The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 52 Chapter 52 Lu Bu bullied the Wei army there...

Lu Bu tasted the sweetness of the Wei army that was extremely bullied. As he advanced eastwards, he always looked around in person, sent spies out to explore the road while setting up camp for repairs, and was always looking forward to the big fat sheep that would come again to deliver food.

Unfortunately, things didn't work as expected. After that, they only encountered a few scattered waves of enemy troops, none of which exceeded 5,000.

Lu Bu was not too shy either. Whenever he encountered someone, he would lead the charge diligently and devour all the prey like a wolf and a tiger.

After the soldiers' provisions and baggage were rolled up, he released the old, weak, sick and disabled prisoners on the spot. The remaining strong soldiers were strung up with ropes in a long row and placed in the middle of the army, surrounded by soldiers. .

He walked arrogantly and swaggering all the way through the market, with a leisurely attitude, except that he didn't put a big target on his forehead that said, "I'm not here to attack yet."

What made Lu Bu deeply regretful was that even though he tried so hard to provoke, he still failed to encounter a large enemy force again until the army entered the eastern border of Chu State.

The journey was very boring. Apart from Wei Baozi who sent off 20,000 people, there was no decent fun along the way. Lu Bu was really bored.

While he was disappointed, he was also full of doubts.

——Where have all the people gone?

What he had no way of knowing was that because the battles between Yan, Zhao and Qi went too smoothly, the princes' armies were afraid of the notorious Chu army and retreated.

Seeing that the Chu army was restrained by Tingbu and had no time to look north, the princes who had their own agendas became even more distracted. Secretly, they began to compete with each other to divide the victory, igniting the signs of internal strife.

The only ones who would be dissatisfied with this were Yingbu and Wu Rui, who were exhausted under the fierce pursuit of the angry Chu army's powerful cavalry.

However, their situation was too difficult. Even though they accidentally learned later that the princes had delayed attacking Chu and forcing Xiang Yu to return, it was because of their short-sightedness, short-sightedness and greed that they were in such a mess... except for a moment to catch their breath. There is no other way to scold my mother a few more times.

After Yingbu entered Jiujiang territory, things were slightly better, but as a king, he was chased away like a bereaved dog in his own territory. It was really shameless and his life could not be saved.

He really regretted acting impulsively, and even more hated Liu Bang for giving him such a bad idea - if it hadn't been for the envoy's swearing, and his words were better than his singing, how could he have fallen for this big trick and actually took the lead in stabbing that bad idea? Has the home of the Overlord of Western Chu become this arrogant person?

What did Ting Bu know? If Liu Bang was able to get out of seclusion smoothly, with his eloquent tongue, he would 90% be able to stabilize the feuding princes and act according to the plan.

Something went wrong in the most critical place of Xianyang.

Sui He finally persuaded the great commander Zhou Yin to rebel against Chu. When everything was ready and only one step was missing, the ship capsized at the most critical moment - Zhou Yin failed to make even a decent splash, and just before Lu Bu The arrows killed them, and the remaining troops were all captured by Liushen Wushu.

Xianyang only fell into turmoil for a few hours before getting back on track.

But he said that after Liu Bang received the military report that "big things have been accomplished" from Suihe, he was already anxious, fearing that he would have long nights and dreams, so he took Hanzhong secretly and walked on the Ziwu Road.

He led an army of 30,000 men and marched hurriedly in the rain. After a night's work, he finally arrived at Ba Shang.

However, before he could feel a thousand emotions due to reliving his old dream, the scene that caught his eye was enough to make his eyes split open.

——Bashang, which was supposed to be deserted, actually had tens of thousands of elite Chu troops stationed in prepared formations!

After Han Xin received the gift from the Wei prisoners from his wise brother, he no longer had any worries.

He saw through Liu Bang's cautious temperament and guessed that he would not go straight to Xianyang, but would probably go to Bashang first to wait and see, so he led the 45,000 Guanzhong troops left behind by his wise brother and stationed them in Bashang. Waiting for work with ease.

He had just warmed up his seat when the Han army, covered in wet mud, appeared.

Liu Bang was horrified and broke into a cold sweat.

Did Sui He betray him, Fang spread false information to deceive him, or was there something wrong with Zhou Yin?

Seeing that Liu Bang was in a state of confusion, how could Han Xin, who was just waiting for his chance, give him a chance to figure it out?

In such a large Chu camp, Han Xin is undoubtedly the one who knows best the deep hatred between his wise brother and Liu Mouse.

Don't say that Liu Bang is persistent in his evil intentions and is always waiting for opportunities to cause trouble and eventually become a serious problem for the Chu State. Even if it is just to vent his anger on his virtuous brother, he will do his best to capture Liu Bang alive.

Han Xin gave an order, and the Chu army, which had been ready to attack, rushed forward like a tiger out of the cage, killing the Han army who was stunned by fright.

Liu Bang was naturally defeated.

Because he really didn't know the situation ahead, he looked forward to leaving the pass even in his dreams, but he really didn't dare to rush blindly outside the pass. He could only retreat westward with hatred and rush toward Hanzhong.

