The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1101: Long live Lord was eaten to death

Although it may be a bit embarrassing to say that, when Chu Yue stepped in, Qin Heng was really a little vacant.

He stood up and said, "The concubine is here? Meals are available. Yanchang's food here is delicious, can I sit down and use some?"

Mr. Feng, who followed in behind, almost covered his face!

Long live master, you are a real dragon descending from the world, the body of ten thousand gold, you have not seen this kind of fearful slave.

Chu Yue smiled and sat down, and said, "It turns out that Yan often has good food here. No wonder the emperor will be special, but the emperor, you are not authentic, you can also stew in the court of your concubine. There are a lot of good things, you don’t use it, then it will be wasted."

"It's the reward." Qin Heng coughed dryly and said.

Chu Yue said: "It was specially called Lu Yuchu stewed by the concubine. From the morning until now, what a pity the emperor would not drink?"

"Niang, the emperor has already used half of this meal." Yan Changzai had to say with a stiff face.

"How does your food here compare to those in the palace?" Chu Yue gave her a faint glance, then took out the veil and wiped Qin Heng's mouth, and said: "The emperor, go back to Weiyang Palace for dinner Right."

"Yeah." Qin Heng also responded.

Then Yan Changzai watched as the emperor was taken back by the concubine.

After the palace maid came in and told that the emperor had gone far, Yan Changzai almost angrily swept all the delicious food on the table.

"Weiyang Palace is deceiving too much!" Yanchang said with red eyes.

After the emperor has been invited so many times, the emperor is finally coming over, not to mention how happy she is. After the emperor came over, she personally took care of the bath and served the soup and vegetables, hoping that the emperor would be able to Stay.

Moreover, depending on what the emperor meant, the emperor also wanted to stay. He was obviously satisfied with the tulle she was wearing, and looked back and forth several times.

But everything is ready, but I don't want to make a fool of halfway.

Just come to the door and take the emperor away!

Mother Mou frowned and said, "Always calm her anger."

"Quite my anger, how do you tell me to calm my anger? Weiyang Palace does not give me a chance to act like this. If she hadn't come over, the emperor would definitely stay here tonight!" Yanchang cried with red eyes.

Madam Mou whispered: "Always be here. It's unusual for the old slave to look at this imperial concubine. Don't be arrogant."

"What did you see?" Yan often listened to her and couldn't help but look at her.

"The face of the imperial concubine, this is a first-class beauty face, this kind of beauty face is all natural, even more famous!" Madam Mou whispered.

Yan often didn't understand these things, and Madam Mou, an old bust in the dark street, explained to her in a low voice how powerful a famous device can fascinate men.

Hearing that Deyan often flushed her cheeks, she couldn't help but jealous and jealous: "No blame for this old woman at her age, she can still charm the emperor's heart so much!"

Madam Mou sighed lightly: "More than charm the emperor's heart, the old slave looked at her, the emperor was a little afraid of her."

Yan Changzai became even more jealous and sullen, and said unconvincedly: "Why do you fear her, what kind of status is the emperor, and do you need to fear her?"

"In short, it was the old slave who underestimated this imperial concubine, and Chang is still remembered by her today. Now it is her who has the final say in the palace. Don't go out often at this time, keep a low profile and wait for the other opportunities! "Said Mother Mou.

Yan is often too angry.

Tonight, she is ready to show off what she has learned with Madam Mou, so that the emperor will like her and come here every day.

But in the end, she was really busy, and she couldn't help but feel wronged and angry!

Chu Yue took Qin Heng back to Weiyang Palace, without saying anything along the way. Only after returning to Weiyang Palace was it called a meal.

The dining room did prepare a lot of dishes, Chu Yue and other dishes came up, then said: "The emperor moves his chopsticks."

Qin Heng glanced at her, touched his nose and moved his chopsticks.

Chu Yue watched him put down his chopsticks after eating a little, and said with his own side: "The emperor is beginning to dislike Weiyang Palace's food. Isn't it as delicious as other palaces?"

"No, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to drink soup." Qin Heng said.

Magpie scooped up a bowl of soup. The milky-white fish soup was stewed with no fat or meat. The taste was indeed very good. Qin Heng was very satisfied with it.

Chu Yue said: "How does the emperor feel about drinking."

"Very good." Qin Heng glanced at her.

"Do the other dishes suit the emperor's appetite?" Chu Yue continued.

"It's all I love to eat." Qin Heng answers every question.

"The emperor knows it. If the emperor doesn't come to Weiyang Palace for a meal next time, he will send someone to speak first. I don't have to go so far to invite the emperor to eat." Chu Yue said.

Qin Heng still didn't know what she meant, coughing dryly, and said: "I just see Yan often invites many times, so I went to have a meal, thinking that I will come back when I use it."

"The emperor is still bathing there?" Chu Yue looked at his clothes and said, "But Yan often bathes in the emperor personally. Did you press the emperor's shoulder to relax the emperor?"

"She just went in and added two scoops of hot water, so I let her out." Qin Heng said.

Chu Yue sneered. She knew that this scum dragon liked the bathroom very much. If he was bathing, if she went in and wanted to rub his back or something, she would basically be unable to get out. In the end, he had to be held out!

"Not everyone is my noble concubine, and there are some treatments that only the noble concubine can enjoy." Qin Heng said when she saw that she understood it, said calmly.

Yan often wanted to go in and serve, but he really didn't let her go. It was a fact that she let her out after adding two scoops of hot water.

Chu Yue didn't bother to take care of him. He ate his own food and ate and drank enough. Then he went out for a walk, and Qin Heng also followed her out for a walk.

Manager Feng couldn't see it, because this imperial concubine really pushed her nose on her face.

Long live Lord didn't stay overnight at Yanchang, and he followed her back, which saved her a lot of face. What if he didn't stay with her to stay in Chuxiu Palace?

But now that she is back, she still behaves like this, and long live master coaxes her.

Chu Yue also knows what the scum dragon is like, so when she sleeps at night, she gets into the bed.

When he went out from the palace the next morning, Mr. Feng could see that Long Live Master was in a very good mood.

Belongs to the kind of happy brows.

Mr. Feng couldn't help sighing. Long live master is really the one named Weiyang Palace who eats to death.

I don't know what trick Weiyang Palace used after resting last night to make Long live Lord so happy.

"This time the wolf king's tooth string sent by the Great Prince Beidi was sent to the concubine, and it was hung in her room for her to drive away evil spirits and avoid evil spirits." Qin Heng remembered on the road and explained.

"Yes." Director Feng sighed inwardly.

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