion"; he still took only 5,000 soldiers from the trapped camp and advanced eastward.

There are two reasons why he did not choose to stay alone and sent troops to reinforce Han Xin.

First, Han Xin's military skills are currently only known to him. Xiang Hanzi is tall, but his brain is not very good. He is really stupid and ignorant. I'm afraid that if the soldiers are sent there, they will only be used as cooks. How can they be of real use? It's really a waste of natural resources.

But staying in Xianyang, with the old Qin soldiers obediently helping to shake the field, and Zhang Han being easy to bully, Han Xin could show off his talents and do whatever he wanted.

Secondly, this trip was ostensibly to reinforce the battlefield in the east, but actually we wanted to be on guard against the stupid king who would go on a killing spree in anger and make unintended moves, ruining his important mission.

Who else in the world, besides him, would be willing to injure himself to fight against that strange and reckless man in Wu Jian?

Recalling the injuries he suffered from impulse that day, Lu Bu still felt a dull pain in his body.


And it would be a pity to miss the opportunity to catch Liu Mouse.

However, given the opponent's cunning and uncanny ability to escape - knowing that Zhou Yin was about to be executed and Xianyang was pacified, the old Liu thief, who was sure that his way forward would be blocked, would retreat to Hanzhong again before a terrible attack could happen. If you take advantage of the opportunity, you will not act rashly.

Lu Bu knew that he had missed a good opportunity. Instead of staying there and looking at the mouse from afar, which he didn't know where to hide, and getting more angry, it would be better to find someone else to vent his anger on.

Han Xin didn't know that his wise brother had this plan, but seeing that he had made up his mind, he hesitated to say anything, so he swallowed the persuasion that was on his lips and made up his mind.

Not knowing anything about this cheap man's plan, Lu Bu just waited for the heavy rain that had been falling all night to stop, then braved the continuous drizzle in the morning, broke through the hazy morning fog, led his army eastward, and rushed to Dongchu with great vigor. Go to the land.

To his surprise, the army had just left Hangu Pass, and after marching for the first twenty miles, they ran into a large group of troops.

Lu Bu's eyesight was astonishing, and the jade lion beneath him had the fastest feet, so he could vaguely make out the figure of the army ahead through the thick fog on the opposite side.

Looking at the armor pattern on the soldiers, they should be Wei soldiers...

He was stunned for a moment, his eyes rolled, thunderbolts flashed in his mind, and he understood everything instantly.


I originally thought that the one who was staring at Xianyang was Liu Bang, that thief, but I didn't expect that there was a group of smart-alecks who were also eyeing this fat piece of meat, rushing to get a share of the pie!

Lu Bu's eyes were shining and he was gearing up.

How can we still encounter such good things?

As I was walking along this road, a group of silly fat sheep came to my door!

Unfortunately, this Wei army set out from the east of Hedong three days ago. It was originally vigorous and high-spirited, waiting to receive the benefits of the fishermen and carve up the results of the Guanzhong land with the Han army.

But halfway through the journey, they were hit by the downpour, and because they were in the middle of a mountain road, there was nowhere to hide. Everyone was soaked like a drowned rat, with listless faces.

The night rain was already cold, and there was a strong wind. The 20,000 Wei troops wearing wet clothes and marching in the mud shivered, and their marching speed slowed down significantly.

Under normal circumstances, it only took two days to reach the distance. Even though General Bai Zhi urged them to hurry up, they still walked for three days before they finally arrived.

Just thinking that Hangu Pass was not far ahead, the Wei soldiers tried their best to cheer up and move forward faster. Unexpectedly, the thick snow-white fog in front of them was suddenly dispersed, and a group of Chu soldiers who looked like wolves and tigers rushed out. ! ! !

Lü Bu was overjoyed to see that the Wei army was in a state of silence and was unaware of their presence, so he simply led his troops and charged forward to kill them.

Five thousand strong cavalry versus 20,000 infantry and chariots. If they were fully prepared for a head-on confrontation, the latter would still be able to fight.

