This string of wolf king teeth was hung in the Panlong Hall, and was presented by the Great Prince of Beidi. It was made from the teeth of the steppe wolf king. This is the best gift in Beidi.

Because the wolf fang has the effect of exorcising evil spirits, especially the wolf king.

When Chu Yue got up, the magpie said, Xiao Xuanzi sent the string of wolf king teeth, and now it is hanging in the house.

After taking a look at this wolf king tooth string, Chu Yue looked calm.

Last night, she sacrificed a lot and made this scumbag too satisfied, so she would be rewarded.

Chu Yue feels like a cheap dancer.

But she asked for it herself. She found this wild horse. If she didn't look at it, she wouldn't be able to leash it.

If you want to live a good life, how can you not have a little green on your head? It's so appropriate to think about it.

Chu Yue went out after breakfast. At this time, the pomegranate outside was already very big, and it was about to mature.

Don't tell me, Chu Yue is really a bit greedy, and said to Bingye, "Bingye, do you think that pomegranate is almost the same?"

"The slave and maid pick it for the empress." Bing Ye nodded, and went up to pick the pomegranate at one point.

This pomegranate is as big as a man's fist. Chu Yue looks really like it, let Bingye help her break it, and Chu Yue tried to eat it. It's really mature, full of fluid and sweet. Nourishing.

"You guys all taste it. This year's pomegranate is also a bumper harvest." Chu Yue said to Bingye and the others.

"There are so many more behind, you will eat first, the servants and slaves later." The magpie smiled.

This year is indeed a bumper harvest. The pomegranate on the pomegranate tree is heavy. Chu Yue didn’t say anything, and ate the pomegranate myself.

I still feel a little bit unfinished, but the other pomegranates are not yet fully ripe.

She walked around the tree and didn't find any other mature ones, so it was fine.

At noon, Xiao Weiyang came back from the school and said, "Mother concubine, did my younger brother and sister kick you?"

Chu Yue is also used to asking her every day when she comes back from school, she also said: "Kicked, kicked the mother and concubine twice in the morning."

Xiao Weiyang came over to talk to the belly of her mother and concubine, coaxing the younger siblings and sisters inside, so that they should not make trouble with the concubine, it is not easy for the concubine to hold such a big belly.

When Qin Heng came over for lunch, he saw their mother and daughter like this.

"Father, my younger brother and sister kicked the mother consort again." Xiao Weiyang said.

"He is just naughty, and he will spank him when he comes out." Qin Heng said with a smile, his eyes also looking at Chu Yue, his eyes seemed to drip gently.

Chu Yue couldn't bear the look of this scum dragon. Sure enough, men are all virtues. They satisfied him on the bed and satisfied him. Everything else was easy to say.

Let the dining room set up meals, and the family of three will have lunch.

After lunch, Xiao Weiyang went to work on her own. She still has schoolwork to do, and she has grown up, so she doesn't plan to stick to her father, queen, and concubine too much.

Qin Heng and Chu Yue came to the study to write, and immediately lay down when they were too full. Chu Yue came to read and Qin Heng wrote.

"The old Chinese teacher will be back in a while," Qin Heng said while writing.

"Go back." Chu Yue nodded.

Qin Heng continued: "The old Chinese teacher is back, let him give Lao Jiu a name at that time."

Chu Yue raised his eyebrows to see how much he respected the old national teacher, so he nodded and said: "The emperor can make up his mind."

Because the belly is no longer small now, for more than six months, Qin Heng said, "When will Qin Yun come?"

"How can it be so fast, Xinger is still young." Chu Yue said.

"It's almost one year old," Qin Heng said.

Chu Yue gave him a blank look and said: "I let Yunyun come later, it doesn't have to be so early." She calculated it herself, and it was not too late to wait for thirty-seven weeks.

Clan Feng of Zhongzhou, Qin Yun has actually been preparing recently.

Because it has been more than six months for her little bitch, she thought she might give birth early, so she had to come early.

Feng Huainan was helpless, and said, "It's only more than six months now, and it's not too late to wait for eight months. Don't worry about Bo'er, but Xing'er is still so young."

"Their brothers and sisters don't have to worry about me, and there are parents, what can I say?" Qin Yun glanced at him.

Feng Huainan went and took her daughter from his mother's side.

When Xiao Xing'er came over, she was also very satisfied to see her mother. She was almost eleven months old, and because of the nutrition and growth, she was able to walk around the wall by herself.

But she is not clingy, no, after getting off her father's arms, she went to play with the small medicine next to her.

Feng Huainan said, "Go, find your mother to hug you."

However, Xiao Xing'er ignored her father and continued to play with her. Feng Huainan couldn't help but said, "Yunyun, how do I think she has the same temper with her elder brother? This temper is too insensitive."

"I was born with no stickiness." Qin Yun was not surprised at all, and said: "Look at her, don't let her put medicine in her mouth."

"Yang Yang is very sweet. Seeing that I am all short-term uncles," Feng Huainan said.

"The temperament is like her mother's concubine, and when she grows up, she is also a master of harm to the country and the people." Qin Yun smiled while taking medicine.

"We have to be cheaper then." Feng Huainan raised his eyebrows and said triumphantly.

"That's possible only after you train your son well, or you just have a dream." Qin Yun said.

Feng Huainan said hurriedly: "Well, how about you and your sister-in-law will get their baby kiss this time?"

He really likes Xiao Weiyang's niece, so it would be better to directly decide to be his son's wife.

"Yueyue said that when they grow up, let them make their own decisions, and whether they have fate depends on themselves." Qin Yun said.

"Sister-in-law is not satisfied with our son?" Feng Huainan said.

"Of course she also wants to marry Yang Yang, but this is not too small. There are so many variables. I am worried that in the future, Yang Yang will have someone she likes, or Bo'er will have someone she likes. When there are too many things, just leave it alone." Yun said.

Feng Huainan picked up her daughter.

Xiao Xing'er was sitting in her father's arms with a serious appearance, watching her mother make medicine there.

"Xing'er looks like you, your wife, and your temperament is exactly the same as yours. When you grow up, you will definitely be an ice beauty who is thousands of miles away." Feng Huainan was quite proud.

Qin Yun glanced at her daughter with a smile, and the daughter also looked at her mother and smiled at her mother.

"Come back later, if you leave early, we will be left in our house, how lonely? And it will take a few months to go." Feng Huainan said.

"Then go later." Qin Yun finished his work before taking over his daughter.

She was actually reluctant to part with her daughter.

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