The Consort is Sick, We Must Pamper Her

Chapter 1111: Three points more squeamish than me

"Auntie, my mother and concubine are too squeamish. She has been wronged when she sees you. I don't know. I thought she was treated so harshly by my father." Xiao Weiyang was held by her elder aunt and said.

"Have you not been treated harshly by your father? Look at her now, she has a big belly. What is the rest of her skinny?" Qin Yun said.

"No, no, my father and the emperor let my mother and concubine eat more every day, but my mother and concubine never eat more. Each meal is at most a bowl of rice, plus a bowl of soup, and she didn’t eat much. She was just afraid Gained weight." Xiao Weiyang said.

"Yes, she is afraid of gaining weight, then do you know why she is afraid of gaining weight." Qin Yun said: "When my aunt was pregnant, she was not afraid of gaining weight at all. Do you know why."

"Because no matter what the aunt becomes, the uncle will be obsessed with the aunt." Xiao Weiyang said.

Qin Yun laughed: "Yes, even if I am fat to a ball, your uncle will still treat me as a treasure, but your mother and concubine can't."

"Auntie, the father dotes on the mother and concubine very much." Xiao Weiyang quickly spoke for her father.

"There are some beauties in the harem no matter how you spoil it. Your uncle is the only one in the backyard, which is not comparable." Qin Yun said, putting Xiao Weiyang down.

She also looked at her little **** and said, "Is my belly so big, and I still eat like this?"

"My body is hot mom, I just look thin, and all other indicators are up to the standard." Chu Yue grievance passed, Na Na said.

Qin Yun gave her a white look, and said, "They all asked for it."

Qin Jiaoyu knew that the two of them had a good relationship, but looking at the way they got along, she knew that she still underestimated their sisterhood.

She was still a little envious.

As for Qin Yun not shying away from what she was talking about, she could understand it.

After all, like Qin Yun, she has only one man, but Chu Yue is different.

She is just one of the many flowers in the harem. Although much loved, the other flowers also attract the attention of the backyard master all the time.

Even if she is favored, she must always guard against other people.

After Chu Yue expressed her longing for her, Qin Jiaoyu also invited Qin Jiaoyu into the room and sit down. It was still quite cold outside.

"It's this month now, but you have to pay attention. When I was pregnant with my third child, my legs and feet were swollen and it was difficult to walk." Qin Jiaoyu said.

"I'm okay, I exercise every day, but there is no swelling." Chu Yue said: "It's just that I'm a bit nauseous recently."

"Let me take a look." Qin Yun heard the words.

Chu Yue just showed her the wrist, Qin Yun called the pulse, and said: "It's just a little bit of irritation, it's not a big problem, don't worry."

"Yunyun, are there any other problems? The little guy's fetal movement is a bit too frequent recently?" Chu Yue said.

"What frequency?" Qin Yun asked.

Fetal movement is normal, but if it is too frequent, it is not good.

Chu Yue just said: "If you count it in a day, there must be more than ten or twenty times."

"Is that okay? It was almost like this at the time, and it was more frequent than this." Qin Jiaoyu said upon hearing this.

"In the normal range, I have been pregnant with one person, so I don't need to scare myself." Qin Yun said calmly. She saw that her little bitch's pulse was very stable and healthy, and there would be no problem.

Xiao Weiyang ate the cakes and smiled: "When you came here by your aunt, all kinds of problems with my mother and concubine came out."

"Look, this is my little padded jacket. As expected, the same **** repels the opposite **** and attracts each other, always speaking for her father." Chu Yue just said.

"Why, I always speak with facts. With my aunt, you seem to be a little girl like me, three points more squeamish than me." Xiao Weiyang teased while eating cakes.

Qin Jiaoyu laughed and said, "Your little cousin is yelling outside. You take her to Concubine Liu to play on the slide."

"Okay, but why didn't Aunt Mu Ling come in?" Xiao Weiyang asked.

"She is lazy, she hadn't woken up when we entered the palace." Qin Jiaoyu said.

"The grandmother, you go back, remember to tell Aunt Mu Ling, let her come to the palace when she is free, and I will treat her with the third sister to eat delicious food." Xiao Weiyang said.

"Okay, my grandma took it down." Qin Jiaoyu smiled.

How could she say that she has a lot of seniority, and she became an aunt at this age.

Xiao Weiyang went out and took her cousin who hadn't been weaned to play in Luoyu Pavilion.

"Yang Yang is really Bingxue smart, and Yuxue cute." Qin Jiaoyu couldn't help but said, really wanting to tell her son, although it is a generational difference, it doesn't matter.

"It's not allowed to get married between immediate relatives." But before Chu Yue reminded her again, Qin Yun heard her meaning in this respect, and said.

Qin Jiaoyu said: "The imperial concubine told me last time, but I still don't understand what's going on. I was married, and Mu Bai is the seed of Xu Peck."

"It doesn't make a difference, it's too troublesome to explain, but you only need to know that it can't." Qin Yun said.

Qin Jiaoyu was particularly sorry: "I like Yang Yang very much." After she said this, she remembered and looked at Qin Yun and said, "Mrs. Feng, you gave birth to a daughter last year?"

"Yeah." Qin Yun answered.

"It's a coincidence, my third child was also born last year, almost old!" Qin Jiaoyu smiled.

"Well, it's fate." Qin Yun said with a glance at each other with her little bitch.

Qin Jiaoyu continued to speak as expected, and said with a smile: "Then what do you think of my third child? Don't watch him make a fuss, but children are like this. My character and his father will not be different in the future."

"These are only two milk dolls, you are too anxious." Chu Yue said she said.

"Where you are in a hurry, the baby is the best." Qin Jiaoyu smiled.

"I also hope to be able to marry the Grand Princess with Chang Lehou, but now it is too young, and there will be too many variables in the future, and when the children grow up, and see if they have that fate, I welcome the Grand Princess at any time. The children come to play." Qin Yun said.

Qin Jiaoyu was not disappointed when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Then I'm not welcome. I will take the children over to play when I have time. I haven't been to Zhongzhou yet, but I'm pretty early on the bridge over there. I heard it."

"You won't regret it, but it couldn't be better over there." Chu Yue detoured.

"I've also heard that although the population is much larger now, what Lu Bu said is the atmosphere in Zhongzhou." Qin Jiaoyu said.

Chu Yue smiled: "When I go there, I have to try those perfumes. That is the most precious thing. In the middle continent, there are everything you want."

Speaking of perfume, Qin Jiaoyu has more problems. How was this developed? It has been popular in several dynasties. Even the noble ladies of Beidi Xirong cannot escape the magic of perfume.

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