But now he was killed without any defense. One moment he was walking tiredly, and the next moment he was swarmed by ferocious Chu soldiers...

The front army didn't even see anyone clearly, and was instantly defeated by the cavalry. They fled in all directions crying for their fathers and mothers, almost thinking that an evil ghost had come to this world.

The rear army saw the front army in inexplicable chaos. Although they didn't know the specific situation, they were frightened when they heard the wails one after another.

Bai Zhi, who was in charge of the central army, was shocked when he saw a sudden "commotion" ahead and a group of evil stars came out.

However, he was not slow to react and immediately reorganized his formation to meet the enemy.

The Chu general of the Jade Lion has been arrogantly waving the Fangtian painted halberd, sweeping away thousands of troops alone, smashing the formation that was finally organized into pieces.

Blood continued to splash on the face of the Chu general, and screams continued, but they could not stop his momentum for a moment.

What frightened Bai Zhi was that the Chu general suddenly raised his head and apparently caught the person giving the order. He immediately abandoned the enemy soldiers in front of him and rushed towards him to kill him!

But in the blink of an eye, General Chu had already charged forward.

Under Bai Zhi's horrified gaze, the Chu general who was close at hand was covered in blood, his handsome face was so cold and expressionless, and he waved the halberd in his hand without blinking!

Bai Zhi instinctively raised the gun body to block it, but the strong and lean Chu general was frighteningly powerful, and his seemingly indifferent swing was actually extremely powerful.

The moment the weapons connected, he felt his whole palm go numb.

He gritted his teeth and held on, but his arms refused to obey his command, and suddenly there was a sharp tearing pain.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye, and his scalp suddenly went numb - he was struck by that huge force, and his mouth was torn open!

Bai Zhi knew that once the weapon was thrown away, all that would be left was death. Even though the pain was unbearable, he still gritted his teeth and struggled to hold on to the weapon.

It's just that Bai Zhi wants to fight to the death, but Lu Bu is impatient to play with him any longer.

"Give me your name." Lu Bu looked down at Bai Zhi, who was sweating all over, and said indifferently: "I will kill that unknown general with my halberd!"

Bai Zhi gritted his teeth, subconsciously attracted by his momentum, and shouted: "Wei Jiang, Bai Zhi is here! What are you doing again-"

Lu Bu smiled scornfully and stabbed him arrogantly with his halberd: "It's your father, Lu Fengxian!"

A man as strong as him in martial arts will know the details as soon as they fight.

Since it was easy to see that this Bai Zhi was not an experienced fighter at all, he simply didn't bother to make any reservations when he started.

Even if he generously exploited his flaws, the other party would not be able to seize the opportunity. They could only parry in a helpless and futile way, allowing him to speed up his attack with all his might.

After a few rounds, Bai Zhi couldn't resist anymore. He looked embarrassed and asked Lu Bu to sweep him down with a halberd. With a move of his long and powerful shoulders and arms, he caught a tall man like an eagle's claws catching a chicken. On the lion's back.

Lu Bu was originally going to behead the enemy general as usual, but as soon as the sword was unsheathed, he suddenly changed his mind.

...After all, he is a Wei general who can lead 20,000 soldiers, so I might as well keep him for questioning.

Then with just one sharp punch, he knocked out the still struggling Bai Zhi, and threw him onto the horseback of the soldiers who came to rescue him. He said in a concise and concise manner: "Tie them up and take them with you."

Seeing their general being captured with their own eyes, the Wei soldiers, who were already stunned by the powerful soldiers that came out of thin air, lost all their morale.

Hearing the call for surrender from the fierce Chu general who looked like an evil star descending from the earth, they all put down their weapons and knelt down to beg for surrender.

Lu Bu had a deep expression on his face, and he stared at this group of terrified Wei soldiers for a moment, with their number more than double that of the trapped camp. He suddenly gave a crisp high-five and made a decision.

——So an hour later, Han Xin, who had just sent away his wise brother, received a rich gift from Wei prisoners in a dumbfounded way.

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