Seeing that Liu Bang had abandoned his army and was about to retreat towards the west, Han Xin would not let him go and immediately led his army to pursue him.

Seeing that their commander had fled, the Han troops, who were already afraid of the Chu army, lost their fighting spirit and huddled together. Although they had no formation, they could only let the Chu soldiers slaughter them in a hurry. However, they accidentally blocked Han Xin's pursuit. pace of.

The moment he was stopped, Han Xin still didn't give up.

Thinking of his brother's concern that he would rather give up the opportunity to kill Liu Bang because he was worried about him guarding Xianyang alone, Han Xin still pursued relentlessly despite knowing the danger of going deep alone.

Seeing the Chu army's momentum and relentless pursuit, the Han soldiers who desperately fled forward became more and more desperate.

In an instant, Han Xin had been chasing for several miles, and there were still more than a thousand Chu soldiers and strong cavalry following him closely, with a posture of never giving up until Liu Bang was cut into pieces.

On the other hand, Liu Bang still had a group of trusted generals and more than 600 scattered cavalry around him.

But being pursued all the way, the military morale

More than lax?

Even though Liu Bang hated the Chu general who was relentless in his pursuit and wanted to fight back, he had no choice but to lower his morale and had no choice but to keep his head down and run away.

However, the more confused you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes, not to mention that Liu Bang is only walking this Ziwu Road for the second time.

He was running away all the way, and he had to pay attention to the movements of his pursuers. When he was not careful, his favorite horse missed the ground with a hoof, and he hissed in surprise, causing him to fall down on the horse. He was so frightened that he lost his mind on the spot!

Thanks to his chariot, although it was not as good as the thousand-mile horse like the Wu Zui or the Jade Lion, it was still an extraordinary horse. After a moment of panic, he struggled up and continued to run forward.

After all this trouble, the effort was inevitably delayed for a while, and Han Xin and his party were chasing closer and closer.

Liu Bang complained in his heart, and turned around and shouted: "Why do sages kill each other? They are so talented, but they secretly hide themselves, and the king of Chu buried them. Why don't you let me live? I will be repaid in the future!"

Han Xin's face was expressionless, as if he hadn't heard anything. Instead, he took advantage of the moment when he was distracted and looked back, and chased after him, suddenly closing the distance again.

Seeing that the pursuer was close at hand, but the subordinates riding beside him were all panic-stricken and had no fighting spirit. Liu Bang sighed, looked up to the sky and said sadly: "I didn't expect that today would be the day of my death, Liu Ji!"

He was full of great ambitions, but he had to die in frustration at the hands of Xiang Jui, a reckless man with a yellow mouth. How could he be willing to do so!

As soon as he finished speaking, a sudden change occurred.

Although the sky has always been cloudy and the wind is humid, it rained heavily all night last night, so neither party took it to heart.

Just after Liu Bang shouted these words, a strong wind blew up, and dead branches and leaves flew everywhere, covering the sky and the earth.

And this evil wind suddenly moved from east to west, and suddenly from south to north. It was so messy that it made it difficult for everyone to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy and to move forward!

Even though Han Xin was full of military skills, he was also shocked by this sudden vision.

"Don't let Thief Liu escape, hurry up and give chase!"

His reaction was not unpleasant. He immediately drew out his halberd and threw it carelessly in the general direction of Liu Bang's previous location. He then braved the biting wind and took the lead to approach forward while voicing orders.

However, although the Chu soldiers reacted one after another and tried their best to pursue, they only left more than a hundred Han cavalry who had also lost their direction.

As for the old and cunning Liu Bang himself, he had taken the opportunity to escape and disappeared without a trace.


This unprecedented opportunity actually allowed Liu Thief to run away!

Why is this day so evil?

Why am I so incompetent!

When he thought that he was so well-prepared and yet allowed the slippery Liu Bang to trap him under his nose, Han Xin felt extremely depressed after the initial shock.

Thinking that his wise brother would be disappointed once he learned what happened today, his heart was filled with guilt.

Next time...

Don’t be careless next time!

Lu Bu, who was worried about the ashamed Han Xin, didn't know that his cheap brother not only chased the mouse for him, but also unfortunately missed it.

With 5,000 powerful horses, he drove 8,000 captives on the road. After arriving at the old land of Chu State, he saw the devastation everywhere and couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

Damn it, that bitch Tingbu has ruthlessly squandered the capital that this stupid king had finally saved to compete in the world. !

In Lu Bu's eyes, these cities covered with scars were simply hateful evidence that Ling Bu deliberately ruined his four-year plan!

Even though he had a headache, he could only allocate some people to stay along the way, re-promote officials, build the destroyed city walls, and distribute grain and grass to appease the local elders.

Fortunately, the people of Chu had always been loyal to the overlord. Even if they suffered a sudden disaster, they only hated the traitor.

The burning, looting, and harm along the way in Yingbu made the people of Western Chu unite even more, and they turned more towards the mighty King Xiang who was willing to avenge them in a furious manner.

What Lu Bu thought was a tricky process turned out to be effortless.

On the contrary, because he took the initiative to ask someone to help him a little and gave him a few words of comfort, the surviving elders in Chu Land burst into tears of gratitude and took the initiative to donate the only food left in their homes.

Lu Bu felt really bad when he saw that they looked haggard and hungry, yet they turned around and offered their loyalty.

Unexpectedly, the fool was famous for his killings outside, but his reputation in Chu land was so high that he was deeply respected and worshiped by the people.

And these grains...

As long as he is not a hard-hearted person, he will not be able to take it.

The people of Chu were even more surprised to see this handsome but handsome young general with a foul look on his face, but he took no money from him and only left some soldiers to rebuild their homes for them.

Seeing that Lu Bu looked in a hurry and didn't even have time to eat a hot meal, they continued south to find the army to join them, and they didn't dare to try to stop him.

After reluctantly watching the elite troops led by Lu Bu go away, he dared to ask the general his name.

As soon as they heard that it was General Lu Bu and Lu Fengxian who was highly respected in Qi, everyone suddenly realized and exclaimed "No wonder"!

It seems that the rumors in the market are indeed credible.

General Lu seemed to have a bad temper, but he was handsome and had a good heart.

The only blame is that the tattooed man was hateful, ungrateful and attacked his old master, and was cruel and wreaked havoc everywhere, causing the king and his generals to run around exhausted.

At this time, Lu Bu had an inexplicable evil fire burning in his chest. He had no idea that his reputation had been spread by some stupid people into a weird appearance that even his own mother could not recognize.

In addition to appeasing the cities along the way,

Apart from the common people, he did not stay too much and focused on his journey.

Five days later, he finally arrived at Lingbi where the flag of the Chu army's headquarters was erected.

At this time, no one in the Chu camp recognized the famous General Lu.

Seeing his sudden arrival, although the Chu soldiers were surprised, they did not hesitate and immediately let him go without saying a word. They also sent a special person to lead him to the main tent where Xiang Yu was.

Lu Bu was also calm and composed, unaware of how extraordinary the treatment was for him to march straight into his lord's camp at every turn.

When he arrived at the main tent with the soldier, Xiang Yu had obviously got the news in advance and had given orders in advance. He only waited for him to arrive, without even having to bother to inform him again. The guards standing in front of the tent bowed and saluted and respectfully invited He enters.

"Your Majesty!"

Lu Bu strode in with his head held high, calling loudly, and at the same time he took out something from his waist and threw it forward neatly.

Xiang Yu had quick eyes and quick hands. Even though the black shadow was coming at him quickly, he still caught it with a "pop" sound.

He frowned slightly and took a closer look. It turned out to be the Longyuan Sword that he had entrusted to the other party before leaving.

Lu Bu didn't wait for him to say hello, and quickly sat down on the nearest seat. His long legs crossed lazily, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his tiger eyes seemed to be shining, staring straight at Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu slightly tilted his head and looked steadily.

Although Lu Bu was still deliberately putting on airs, he could not hide the bright look on his brows no matter what: "I have lived up to the great trust of your Majesty."

Xiang Yu pursed his lips.

He looked deeply at the proud and proud general, and a soft light flashed across his eyes, and there were also waves.

When the waves subsided, he tightened his grip on the sword hilt and asked in a deep voice: "How is Xianyang?"

Lu Bu snorted softly and said softly: "Zhou Yin has colluded with the Han thieves and has already rebelled. There is also a lobbyist sent by the old Liu thieves hidden in the hall. If he is caught, everyone will get the stolen goods. There is no mistake." . If the king has any doubts, he can be investigated slowly after returning to the capital. All the ministers from the Intervention Ministry will still be retained——"

"No need." Xiang Yu said without hesitation: "Gu Xin Feng first."

I guess you idiot has finally grown up and realized what's good!

The corners of Lu Bu's mouth turned up unknowingly, and he reluctantly praised the fool in his heart, and added: "The capital is now guarded by Zhang Han and Brother Han. Although Zhang Han is a little timid, he is loyal. It’s usable. Brother Han is extremely smart and can’t do things properly. With the two of them guarding us, the king can rest assured.”

Xiang Yu nodded lightly.

Before Xiang Yu could ask any more questions, he perked up and asked about the frontline battle situation that he was more concerned about.

As soon as he heard that Xiang Yu had not lost his mind and learned that all the princes were rebelling, he immediately retracted the front line and let the main force retreat. He only sent Long Qie and Zhongli Mei to continue south to pursue Qing Bu and Wu Rui... Lu Bu's eyes widened and he couldn't hide it. Surprised "color".

Are you willing to use your brain? !

It’s time for red rain in the sky!

Sensing Xiang Yu's doubtful gaze, Lu Bu quickly restrained his surprise and sincerely agreed: "Your Majesty is wise, let those two young chickens peck each other!"

Xiang Yu: "..."

His eyelids twitched slightly, and he hesitated several times to look at his beloved general, who had white face, red lips, and pretty eyebrows. He was clearly 'younger' than anyone else. The words lingered on his lips for a long time, and finally he swallowed them wisely.

Once his intuition is exposed, Love will inevitably become angry... Then he will have to deal with it.

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